Browse English



teardrophun 2nfluid, juice, teardropA hun oe to vih rakah non pa kaak.The coconut juice is indeed very good to drink.hunun 2nfluid, juice, teardropA hunun oe to vih rakah non pa kaak.The coconut juice is indeed very good to drink.
tearedvauhununvtears (to.have)Ke Ieesuʼ vauhunun matan en.And Jesus' eyes teared (Jesus cried).
tearing, to besisivscrutinize (to continually), [scrutinizing], tear (to continually) [tearing]E voe to pah sisi vörep en peöʼ.The man is indeed really continually scrutinizing me.
tearing,to bekukurusvbreak (to continually)[breaking], chop (to continually)[chopping], cut (to continually)[cutting], rip (to continually)[ripping], tear (to continually)[tearing]Kukurus o naon vëh, ka maʼkis.Chopping this tree, then we (will) warm (ourselves).
teasehëkvscratch (to), tease (to)Eën hëk vatëh sih a teʼ a soneʼ to?Why do you always tease the little person (child)?
teaser, ahëkhëk 2nteaser (a)Eën a teʼ a pah hëkhëk vörep.You are a person who indeed really is a teaser.
teasing, to behëkhëk 1vscratch (to continually)[scratching], tease (to continually)[teasing]Eën a teʼ to hëkhëk vatëh.You are a man who is always scratching.
teeth myriurivonbdpt.nmouth (my), teeth (my)Ma riurivoneoʼ e teʼ to miʼin pa pëʼ.My teeth have a disagreeable taste from the mango.
teeth ofrivoeeronmouths of, teeth of...o vös sölpaʼ to tatavus tane’ no ma’ pa rivoeero hös...sulfur stones were coming out from the horses mouthsrivooroinal.bdpt.nmouths of, teeth ofKa ma moeh tah kurus poë varih se tanok marën a vamaaka a soe ne Sunön to soe tavus voh manih pa rivooro teʼ vanënën soe.And all these things will happen in order to make clear the talk which the Lord had spoken out through the mouths of the talk foreteller persons (prophets).
teeth theirriurivoeereinal.bdpt.nmouth (their), teeth (their)Ka napan poë varih kon vahat ko kokot e ne pa ma riurivoeere suk o kamis to apuh rakah.Then these people received badly (pain) and were biting their teeth because the pain was very big.rivoeereinal.bdpt.nmouths (their), teeth (their)A ma pasuiro hös to teʼ va ne manih pa pasun a laëon, ka manih pa rivoeere,...All the horses heads were like this a lion’s head, and in their mouths,...
teeth your privoeeneöminal.bdpt.nmouth (your) (p), teeth (your) (p)A soe pamëh to teʼ vatët rakah e non manih peöm, eʼ to teʼ e non manih pa ma rivoeneöm, me manih pa ma kupu peöm.”"that talk is indeed near you(p), it is here in your(p) mouths, and in your(p) hearts."
teeth your srivomahinal.bdpt.nmouth (your) (s), teeth (your) (s)...a tah nën to koman momoaan, parën to tavus eah manih pa rivomah, eʼ a tah pamëh to miröʼ e non po toʼtoʼ pën....the thing which you(s) think about first then you talk it out by your mouth, it is that thing which defiles your(s) life.
TekoknihTekoknihPrp.NTekoknihTekoknih eʼ a ëhnan a siku pemöm.Tekoknih is the name of our school.
tellhutët 1vtell (to)E Ieesuʼ to vuhvuh rakah en pee pan ee se nat ne hutët a tah vaʼih to tanok manih pee pon pa ta meh teʼ.Jesus indeed warned them that they must not tell this thing here which had happened here to both of them to another person.soe 1vaccuse (to), command (to), say (to), tell (to), talk (to)Ke susun apuh pa nap vavapus soe kee me ee pe Pöl ...Then the big boss (commander) of the fighting men (army) commanded and they took Paul ...taʼvask (to), command (to), suggest (to), tell (to)Taʼ e koaʼ vëh keʼ nö pa nok ma ta kiu.Ask the child here to go and do the work.uhioʼvlike (to be), tell (to)...o upöm to ep a tah ne Ieesuʼ to nok manih pe Lasarus, pare nö ee manuh po Parësiʼ, ko uhioʼ ke pee pa ma taeah neʼ to nok ee he ep ne....the others saw the thing Jesus did to Lazarus, and they went to the Pharisees and told them what things he did at that time they watched.vatavusvbeget (to), bring out (to), outside (to go), perform (to), reveal (to), show (to), tell (to)Nö maʼ vatavus.Come outside.vatvusvadmit (to), announce (to), appear (to), beget (to), bring out (to), confer (to), invent (to), originate (to), perform (to), reveal (to), show (to), start (to), tell (to)Vatvus na a soe ne tamömah to soe voh ka oah.Announce out the talk your(s) father had told you.vöhioʼ 1vtell (to)Keʼ vöhioʼ ka vamaaka ken pee pa pusun in a soe pe Sosoenën to kiun non manih pa Puk Vapenpen.Then he told them clearly the meaning of the talk of God that is written in the holy book (scriptures).
tellvavatavusvperform (to continually)[performing], reveal (to continually)[revealing], tell (to continually)[telling]E voe to vavatavus a soe pe Sosoenën.The man told out (preached) the talk of God.vavatvusdial. var.vavatavusvhappen (to continually)[happening], perform (to continually)[performing], reveal (to continually)revealing], tell (to continually)[telling]Eöʼ hikta vavatvus noʼ tah soe voon, ahik, a soe vëh moaan voh no teʼ vanënën soe, me e Mosës to soe voh a ö seʼ tavus.I am not telling out a new talk, no, this talk is the talk foretelling persons (prophets), and Moses had said that it would appear.vövöhioʼvtell (to continually)[telling]Kën kea me vameneoʼ, eöm se nat nem vövöhioʼ nem ta ma vöhioʼ hat piuk suk o upöm teʼ.My brothers and sisters, you(pl) must not be telling bad lying stories about other people.
tell storiesvauhioʼvmotion (to), signal (to), talk (to), tell stories (to)E Sëkaraëaʼ to tavus maʼ, pareʼ hikta onöt non a vaato me ra napan, pareʼ vauhioʼ koren me non raoe,...Zechariah came outside, and he could not speak again with the people, and he talked using his hands (sign language) with them,...
telling, to besosoevsay (to continually) [saying], talk (to continually) [talking], tell (to continually) [telling]Koe ah, parën nok vamanih pa ö nöʼ to sosoe va noʼ.Abstain from it, and you do it like this the way that I am continually saying.taʼtaʼ 1vcommand (to continually)[commanding], suggest (to continually)[suggesting], tell (to continually)[telling]...pare veo tavus o teʼ varih to taʼtaʼ ne a napan kee mimiröʼ ne a ma vaman pee,...and they will chase out these people who are telling the people and they are spoiling their faith,
temperheve 1nanger, rage, a taateʼ heve ov in a meh teʼ,......and the custom of anger towards another person,...ka 1npassion, temperKa pe teʼ vëh rës apuh.The temper of this man is very big.
temper, to continually have ahehevevangry (to continually be), temper (to continually have a)Kën heheve suk poʼ nom ataeah?’Then what are you(s) continually angry about?'
temporary spring, watertotooiʼntemporary spring (water)A uhön to hik ta totooiʼ kit en.The rain has stopped and the temporary spring is dry.
temptationpunöʼ 2ntemptationParën nat nom vaonöt a punöʼ, keʼ tavus manih pemöm.And you(s) do not allow this temptation, then it comes like this upon us.
tenhavunEnglishnumtenHavun teʼ se nö maʼ.Ten men will come.
tendenkaröʼnartery, muscle, sinew, tendenA ma karöʼ peöʼ to pak rakah e.My muscles are very tired.
tenthvahavunnumtenthKa vahavun, eʼ a vös krisopres, eʼ a pepereʼ me eʼ to totomoen.And the tenth, it was the chrysoprase stone, it was green and it was yellow.
Tepomanani'TepomananiʼPrp.NTepomanani'Tepomananiʼ eʼ a ëhnan a vöön.Tepomanani is the name of a village.