Browse Buli – English



woowo:; lmwuoo [lm]part.yes (cf. also mmm part.; woo is esp. used if the person addressed is too far away to understand mmm; wuoo includes a little annoyance, for instance when a question has been answered in the affirmative several times before)Wa beg mu ain ka n yeni ale nna, ate mi yuen `woo'.He asked me whether this was my house and I said ‘yes’.synmmmwuooyoosyn. yoo serve or take food that is still being prepared or has not been cooked long enough, to relieve from hunger (by giving or taking not completely prepared food)Kan woori jentanga te biika.Do not serve the child soup that is still in preparation.
woosiwoasi, wasiv.1to remove (esp. upper part of sth.), to take off or cut off (also with knife) a small part (cf. also cheri v.), to fall off or down (esp. parts of a wall or building)Woosi tantanga basi.Remove a bit of the sand.Wa doku woosi.Parts of his hut fell down.2to scrape off, to scratch off, to strip offWoosi daungtanga siaka nying.Scratch the dirt off the wall. barkwusi sayBa ale ngari a te wa la, wa kan zeri wu boa?When they cut (the meat) and gave it to him, why did he not refuse and say something?syn. yueni/weeni v.
wu-ngarungm m mwu-ngarungkun.sp. grass (used for covering big roofs)Ba pa ka wu-ngarung a pili mipini.They took wu-ngarung-grass to thatch the roof.wuuk (grass), cf. ngari (to cut)
wu-tulikwu-tulikawu-tulisan.second weeding (approx. one month after the first rain when crops begin to flower; after wu-tulik the early millet is harvested)Ba bora nag ka wu-tulik.They are working on the second weeding.wu-tulik-kuihoe for second weedingCf. puurik (first weeding)wuuk (grass), cf. tulim (to turn over)
wu-visingm m mwu-visingkawu-visungn.hard type of grassTengka dan ko fi n baga wu-visung a voori.When the land is dry, you cannot pull out wu-vising grass.
wu-yiibal m l; l h m; l m of grass (any type, but not millet etc.)Wu yiibanga a nyini-a.The grass seeds have developed (lit. come out).
wuliwuliadv.only in: a wuli [l m l] or ngwuli, nwuli [l m l] quickly, early, punctually, in time, on timeMi jam ngwuli [h h l m l].I came early.(Prov.) A wuli, a wuli yoari kan jo.A hasty penis does not enter (lit. quickly, quickly a penis does not enter).N jinla ale jam ngwuli.Today I will come on time.A wuli, a wuli!Quick! Hurry up!
wulim1wulim; m mwulimuwulintawulum [m m]n.sweat, heatWulim boro (syn.: tuilim boro).It is hot (there is heat).Fi le cheri wulum abe fi faari nipok.You will toil (lit. wipe off sweat) before you marry a woman.cheri wulimto wipe off sweat, to suffer, to toilwulim cherikatoil, hardship, fatigueWulim a nyini mu(lit. sweat is coming out of me) or wulim a so mu(lit. sweat is washing me). I am perspiring.synwulum sweat, to perspire, to be or feel hot (only in: ku a wulim it is hot; there is sweat) Ku a wulim n nying.I am sweating (lit. it is sweating [on] my body).
wun-nyokn.bad lucksynnang-biakwen-nyok
wuri1wuri; h hwuniwien.monitor lizard (Varanidae sp.: Varanus exanthematicus cf. also yuk Varanus niloticus?)(Prov.) Ba kan mobi wuri binbaansa sungsung-a.They do not cut open a monitor lizard in the midst of children (they do not reveal secrets to children).synyukVaranus exanthematicus
yuk (Varanus niloticus)
wuri2h hwuniwieyuri [jɥri; h h]n.winged termite (these insects, probably termite queens, fly into the light after rain and are eaten by Bulsa, "poor man's meat")Wienga piisi dela la.Here (there) are lots of flying termites.Ti jinla ale ngobi wie.Today we will eat termites.
wuri-kpaim m l; h h m; l m mwuru-kpain.(lit. occiput of a monitor lizard), def. wuri-kpani, pl. wuri-kpa small tree of the bushland (with knobs ‘like thorns’), used for carving handles of hoes and axes, vor small step ladders, rafters etc. (not long enough for chibsa)Wuri-kpai an wonga.The wuri-kpai is not tall. sip (up), to drink in sipsWurisi naa-biisimu maga-dega abe fi ge te biika.Sip a little of the cow's milk, and give the rest to the child.Kan wurisi jentanga miena.Do not sip all the soup. clot (e.g. T.Z., pudding, blood)Naa-ziim-bui ate tugsi la a wurisi kama.The cow-blood that we collected has clotted.
wurukwuruk; m mwurukuwurta or wuruktawurung, def. wurungku, pl. (rare) wurungtan.ants that are fed to chickens (sing. wuruk, wurung used in pl. meaning), contents of a pot (usu. cheng) with cow-dung and ants for feeding chickensSaliukude taa lag ka wuruk.This morning we have collected ants.wuruk chengearthen vessel that is used for trapping antssie wurukearthen vessel that is used as a beehive
wusi1wusiwosi or bark, to yelpNyini a nya se ka boa te biaka a wusi la.Go out and see why the dog is barking.Biaka a wusi nichaanoawa.The dog is barking at the stranger.
wusi2v. collapse, to break down (not completely)Biika a tabi siaka wusi.The child tread against the wall and it collapsed (partly).
wusumwusum; l lwusumuwusuma or wusiman.horseWa yaa do wusum.Then he rode on a horse.Ba var ba wusumanga.They seized their horses.wusum biam(lit. birth of a horse) used for a human birth when the preceding birth took place a long time ago (e.g. four or more years)Cf. also kuta-wusum n., wusuma-wuuk n., wusum duerik n., wusum(a)-gebik n.