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suitablekapas 1.1adjWorthy of something, someone; suitable; appropriate.Sigoro belago ta kapas ong pamilia mi.Maybe I am not worthy of your family.ov. syn.bagay3 2.1rel. wrd.poidi 1bagay3 2.1adjSuitable; acceptable; appropriate; worthy.Belaga ta bagay ang mangatawa ta malised tenged yawa may kaya mo.It is not appropriate for you to marry a poor person because as for you, you have means.Belago ta bagay ang magiga-pen ong nindio, gaeyako.I'm not worthy to join in with you all, I'm ashamed.ov. syn.kapas 1.1rel. wrd.poidi 1
suitcasemalita 1.1nSuitcase.
sulfurasopri 1.1nSulfur.
sulkkori-seng 1.1rel. wrd.kori-seng 1tamod 1.1toringet 1viTo scowl and shake one's head, and turn away; to sulk.Ang anao mga agtobolono ang manoro ta wi agkokori-seng ong yen.If I am instructing my child to fetch water he frowns at me and shakes his head. ov. syn.ko-mod 1.1toringet 1tongon1 1.1viTo sulk when not getting one's way; to walk off in a huff.Nagtongon tanandia tenged indi natoman tang kaliagan na.He walked off in a huff because what he wanted didn't happen.Ang ari na ay pagtongon tenged ang sindol ong nandia ang ibakal ta tinapay ay piso.Her younger sister is sulking because what was given to her to buy bread was just a peso.rel. wrd.tampo 2.1
sulkytongonander. oftongon1adj
sultansoltan 1.1nSultan.
summerkoarisma 1.1nSummer; hot season; drought time (March through May).Mga timpo koarisma doro kakinit ong balay, alos indio mapoyat ong sobrang ringet.When it is hot season, it is really hot in the house, I'm almost not able to sleep because it is so humid.Antkoliada 1.1ov. syn.tagkikinit2 1.1
summitkatalipo-pokan 1.1nMountain peak; highest point of a mountain; summit.Asing timpo ni Noe ang bā liminampas ong katali-popokan tang kalawigan ang bokid.During the time of Noah the flood was higher than the highest point of the highest mountain.ov. syn.pintol 1talipompong 1.1talipompong 1.1nMountain peak; summit; the very top of a tall tree or tall building.ov. syn.katalipo-pokan 1.1talibobongan 1.1
summonlambay 1.1vi., vtTo summon a person to come near by waving the hand downward in a large gesture.Sinopay aglambayen mo, yo?Who are you waving at to come, me?Lambayen mo kay tang molang paning tarin ong yaten.Please summon with your hand that child to come here to us.ov. syn.kaway 1.1paypay 1.1goy 2.1vtTo call to someone; to summon.Gōyano lamang nio mga panaw ita ra.Just call me when we're going to go.Midio may giminōy ong yen, sinopa bato?I think maybe someone called me, who do you suppose it was?
sunkaldaw1 1.1nSun.pakaldaw 1.1vtTo dry something in the sun.Ang mga mano ay panompit tang kamait ang agpakaldaw. The chickens are eating the corn which is being dried in the sun. ov. 1.1singkal 1.3rel. wrd.bonag 1.1
sun coming outsayag 1.1adjNice, clearing weather following bad weather, when the sun comes out again.Masayag da tang kaldaw, animan poidi ita rang magpakaldaw ta paray.The day is already clearing up, therefore we will be able to dry rice now.ov. syn.kinit 1.3rel. wrd.singkal 1
sun or moonarimem 1.1ov. syn.arimem 1maki-lep 1.1adjDim, as of the sun or moon; overcast, cloudy, or hazy.Mārimem tang kalibotan, midio lain tang timpo.The sky is overcast, it's like the weather is bad.ov. syn.oraw 1.3
sun shiningsingkal 1.2ov. syn.kaldaw1 1.2singkal 1rel. wrd.sayag 1.1singkal 1viFor the sun to be hot and shining.Siminingkal da tang kaldaw, poidi rang magbe-lad ong loa.The sun has already become hot, we can lay clothes outside to dry.ov. syn.kinit 1.3sinag 1.2kinit 1.3rel. wrd.kinit 1kinit 1kinit 1makinit 1.1malabab 1.1paelang1 1.1vi., vtFor the weather to clear up; for the sun to come out and shine; for the sun to shine right on a person or thing, making them hot; to be exposed to the sun.Kiminoran ongayna, tapos nagkinit si.It rained earlier, and then the sun came out again.Agkintan ita ra tani toga, paoman ita don ong maoraw.The sun is shining right on us, let's move over there to the shade.Ang play, mga koranan oman kintan, sia lengkag.If a piece of plywood gets rained on and then gets hot from being in the sun, it will swell up and warp.ov. syn.sayag 1.1singkal 1.2
sun, heat of thesingkal 1.1ov. syn.kaldaw1 1.2singkal 1rel. wrd.sayag 1.1singkal 1nSunshine; heat of the sun.kinit 1.1rel. wrd.kinit 1kinit 1kinit 1makinit 1.1malabab 1.1paelang1 1.1nHeat; sunshine.Ibe-lad ta si tang mga lambong ang lebay pa, may kinit da mandian.Let's put the clothes that are damp out to dry again, there is sunshine today.
sunbeamsinag 1.1nThe light or rays of the sun, moon, or a light.
sunrisete-la 1.1viTo rise, as of the sun or moon.Masinlong pade-kan tang bokid mga ba-long te-la tang kaldaw.The mountain is beautiful to look at when the sun is first rising. Indi pa ga-la tang bolan.The moon hasn't risen yet.Mga tenla ra tang kaldaw, paning ita ong bokid.When the sun is about to rise, we'll go to the fields.Antkorop1 2.2talmed 1
sunsetkorop1 2.1viTo set, as of the sun or moon (lit. to sink out of sight).Mapriskong magpanaw ong baybay mga gakorop tang kaldaw.It is refreshing to walk on the beach when the sun is setting.
sunshinesingkal 1.1ov. syn.kaldaw1 1.2singkal 1rel. wrd.sayag 1.1singkal 1nSunshine; heat of the sun.kinit 1.1rel. wrd.kinit 1kinit 1kinit 1makinit 1.1malabab 1.1paelang1 1.1nHeat; sunshine.Ibe-lad ta si tang mga lambong ang lebay pa, may kinit da mandian.Let's put the clothes that are damp out to dry again, there is sunshine today.
superiorpel 1.1EngnFavor or influence with a superior; to have "pull" with a superior.Anday pēlo ong iskoilan animan indio risibien.I have no influence (lit. pull) at the school therefore I won't be hired.
superstitionsliliyen1 1.1nSuperstitions; traditional rituals or beliefs; taboos.Ang mga mepet asta mandian ang mga liliyen nira indi pa enged mabo-wanan nira.The older people, up until now they still aren't able to leave behind their superstitions.Ang mga Agutaynen dorong liliyen ang pinanoblian nira ong mga kamepeten.The Agutaynens have many traditional beliefs which they inherited them from their ancestors.synirihis 1.1ov. syn.toromanen2 1.1irihis 1.1nSuperstitions; demons.synliliyen1 1.1liliyen2
superstitions, believeli2 1.1vtTo believe in, follow traditional rituals or superstitions in building a new house, planting rice, etc.; actions which are considered taboo, or are believed to bring bad luck.Mga magtokod ta ba-long balay, kaministiran ang maglī agod anday mainabo.Before starting to build a new house people must follow certain traditional rituals so nothing will happen.Paglī ka tang kamalay amen ang ba-lo mandol ta binik ong doma, tanandia kang lagi tang tongkaw ang manloak.Our neighbor believes in the superstition that before he gives others seeds, he should be the first to plant.Aglīan tarin ong yamen tang mambaken mga tatalonga ra ong lamisan ang pamangan.Here in our place it is considered taboo to sneeze when sitting in front of the table eating.Indi poiding magkakat tang katep obin magpaobra tang balay mga may napatay ong balay mismo obin kamalay tenged sia aglīyan.A person cannot remove leaf shingles or have work done on their house if someone died in that house or that of the neighbor's because that brings bad luck.
supervisealalay 2.1vtTo supervise a young person so they don't run around; to support a young person financially in school; to assist someone financially.Ang manang na tang nagalalay ong nandia asing pagadal na ong kolihio.Her older sister was the one who supported her financially and supervised her while she was studying in college.Ang manong na tang pagalalay ong nandia ang pagtorol ta koarta asing don tanandia ong hospital.Her older brother was the one assisting him financially by giving money when he was there in the hospital.pangolokolo2 1.2rel. wrd.gaem 1.2pangolokolo2 1viTo lead a group of people; to oversee, administer; to supervise work.Mga ang tatang taw indi matakong magekel tang pamilia na, monopa bato tanandia mapangolokolo ta masinlo ong tatang banoa?If a man does not know how to manage his family, how do you suppose he will be able to lead a community well?Yawa ray mangolokolo ang maga-wat ta bato.You be the one to oversee the carrying of the big rocks.rel. wrd.biot 1ekel 1
supperyapon2 1.1nSupper; dinner.
supportadal 1.2rel. wrd.adal 1liksion 1.2sigam 1.1toldok2 1.2vtTo support a student financially in school or college.Mga anday magpādal ong nio, anday doma mangoma ra lamang.If there's no one to support you in school, that's it, you will just have to farm.ov. syn.alalay 1alalay 2.1vtTo supervise a young person so they don't run around; to support a young person financially in school; to assist someone financially.Ang manang na tang nagalalay ong nandia asing pagadal na ong kolihio.Her older sister was the one who supported her financially and supervised her while she was studying in college.Ang manong na tang pagalalay ong nandia ang pagtorol ta koarta asing don tanandia ong hospital.Her older brother was the one assisting him financially by giving money when he was there in the hospital.