Browse English



thirsty, to bemanoevthirsty (to be)Eoʼ to manoe.I am thirsty.
thirsty, to continually bemamanoevthirsty (to be continually)Moaan voh, keʼ öök non kuru, emöm to mamaë voh nem, ko mamanoe voh nem, pamöm kökööt nem po ohop, ee to ipip voh a no möm.Previously and it reaches today, we(excl) had been hungry and and had been thirsty, and we(excl) were short of clothes, they had been hitting us(excl).
thirty30numthirtyA motoka to teʼ o 30 teʼ manuh Arawaʼ.The car carried 30 people to Arawa.
thisatavëhadvthisAtavëh hikta teʼ vih non.This is not good.manem 1demthis"Pënton ah, eöʼ se vanö nös a teʼ vëh se teʼ vovoh nös a soe peöʼ manem pën, eʼ se vovoh ka oah, pareʼ vamatop a hanan pën."You(p) listen, I will send later this person who will carry first my talk (messenger) to you(p), he will go ahead of you(p), and he will prepare the road.pamëhdemthat, these, thisA teʼ pamëh to vahoʼ a ö putoʼ manih pa mataneoʼ.That person put a piece of mud on my eyes.varihdemthese,, these ones, thisIvëh, ka ma napan varih to vavatet ne e Ieesuʼ manih Antiök, soe vaonöt ee pa ö nee se vakon moniʼ pa vaʼaus a ma teʼ va po vaman to teʼ ne manuh Jiutiaʼ.So all the people these here who followed Jesus (christians) in Antioch said agreeingly that they should donate money to help all the people who believe who lived in Judea.vaʼihconjso, thisE Hëërot to pënton a soe vaʼih pareʼ pah koman vaʼnaöp en, me a napan to teʼ ne Jerusalëm, ee me to pah koman vaʼnaöp ee.Herod heard this talk and he thought very fearfully and also the people living in Jerusalem, they also thought fearfully.vëh 1demthisO avui vëh pe voe.This is the man's nose ornament
this hereivaʼihdeterthis here, this oneIvaʼih a këh poa vëh na to up maʼ.That is this wild pig that we cannot tame.
this oneivaʼihdeterthis here, this oneIvaʼih a këh poa vëh na to up maʼ.That is this wild pig that we cannot tame.ivëh 2that is, this oneIvëh, ka se nok eah.This one, we will make it.
ThomasTömasBiblical Tömas vëh a meh ëhnaneah e Didimus,...and another name for this Thomas is Didymus.
thornku 2nthornKon maʼ ta ma ku moreʼ ka hun a ma kehaʼ.Bring the orange thorns then we (will) gouge out the clam meat.
thornyiivoeh 3adjsharp, thornyA iivoeh naon ivëh.This one is a thorny tree.toʼtoʼ 3adjthornyA ma kaën nip to teʼ me ne o toʼtoʼ.Some kinds of plants are thorny.
thosemanedeterthose, those thereHehe koman hah voh eo ah, parën këh kunah maʼ a kuruse mane, pö nën se keh teʼ nom e Koaʼ vamaman pe Sosoenën.You(s) rescue yourself first and you(s) leave that cross come down, if you(s) might be the very true Child of God."oe 3dial. var.poëdemthese, thoseA ma tah poë varih, eʼ a maʼ ta peöʼ.These things, they are mine.poë 2demthese, thoseA ma tah poë varih, eʼ a maʼ ta peöʼ.These things, they are mine.varemadjthoseKo teʼ varem to hikta onöt ne a pahan maʼ, pare nö maʼ manih pemöm.And those people are not able to come across, and they come here to us(incl).varuhprnthere, those"Eën se keh veo a möm, emöm se nö ko hop em po kuʼ varuh."If you chase us, we(excl) will go and go into the pigs there.
those theremanedeterthose, those thereHehe koman hah voh eo ah, parën këh kunah maʼ a kuruse mane, pö nën se keh teʼ nom e Koaʼ vamaman pe Sosoenën.You(s) rescue yourself first and you(s) leave that cross come down, if you(s) might be the very true Child of God."
thoughtskokoman 2nidea, plan, thoughtsKea, o kokoman pën to vih rakah.Brother, your thoughts are good indeed.
thousands upon thousandsususoannthousands upon thousands, uncountableEp öm e Sunön to nönö non maʼ me a ma ususoan ankeroʼ vivihan peʼYou(p) look the Lord is coming with his thousands upon thousands of holy angels
thrashing, to besusupavthrash (to continually)[thrashing]Manih pa ma muhin kurus a napan se karë, pare naöp pa ö no a tahiʼ to susupa va non.In every country the people will worry and they will be afraid of the way that the sea continually thrashes.susupatönvthrash (to continually)[thrashing]Ka supa susupatön e non maʼ peʼ keʼ tatakök en.And the waves continually thrashed it and it was broken.
threekukön 1numthree, 3A kukön növan soneʼ to teʼ ne pa heʼ.The three little birds are in the nest.kukön 2deterthree, 3A kukön këh ivëh pe voe to rusin en.The mans three dogs ran away.
throatororamnthroat, gullet, esophagusO ororom peöʼ to kamis.My throat hurts.
throbvamikvthrob (to)O kupu peöʼ to va vamik non.My heart is throbing.
throbvavutvutvthrob (to continually)[throbbing]O kupu peöʼ to vavutvut non.My heart is throbing.
throb hearttoon 1vbrace (to), force (to), push (to), support (to), throb (to) (heart)Ea se toon a vös vëh.We(incl) will push this stone.
throb with painvavaamikvpain (to continually have), throb with pain (to continually)[throbbing], twitch (to continually)(eye)[twitching]A mon neoʼ to sup pareʼ vavaamik rakah e non.My leg is swollen and it indeed throbs with pain.
throneihihoʼ 2nthroneKe eöm kurus varih to vatet voh a maʼ neoʼ, eöm se ihoʼ me em pa havun me ra poa ö ihihoʼ pa teʼ sunön.All the People (Son of man) will get a big name and he will sit on his sitting place (throne) because he is King.
throughkoe 4assocby, throughEa se koe manih.We will go through here.manih 3prepagainst, at, by, during, for, from, in, into, on, through, to, toward, withPare noh a ma kiun manih pa ma naire.And they fasten the writing there to their foreheads.
throwvi 1vabandon (to), abolish (to), heave (to), pitch (to), reject (to), rid of (to get), throw (to), throw away (to)E sinaneah to vi na kuma hat.Her mother threw away the bad sweet potatoes.
throw awayvivi 1vcriticize (to continually)[criticizing], throw away (to continually[throwing away)...eën he vivi e nom pa moniʼ po piaʼ me o kat....while you are throwing away money on beer and cards (card playing).
throw awayvi 1vabandon (to), abolish (to), heave (to), pitch (to), reject (to), rid of (to get), throw (to), throw away (to)E sinaneah to vi na kuma hat.Her mother threw away the bad sweet potatoes.