ggaxrnega̠ʔ²¹nə³³🔊LOC SPATIAL方位above上面/shàngmiàn/Ngo so cexr leil goxr dae, yar li cexr leil goxr dae, yel yar ngo ggaxrne goxr dae. 我住在三楼他住在四楼,所以他住在我上面。I live on the third floor; s/he lives on the fourth floor, so s/he lives above me.Ngua xi ggaxrnebbor mel sixzzei vaervaer ar zzei zza. 我们房子上面有一棵很大的树。In a place above our house (there) is a very big tree.1. If you add the /-bbor/ locative then it is talking about a 'place' (above our house). 假若在 /ggaxrne/ 后面加上表示位置的 /-bbor/, 就论到位置了(如:在屋子上面)。This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborellelejiasikukurzzarlavulnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilyozalbbaerzalbborzile zzirzzarggaxrne ga̠ʔ²¹nə³³ggaxrbbor ga̠ʔ²¹bo²¹

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