nalzzar na⁵⁵dza²¹LOC SPATIAL方位back inside; up in里面(上面)/lǐmiàn (shàngmiàn)/Worga ga leil pox gel a, nalzzar ca kax nr zza. 翻过山,那里面没有村子了。Crossing over that mountain, up in (that group of mountains) there are no villages.Ngua miar bei ssi a, nalzzar arddol mermi ssi nia. 我们干活要去里面很远的地方。When we go to work we go far up inland.Baxlaxr mel, baxlaxr ji ggie nalzzar zabbar-seilseir a ji nia. 要把碗好好的放在放碗的那里面。The dishes need to be put carefully way back up in the place where dishes are put (in the back of the cabinet). Aniux hal ddox doxlzi gga nalzzar ddir a, ddux jjixr lei nr saexl a. 那个孩子走进洞子里面,不知道怎么出来了。That child entered deep inside a hole, and did not how to come back out.1. The /zalzzar/ means 'down in' when looking down in from outside and above. If it is a horizontal perspective, it refers to the other end or side of some enclosed space--from the perspective of where the speaker is--like the far end of a tunnel. The /nalzzar/ means 'up in' when looking from outside and below the area. If it is a horizontal perspective it means back inside of some space--looking from the outside. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。The /arddol/ in the second example is there to emphasize that the distance is very far.nalzzar ~ halzzarCompare 另见dexbbordexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsihalzzarjiasikukurzzarlamaelavullavulmaelelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarnalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeir leilyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarnalzzar na⁵⁵dza²¹

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