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lose somethinglipat 1.1rel. wrd.lipat 1malipat-lipaten2 1.1viFor something to become lost or stolen; for something to be missing; for a person to disappear, vanish; to become lost on the road.Bantayan mo kay tang mga karga ta, itaben malipat. Please watch our cargo, it might get lost. Galipat tang tambilog ang kotsara amen.One of our spoons is missing. Napanaw ami ong bokid, piro asing napa-ngio nalipato ra rin.We took a walk in the countryside, but when I took a shortcut I nearly got lost. Anttoman 1ov. syn.leag1 1.1leag2loag2 1.1
lose time doingawat 1.2viTo bother to do something; to lose time, or take the time to do something.Indi amo ra magpāwat ang tomabid, yadi onong baleng don.Don't you bother to go along, they say there are many drunks there.Indio magpāwat ang tomaboan ang mangomit tang libro.I won't take the time to go downstairs to get the book.India ra magpāwat ang magbalik tang sambalilo mo, mabo-wan ita ra ong motor.Don't lose time going back to get your hat, the boat will leave us behind.Napāwato pa ang napaning ong Ilog piro anday nabakalong mano.I took the time to go to Ilog, but I didn't find a chicken to buy.ov. syn.atraso 1bedlay 1.2
lose weightniwang 1.2Antniwang 1tambek 1.4rel. wrd.kelpa 1.1maniwang 1.1niwang 1niwang 1viTo become thin, lose weight.Nagniwang tang baboy nira tenged nagmasit.Their pig became thin because it got sick.kelpa 1.1viFor swelling, edema or a boil to go down; idiomatically, for a person to lose weight due to illness.Yadi rang natomarong bolong, animan kiminelpa ra ka tang simpeng na.I took a lot of medicine, that is why the swelling went down. Angay kiminelpā ra? Onopa, nagmasita?Why have you lost a lot of weight? Were you ill?ov. syn.kepet 1.1rel. wrd.niwang 1
lostita1 1.1ov. syn.bagat 1.1ita1 1ita1 1tagbo1 1.1vi., vtTo be able to see; to happen to see something, someone; for something to be seen; to find something that was lost; to discover something hidden.Abrian mo tang talamban, indio ra maita ta mo-ya.Open the window, I can no longer see well.Naita tanandia ta pagsoayan ong karsada.He happened to see a fight in the street.Ba-lōng naita ta maning ta nang klasi ta iloloak.This is the first time for me to see this kind of plant.Ang islang Manamok indi itaen mga maki-lep tang kalibotan.The island of Manamok cannot be seen if the weather is cloudy.Initao tang baboy mong napalpat don ong plasa.I saw your pig that got loose there in the plaza.Naitao ra tang librong nalipat.I've already found the book that was lost.ov. syn.toman 1.1rel. wrd.dep 1paita 1sirta 1.1sirta 1.1tarak1 1.1toman 1.1Antlipat 1.1toman 1ov. syn.basi1 3.1dangat 1.1toman 1toman 1rel. wrd.masinomanan1 1.1toman 1vtTo find something that was lost; to know the location of something.Natoman na ra tang koarta nang nabo-log ong karsada.She's already found her money that dropped in the street.Asta mandian indi natoman tang logod nang nalipat ong talsi.Until now her brother that was lost at sea has not been found.Indi gatomano tang libro ang galipat.I don't know where the book is that is missing.Gatomano tang balay nira ong Puerto.I know the location of their house in Puerto [Princesa City].ov. syn.ita1 1.1lipat 1.1rel. wrd.lipat 1malipat-lipaten2 1.1viFor something to become lost or stolen; for something to be missing; for a person to disappear, vanish; to become lost on the road.Bantayan mo kay tang mga karga ta, itaben malipat. Please watch our cargo, it might get lost. Galipat tang tambilog ang kotsara amen.One of our spoons is missing. Napanaw ami ong bokid, piro asing napa-ngio nalipato ra rin.We took a walk in the countryside, but when I took a shortcut I nearly got lost. Anttoman 1ov. syn.leag1 1.1leag2loag2 1.1
lost in dark (person)bonog-bonog 1.1viTo become lost and not know or be able to see which direction to go.Binonog-bonog ami asing pagtay amen ong Cuyo tenged masiado kaki-lep.We got lost and didn't know which direction to go when were riding on a boat to Cuyo island because it was very dark.
lost on road (person)loag2 1.1viFor a person to become lost on the road, take the wrong turn or path; to go astray.Aroy! Aypa bato tang dalan, naloag ita ra!Oh! Where is the road, we're already lost! synleag1 1.1leag2ov. syn.lipat 1.1rel. 1leag1 1.1viFor a person to become lost on the road, take the wrong turn or path; to go astray.Aroy! Aypa bato tang dalan, naleag ita ra!Oh! Where is the road, we're already lost! synloag2 1.1ov. syn.lipat 1.1rel. 1.2
lot (piece of land)loti 1.1nLot; a piece of land.Mabael tang loti amen don ong San Vicente.Our lot in San Vicente is large.ov. syn.tanek 1tanek ang masinggi 2.1tanek ang masinggi 2.1der. oftaneknLand owned by someone; a lot.Sinopay may nandia tang tanek ang agbakalen mi?Who is the owner of the land you are buying?Mabael tang tanek amen ong Roxas.Our land in [the municipality of] Roxas is big.ov. syn.loti 1.1
lot in lifepapil 2.1nIdiom meaning one's destiny, career, or lot in life (lit. one's paper).Tanandia tang manigdongkol ig ang manigogat ong balay nira. Ya ray sigoro ang papil na ong kaboi na.He's the cook and dishwasher at their house. Maybe that's just his lot in life.ov. syn.dangat 1.1soirti 1
lots ofdoro 1.1adjMany; lots of something.dakel 1.1adjMany; lots of something.Dakeleng taw tang namansipaning ong kasal.Many people went to the wedding.Antge-ley 1pirapa 1ov. syn.doro 1.2yadi 1.1yadi 1.1rel. wrd.pirapa 1.2yadi 1adjMany; lots of something.Yading sikad-sikad ang pinisik nirang nanilaw tenged ipabakal nira.They gathered many sikad-sikad shells in tide pooling because they will sell them.Monopag kayadi tang nālap ming kasoy?How many cashews were you able to pick?Antge-ley 1.3malaka 1ov. syn.dakel 1.1doro 1.2
lots or cardsbonlok 2.1viTo draw, as of lots, or cards in a card game.Mga Palarong Bayan pamagpabonlokan kang lagi mga sinopa tang tongkaw ang magkayam.At the District Sports Meet they first have the teams draw lots to see who will play first.
loudmapoirsa 1.1ov. syn.baked 1.1elet 1.1ingal 1.3maeletma-leg 1.1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1adj., advStrong; powerful; loud; loudly.Maski ge-ley tanandia piro mas mapoirsa pa ong manong na.Even though he is small he is stronger than his older brother.Maski naginiteg ta mapoirsa indi naba-yan amen.Even though he shouted loudly we didn't hear him.Antmalobayov. syn.mabakedmatibay 1.1ingal 1.2ov. syn.ingal 1iskandalo 1.1rel. wrd.ingal 1sikat 1tonog 1.5adjNoisy; loud.Si Juan yay ang kaingalan ong klasi.Juan is the noisiest one in the class.
loud abrupt voicelegda1 1.1Antalam-alam 1.1legda1 1vi., vtTo talk in a loud, abrupt voice as if one is angry; to talk or yell loudly, angrily; to lecture someone harshly, loudly to instill fear in them.India ka manlegda, teta geldan ita.Don't talk as if you are angry, sometimes we're afraid.Ang pamitala na panlegda maski indi gasilag.Her speech is very loud and abrupt, even though she's not angry.Legdaen mong lagi tang molang asia para indi moman ang magpasotil.Lecture that child harshly so he won't throw a tantrum again.ov. syn.daget-daget 1.1daragese 1.2
loud and eloquentlybirso 1.1viTo speak loud and eloquently; to give a speech, often in rhyme.Ong timpo ta politiko, ang mga kandidato pamagbirso ong plasa.When it's the time for political elections, the candidates give eloquent speeches in the plaza.rel. wrd.bitala 1tola1 1.2
loud sound (wind/engine)lago-lot 1.1ov. syn.bagrong 1.1lago-lot 1rel. wrd.dagoldol 1.2lago-lot 1viFor an engine to sound noisy or run rough before it stalls; for the wind to blow making a loud sound; the sound of animals running, i.e. "running hooves".Ang tonog tang makina pisan ang lalago-lot, itaben mapatayan ita.The sound of the boat engine is very rough, maybe it is going to die on us.Pisan dang lalago-lot tang kambian.The northeast wind is already really blowing loudly. rel. wrd.agrot 1.1dagem 1geneng 1.1
louder, makepoirsa 1.4ov. syn.ketel1 1.1poirsa 1poirsa 1todo 1.2rel. wrd.iteg1 1panalig tang nem2 1.1poirsa 1talig 1vtTo cause something to become stronger or louder; to strengthen or encourage a person.Agpapoirsaen tang maistra tang bosis na mga maingal tang mga iskoila.The teacher raises her voice (lit. makes it stronger, louder) when the pupils are noisy.India masiadong magsinti, papoirsaen mo lamang tang nem mo.Don't worry too much, just strengthen your inner being.Ang mga bitala na yay ang nagpapoirsa ong yen.His words are what encouraged me.Antlobay 1.3ov. syn.baked 1.3elet 1.3ketel1 2.1vtTo push hard to get a job done; to exert effort; to make something loud, strong.Pa-telan mo tang obra agod madaliang matapos.Push your work in order to quickly finish it.Ketel-ketelan mo ka tang bosis mo agod ba-yen ka tani ong loa.Make your voice louder so that it can be heard here outside.ov. syn.todo 1.2rel. wrd.derep 1patikaseg 1todo 1.2vtTo increase the volume or intensity of something; to speak louder; make something louder, or more intense; to exert effort in doing something.Todoan mo kay, indio mabasi.Speak louder, I can't hear.Maski mabael da tang bosis na, sinodoan pa ka enged.Even though his voice was already loud, he made it even louder. ov. syn.ketel1 2.1poirsa 1rel. wrd.todo-todo 1.1
loudlymapoirsa 1.1ov. syn.baked 1.1elet 1.1ingal 1.3maeletma-leg 1.1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1mapoirsa 1adj., advStrong; powerful; loud; loudly.Maski ge-ley tanandia piro mas mapoirsa pa ong manong na.Even though he is small he is stronger than his older brother.Maski naginiteg ta mapoirsa indi naba-yan amen.Even though he shouted loudly we didn't hear him.Antmalobayov. syn.mabakedmatibay 1.1kantiaw 1.1vi., vtTo yell happily, or loudly as in a ball game; to "egg" someone on, tease by yelling.Aroy! Ang taga Cambian ay pamagkantiaw, ang doma tatayaw-tayaw tenged pamandeg da!Oh! The people of barangay Cambian are yelling loudly, and some are dancing around because they are winning!Agkantiawan na tang mamola para magsontokan.He is egging on the children so they will box each other.
louseoto 1.1rel. wrd.bisik-bisik 1.1dapaw 1oto 1sorot 1.2nAdult louse; lice.Sirakena yen para malobot tang oto mo.I will look through your hair in order to remove all of your lice.kospad 1.1nHair louse, lice.synoto 1.2
louse eggliket 1.1nLouse egg; nit.
lovemal1 1.1ov. syn.mal1 1palangga 1.2n., vLove.Mālo si Nanay kaysa ong ni Tatay.I love Mother more than Father.poya 1.2synanggay 1palangga 1.1poya 1ov. syn.anggay 1.1poya 1rel. wrd.paborito 1.1palangga 1poya 1vtTo love someone dearly; to show special attention to a child; to spoil a child.Masiadoang mamōyā ong ana mo, animan tegat tang kolo na.You really spoil your child, that's why he's hardheaded.Agpōyaeno tang anao ang ari tenged malasiten.I show special attention to my youngest child because she is sickly.Asing ge-leyo pa, napōya-pōyao tang lolao.When I was little, I was dearly loved by my grandmother.Antlipi-lipi 1ov. syn.lābi 1.2palangga 1palangga 1.2ov. syn.anggay 1.1palangga 1palangga 1poya 1.2rel. wrd.paborito 1.1palangga 1poya 1vtTo love someone dearly; to feel affection for someone.Asing ge-ley ami, pinalangga ami to mo-ya ni Lola.When we were little, we were dearly loved by Grandma.Ikomostao ka nio ong yen ang agpalanggaen ang tangay ang si Ana.Please greet my dear friend Ana for me.Antlipi-lipi 1.2ov. syn.gegma 1lābi 1.2mal1 1gegma 1.1ov. syn.gegma 1palangga 1.2rel. wrd.gegma 1maginegmaen2 1.1nLove.Anday gegma na ong masig ka taw na.He has no love for his fellowman.Ipaita ta ong mga logod ta tang de-dek ang paggegma ta.Let's show to our siblings our sincere love.
love charmanting-anting 1.1rel. wrd.anting-anting 1orasion 2.2panagang2talagonsing 1.1tawas 2.1nMagic power possessed by certain people; a magic charm or talisman worn by some people; a love charm.Sia may anting-anting na! Maski panaw ong talon, indi de-deken ta malignos.That person has a magic charm! Even if he walks in the forest, he won't be affected by the evil spirits.rel. wrd.lamot2 1.2lomay 1.2panagang2lomay 1.1nA magic love charm, directed at a person by another in order to cause him or her to be attracted to them.lamot2 1.1nA magic love charm directed at a person by another in order to cause him/her to be attracted to her/him.
love growsrabong 2.1viFor love to grow, become greater.Monopa manrabong tang paggegma ta tatang babay ong nio mga yawa india ka paggegma ong nandia?How will a girl's love for you grow if you don't love her?
love handlesbilbil 1.1nBody fat found on the trunk; "love handles".
lovingmaginegmaen2 1.1adjLoving.rel. wrd.gegma 1
lowlagak 1.1adjFor an elastic waistband to be stretched out; for something to droop, be baggy; for a scrotum to hang down low.Malagak tang panti na tenged anda ray garter na.Her panties are baggy because there is no elastic anymore.
low (shallow)dibabaw2 1.1adjShallow, as of water or a hole; low, as during low tide.Ang wing aggalian dibabaw pa, anda pay tobod nang yadi.The well that is being dug is still shallow, there's no water appearing yet.Ang talsi mandian, ang dibabaw mga labi.The sea today, the low [tide] is at night.Antadalem 1.1ov. syn.pela 1.1