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shark with pointed noseso-sod1 1.1rel. wrd.bonoan 1poyo-poyo 2.1sarap 1so-sod1 1nA species of shark with a long pointed nose. (They are used for shark fin soup.)rel. wrd.boring 1.1kiw 1.2kiw and potolkiw ang poyatan 1
shark with sleepy eyeskiw ang poyatan 1.1rel. wrd.boring 1.1kiw 1.2kiw and potolkiw ang poyatan 1so-sod1 1.1nA species of shark with eyes that look sleepy. (They can be caught in nets or with hook and line.)
shark, small spottedboring 1.1nA small species of shark, with dark skin and white spots.rel. wrd.kiw 1.2kiw 1.2kiw and potolkiw ang poyatan 1so-sod1 1.1
shark/stingray viandkinonot1 1.1nA viand made of shark or stingray.Masabor ang tera tang kinonot. Our viand made of shark meat is delicious.
sharp (blade)matarem 1.1Antabol 1.2matarem 1rel. wrd.matalad 1.1matarem 1adjSharp, as of a blade.Matarem tang ta-bat mo, naigadano ra!Your knife is sharp, I've already been wounded by it!
sharp (knife/teeth)dolot 1.2vi., vtFor a knife, machete, scissors to be strong and sharp enough to cut through things which are tough or thick; for a person or animal to be able to chew up, masticate tough food.Indi ka ildot tang ged ang na.This machete can no longer be used for cutting things (i.e. is no longer sharp).Doldot pa tang gonsing mong asia? Palbetay ka.Does that scissors of yours still cut well? Please let me borrow it.Anda ray doltan tang gonsingong na.There's nothing that my scissors can cut anymore.Indi naldot ang namangan ta kamait animan rinabon na lamang.She couldn't chew the corn when she ate it, so she just tossed it out.Ang ana mo, onopa? Galdot dang mamangan ta kindi?Your child, can she chew up candy yet when eating it?Ang karni indi pa doltan, sigoro ilaw pa.The meat can't be chewed yet, maybe it is still undercooked.rel. wrd.mabol 1matarem 1.2talad 1.2
sharp (pencil)det2 1.2rel. wrd.det2 1tompol 1.2adjSharp or dark, as of a ballpoint pen or a pencil.Madēt tang lapis, ba-long tinasaran.The pencil is sharp, it was just sharpened.ov. syn.talad 1
sharp (tongue)matarem 1.1Antabol 1.2matarem 1rel. wrd.matalad 1.1matarem 1adjSharp, as of a blade.Matarem tang ta-bat mo, naigadano ra!Your knife is sharp, I've already been wounded by it!
sharp bladesabli 1.1nLong sword without a sharp blade, used by army cadets in training.ov. syn.ispada 1.2
sharp cornerkanto 1.2viTo accidentally bump or run into the sharp corner of something, causing pain or a wound.Naigadan tang tōto na tenged nakanto ong adili.His forehead got cut because he ran into the corner of a post.
sharpenbaid 1.1vtTo sharpen cutting edges of a blade.Ipabaid mo kay tang parakol ong ni Tay Juan para manarem.Please have Uncle Juan sharpen the axe so it will be sharp.tasar1 1.1vtTo sharpen something to a point.Tasaran mo kay tang lapiso, natompol da.Please sharpen my pencil, it's already worn down.rel. wrd.talad 1
sharpen a sawkilkig 1.2vtTo sharpen a saw, or shape something with a file.Kinilkigan ni Juan tang lagadi tenged indi ra māpotol ta ayo.Juan sharpened the saw because it will not cut wood anymore.ov. syn.torsi 1.2torsi 1.2vtTo sharpen a saw with a small file for this purpose.Torsian mo kay tang lagadio tenged mābol da.Please sharpen my saw because it is already dull.ov. syn.kilkig 1.2
sharpening stonebaidander. ofbaidnov. syn.karborandom 1karborandom 1.1karborandom 1.1Engov. syn.baidankarborandom 1nCarborundum; whetstone; sharpening stone.ov. syn.baidan
shatterpetek 1.1ov. syn.belak 1.1lilsik 1.1petek 1petek 1rel. wrd.boto2 1.2petek 1viFor something fragile like glass to crack or shatter, become broken.Na-tek tang antiparao ang nakarongano.My eyeglasses broke when I sat on them.Mga mangogata andaman mo tang mga baso, sia madaling mapetek. When you wash the dishes be careful with the drinking glasses, they will easily break.lilsik 1.1viFor something fragile to shatter, crack, or break open due to heat.Masinlong ipangalap ta malayo mga māga pa, tenged mga makinit da sia lilsik da.It's best to pick the malayo beans when it's still early in the day because when it gets hot the pods easily crack open.Indi tayonan mo tang baso ta wing makinit, itaben linsik. Don't pour hot water into the glass, it might shatter.ov. tang kolo2 2.1petek 1remek 1.2viFor something to be pulverized into little pieces; for something to shatter into small pieces.Aroy, ang basong nabo-log narime-mek da!Oh my, the drinking glass that fell shattered to pieces!Ang biskoit ang binakalo pisan ang narime-mek tenged kinarongan tang kargao.The biscuits I bought were completely pulverized because my cargo was sat upon them.ov. syn.biribod 1.2
shavelabra 1.1vtTo shave, make straight and smooth a piece of wood with a bolo or knife.Labran mo tang ayong nani agod boaten ang te-tekan tang ged.Shave and make straight this wood with a knife in order to make it into a handle for a bolo.rel. wrd.katam 1.2sapio 1.2
shave beard/mustachebarbas 1.2viTo shave one's beard and/or mustache.rel. wrd.galab 1.1git 1.1
shave headbolog1 1.1vtTo cut hair; to have one's hair cut.Magbolog amo tang boa mi oman sirokon mi tenged dodoldol, itaben inoyaw amo.Cut off a piece of your hair and then burn it because it is thundering, otherwise you might be struck by lightning.ov. syn.kalbo 1linat 1topi 1.1
shave head completelykalbo 1.2ov. syn.bolog1 1.1kalbo 1vi., vtTo become bald; to have one's head completely shaved.Teta ang mga soltiros pamagpakalbo tenged oso.Sometimes teenage boys have their heads shaved because it's in style.ov. syn.linat 1.1opaw 1.2linat 1.1ov. syn.bolog1 1.1linat 1vtTo have one's head completely shaved.Teta ang mga soltiros pamagpalinat tenged oso.Sometimes teenage boys have their heads shaved because it's in style.ov. syn.kalbo 1.2rel. wrd.opaw 1
shave hole smoothlogit 1.1vtTo make a beveled or double edge on a wooden cabinet, table, etc.; to shave smooth the inner edges of a hole or square in a piece of wood, using a knife.Mga indi magigo tang kabael tang kawayan ong boloat tang aggobraen ang bangko dapat lōgitan.If the size of the piece of bamboo doesn't fit the holes being made for the long bench, the holes should be shaved with a knife.
shave withgit 1.1vi., vtTo shave with a razor. (This can include facial hair, hair on the head, body hair, including the hair of animals.)Ang barbas mo, gītan mo ka tenged māboat da.Your beard, shave it because it is already long.rel. wrd.barbas 1.2galab 1.1galab 1.1gapas 1.2kirib 1
shena4 1.1ov. syn.na4 1nandia 1.3pers. prnHe; she; it.Ge-ley lamang tang nakomit na oman pinabakal na palá tang tanan.He only caught a few fish and then he sold them all.Teleken mo tang kambing mo! Na-led da ong solar amen ig mandian agganglaben na tang mga rosaso!Look at your goat! It has come into our yard and now it is chewing my flowers!nandia 1.3pers. prnHe; she.Pagoliko, inatedo nandia sa-sad ong kanto.When I went home he escorted me as far as the corner.ov. syn.na4 1tanandia 1.1pers. prnHe; she; him; her.Nataw tanandia ong Manila.She was born in Manila.Angay agbitalan mo tanandia? Why are you scolding him?
sheathtageb 1.1vtTo insert a machete or large knife into its sheath; to sheath a machete, large knife.Itageb mo kay siang ged mo, matarem paman, taben maigadan ita!Please sheath your machete, it's very sharp, we might be accidentally wounded!rel. wrd.togob 1
sheath a machete, totageb 1.1vtTo insert a machete or large knife into its sheath; to sheath a machete, large knife.Itageb mo kay siang ged mo, matarem paman, taben maigadan ita!Please sheath your machete, it's very sharp, we might be accidentally wounded!rel. wrd.togob 1
sheath, atagebander. oftagebn
shedonok 1.1viFor a person's hair to fall out; for an animal to shed hair or fur.Ang bolbol tang kosio pangonok tenged pagpa-let si ta ba-long bolbol.The fur of my cat is shedding because it is being replaced by new fur.Gaonok tang boao mga indio mapanlangis.My hair falls out if I don't put coconut oil on it.rel. wrd.opaw 1.2