Browse English



then theka 3conj.n.mrkr ; ; conj.prn ; ; io.mrkrand n.mrkr, and the, then n.mrkr, then the, and we (incl), then we (incl), ?ke 1conj.artand, and the, then, then theKe sinan voh e Obet ivëh e Rut.And the mother of Obed was Ruth.ko 5conj.artand the, then theEmöm to ëën vahik ko toh me o koaʼ.We finished eating then we played with the children.
then theykeʼeconj.plmkr.prnand they, then theyKeʼe kurus rakah to mët vahik akuk rakah ee.And they all indeed just died completely indeed.
then we exclkemömconj.prnand we (excl), then we (excl)Kemöm sih vatet vavih o iu pën manih po oeh,...And we will follow closely your will here on the earth,...
then we inclka 3conj.n.mrkr ; ; conj.prn ; ; io.mrkrand n.mrkr, and the, then n.mrkr, then the, and we (incl), then we (incl), ?kea 2conj.prnand we(incl), then we(incl)Kea se nö Buka.Then we(incl) will go to Buka.
then whatkataeahconj.q.wdand what, then whatIvëh, kataeah no a teʼ vanënën soe vëh e Jeremaëaʼ to sosoe suk voh non to tavus vaman en.So, then and what this talk foreteller person (prophet) Jeremiah had continually talked about had become true.
then whoketehconj.q.prnand who, then whoEöm se keh iu varoe nem o teʼ varih to iu a ne neöm, keteh se poʼ voen a neöm?If you(p) love only these people who love you(p), who then will pay you(p)?
then you pluralköm 2Englishconj.prnand you (p), then you (p)Jeosëp! Sun ah! Parën me hah a poa tom sinan pën, köm hah manuh Israël, suk ataeah, o teʼ varih to kehkeh ip vamët ne e koaʼ to mët vahik ee.Joseph! Stand up (wake up)! and you(s) bring back your two mother relatives (wife and child) and you(p) go back there to Israel, because these peoplewho were trying to kill the child have died.
then you singularkeënconj.prnand you (s), then you (s)Sinup, keën se nö maʼ.Then you(s) will come tomorrow.kën 2conj.prnand you (s), then you (s)Kën se nö sinup.Then you(s) will go tomorrow.
TheophilusTiopirasBiblical SourcePrp.NTheophilusEën a teʼ topoan Tiopiras...You are an important man Theophilus...
thereivöhlocthereA kakök pa kavo ivöh po naon.The nest of the cockatoo is there in the tree.manem 2advthereE voe to nö manem.The man went there.maneomadvthat, thereHerep ka maʼ neoʼ a vameök maneom.Bring down to me that papaya.manuh 1locbeyond, over there, there, towardManuh po vöön vöh.Over there in that village.neën 3locthereE koaʼ se nö nën siku.The child will go there to school.nën 3dial. var.neënlocthereE koaʼ se nö nën siku.The child will go there to school.varuhprnthere, those"Eën se keh veo a möm, emöm se nö ko hop em po kuʼ varuh."If you chase us, we(excl) will go and go into the pigs there.vöh 1dial. var.ivöhadvthereA tah pe teh i vöh pa motoka?Whose thing is there in the car?
thereforeivëh 1conjhere, so, thereforeKe sinëëre pon ivëh e Tema.And the two of them (their) mother was Tamar.
theseoe 3dial. var.poëdemthese, thoseA ma tah poë varih, eʼ a maʼ ta peöʼ.These things, they are mine.pamëhdemthat, these, thisA teʼ pamëh to vahoʼ a ö putoʼ manih pa mataneoʼ.That person put a piece of mud on my eyes.poë 2demthese, thoseA ma tah poë varih, eʼ a maʼ ta peöʼ.These things, they are mine.varihdemthese,, these ones, thisIvëh, ka ma napan varih to vavatet ne e Ieesuʼ manih Antiök, soe vaonöt ee pa ö nee se vakon moniʼ pa vaʼaus a ma teʼ va po vaman to teʼ ne manuh Jiutiaʼ.So all the people these here who followed Jesus (christians) in Antioch said agreeingly that they should donate money to help all the people who believe who lived in Judea.
these herevarihdemthese,, these ones, thisIvëh, ka ma napan varih to vavatet ne e Ieesuʼ manih Antiök, soe vaonöt ee pa ö nee se vakon moniʼ pa vaʼaus a ma teʼ va po vaman to teʼ ne manuh Jiutiaʼ.So all the people these here who followed Jesus (christians) in Antioch said agreeingly that they should donate money to help all the people who believe who lived in Judea.
these onesivarih 2prnthese ones, are hereEmöm ivarih.We are here.varihdemthese,, these ones, thisIvëh, ka ma napan varih to vavatet ne e Ieesuʼ manih Antiök, soe vaonöt ee pa ö nee se vakon moniʼ pa vaʼaus a ma teʼ va po vaman to teʼ ne manuh Jiutiaʼ.So all the people these here who followed Jesus (christians) in Antioch said agreeingly that they should donate money to help all the people who believe who lived in Judea.
ThessalonicaTesaronaëkaʼPrp.NThessalonica...pareʼ nö en manuh pa vöön Tesaronaëkaʼ....and he went there to the town of Thessalonica.
TheudasTeutasBiblical SourcePrp.NTheudasEöm to nat e nem, moaan voh ne Teutas to soe pan, 'Eöʼ a teʼ sunön.'You know that, long ago Theudas said like this, 'I am an important person'.
theyeresbj.prntheyEre hikta pënton a soe peʼ.They did not listen to his talk.nee 2prntheyNee a poa tom kea köövo to nö pa kiu kuma pee.They the two women brothers went to work their sweet potatoes.
thickponotadjhuge, thickA teʼ ponot ivëh.The huge man here.
thicknesspoʼ 1nthickness, trigger fishA poʼ eʼ a iian apuh toʼtoʼ vörep.The trigger fish is a very big fish and very thorny.
thinkereadjthin, narrow, small piecesA siʼ ö kere ne to heʼ maʼ.The little area they gave us is narrow .vui 2adjripe, skinny, thinA paun vui to ninin vih.The ripe bananas taste good.
thin, to bevui 1vripe (to be), skinny (to be) ; thin (to be)A ma paun to vui vavih rakah.The bananas are indeed good and ripe.
thingta 2npeople, thingA ta Tesaronaëkaʼ to vaman vakis rakah, ee pare teʼ ee pa ma punisThe people of Thessalonica believe strongly indeed and they will carry their heaviestah 1narea, deed, meat, object, something, thingA teʼ to nok a tah vëh.The man made this thing.
things 1narea, ashes, cockroach, part, piece, place, portion, the wayÖ tah apuh rakah.The cockroach is a big thing indeed.“Eën se soe ke Aron, a tëëm neʼ to vahoʼ o tönim me o pöök ram pa ö vavahoʼ ram koman a Rum Vivihan, eʼ se vahoʼ vavih raoe, keʼ ëman topnin non a rum.”
thinkkoman 1vplan (to), remember (to), think (to)E Jeosëp to koman avoeʼ e non pa ö neʼ se këh en pe Mariaʼ.Joseph was still thinking that he would leave Mary.
thinking, to bekokoman 1vplan (to continually)[planning], reckon (to continually)[reckoning], think (to continually)[thinking]Eën se kokoman hah a nom, ko kokoman pën teʼ vatoe me non o vaman ne Sosoenën to heʼ voh a oah.You(s) should be thinking of yourself, and your thoughts should be the same with (equal to) the faith which God has given you(s).