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endlessanday pamanman 1.1rel. wrd.anday pamanman 1anday pamanman 1poas 1.1sigi2 1.2adjEndless, no end to something; no letting up; nonstop; unceasingly, continuously.Indi ita mapanibabaw, anday pamanman tang koran.We can't weed, there is no end to the rain.Anday pamanman tang alig tang soltiras ang asia.There is no end to that girl's wandering around.Ang mga taw mandian anday pamanman tang inem, tenged agto-dolan tang mga kandidato ta koarta.People these days are drinking nonstop, because they are being given money by the candidates.Antminos 1.2poas 1ov. syn.anday kataposan 1anday poas-poassigi lamangtodo-todo 1.1anday kataposan 1.1ov. syn.anday kataposan 1anday pamanman 1.1adjEndless, without end; eternal; forever.Ang obra ta tarin ong balay anday kataposan. Our work here in the house is endless. Onopa bato tang masinlong boaten ta para marisibi ta tang kaboing anday kataposan? What do you suppose is the good thing we should do in order to receive eternal life?
endureantos 1.1vi., vtTo suffer, bear, or endure pain, difficulties, hardship.Pagantoso lamang tang tanan ang kaliwagan tarin ong ta-paw tang kalibotan.I'm just suffering all the difficulties here on the face of the earth.synagoanta 1.1ov. syn.sarang 2.1torangotan 1.1vtTo endure an extremely bad smell.Indi ita ra matorangotan tang kālep.We cannot endure the extremely bad smell of urine.rel. wrd.agoanta 1sarang 2.1vtTo be able to do something; to be able to endure or bear something.Indio ra māsarang tang lamig mga labi.I can no longer endure the cold at night.Indi masarangano tang kaliwagan ang maning ta na.I won't be able to endure hardship like this.ov. syn.agoanta 1.1antos 1.1eged 1.1kaya1 1.2agoanta 1.1ov. syn.agoanta 1pinitinsia 1.2rel. wrd.agoanta 1agoanta 1sakripisio 1.1torangotan 1.1vi., vtTo tolerate or withstand a situation; to endure; to bear, suffer pain, difficulties or hardship; to persevere.Indio ra magagoanta tang ogali na.I will no longer put up with his conduct.Komiteno tang tonay ong kakay mo, piro agoantaen mo lamang tang sit.I'll take the thorn out of your foot, but you just bear the pain.Indio ra māgoanta ong mga kaliwagan ang na.I am no longer able to bear these hardships.Indi māgoantan tang kinit ong talsi.The heat out on the ocean cannot be endured. synantos 1.1ov. syn.ako3 1.1sarang 2.1rel. wrd.donong 2.1kosintir 1pabaya 1prosigir 1.1
enemalabatiba 1.1rel. wrd.labatiba 1tebel 1.1nSomething used as an enema.
enemykasoay1 1.1nEnemy; opponent; adversary; the person one is constantly quarreling with.Anttangay 1.5ov. syn.kakontra2kalaban2kalaban1 1.1nOpponent; enemy.ov. syn.kakontra2kasoay2solong 2.1vi., vtFor soldiers to attack or advance against their enemy; for a man to go to another man's house and challenge him to a fight.Sinolong tang mga sondalo tang kasoay nira.The soldiers advanced against their enemy.Solongon mo tanandia ong balay nira para matelekan da mga sinopa tang maiteg ong nindio.Go there and challenge him at their house so we can see who is the strongest of you two.rel. wrd.batok 1.2batok 1.2soay 1sogod 2.1tolos 2.1
energeticma-sik 1.1Antlospog 1.1malasado 2.1ma-sik 1ma-sik 1rel. wrd.banat2 1.1ma-sik 1adj., advTo be energetic, quick, lively; to be active in doing things; to be agile; vigorous.Ma-sik tanandiang somabat tang pasigem-sigem ong Balitang Agutaynen.She's quick to answer the riddles in the Agutaynen News.Yawa, ma-sik pa kaman tang mata mo.You, you are really quick to see things (lit. your eye is quick).Doro ka-sik tanandia ong klasi.She is very lively in the class.agrisibo 1.1adjAggressive, forceful personality, either in a positive or negative way; to be overly energetic in what one does, always in a rush.Yawang tawa, agrisiboa ka enged ang komaliek, animan poros langga tang obra mo.You person you, you are in such a rush in your actions, consequently the work you do is totally wrecked.Masiado kang agrisibo tang taw ang asi, animan madaling mabagat ta kasoay na.That person has such an aggressive personality, that's why he quickly makes enemies.ov. syn.aporado 1maiteg 1.1alakayo 1.1adjEnergetic; jolly.Ang molang alakayo pirming pagkayam, pagalig.Children who are energetic are always playing, running around.Silinsio, yo ray ang ating alakayo, maniglebek, manigdongkol.Be quiet, I am the one who is the jolly ati, the one who pounds rice, the one who cooks rice.maptik 1.1adj., advTo be quick, to move or work fast; to be ready to act, energetic; fond of doing something.Ang taw mga māptik, yading pagpaobra ong nandia.If a person is energetic, many are hiring him to work for them.Ang olita ay genlek ong balay na, mga belaga ta māptik ang bomiot india madep.The octopus disappears into its house, if you aren't quick to grab it you won't be able to catch it.ov. 1.2
engagement fall throughbigtat 1.1viFor one's engagement, plans for marriage to suddenly fall through.Nabigtat tang pagpangatawa na ong ni Maria tenged may doma rang galiagan na.His marriage plans with Maria fell through because there was another woman that he liked.
enginedagoldol 1.1nSound of an engine.May dagoldol da ang agba-yeno, sigoro may motor ang kakabot.There's already the sound of an engine I hear, perhaps there is a motorboat arriving.makina 1.1nMachine; motor; engine.dageb 1.1nThe loud pounding, thudding sound of a sound system or engine; the loud sound of thunder.Indio napoyat ong dagēb tang togtog.I wasn't able to sleep because of the loud pounding sound of the music.Nangelel tanir ong sobrang eled nira asing pagabasi nira tang dagēb tang doldol.They shook because of their great fear when they heard the loud sound of the thunder.
engine in pumpboatposo2 1.1nA type of engine found in larger pumpboats. (They are started by pulling on a starter rope and are known to be quite fast.)
engine problemsabiria 1.1viFor an engine to have engine problems.Pirming pagabiria tang makina tang motor, angay inding lagi inayos mi?The engine of the boat is always having engine problems, why didn't you fix it right away?ov. syn.palia 1.1
engine, sound ofdagoldol 1.1nSound of an engine.May dagoldol da ang agba-yeno, sigoro may motor ang kakabot.There's already the sound of an engine I hear, perhaps there is a motorboat arriving.
EnglishInglis 1.1prop. nThe English language.
engraved markerlapida 1.1nSomething made of marble or polished stone and engraved with a name, usually a gravestone or a name marker on a person's office desk.
enjoywili 1.1vi., vtTo be absorbed in doing something; to be fascinated by or curious about something, wanting to look at it, touch or hear it; to really enjoy or appreciate something.Naorio tenged nawilio ra ong istoria na.I was late because I was so captivated by his story.Gawili tanandia ang temelek ong mga bidio.He is always absorbed in watching video movies.Gawilio ong ana mong asia tenged dorong gata-wanan nang obra.I really appreciate that child of yours because he knows how to do a lot.Ang molang ge-ley yay ang gawilian tang lola na kada damal-damal.The baby is what her grandmother is captivated by every morning.ov. syn.kaya2 1.2lingat 1.2tonay-tonay1 1.1gana 1.2vstatTo enjoy an activity.Agganano pang mamedmed tenged agderepano pa.I still enjoy sewing because I'm still industrious about it.konsoilo 1.2vi., vtTo be free to enjoy passing the time doing something with no thought to the time; to have a fun, carefree time; to really enjoy something without limit; to cause someone to have a good time; to make someone happy by giving them something.Magpakonsoilo ami ang mandelep ong damal tenged malinaw.We will enjoy passing the time swimming tomorrow because it is calm.Nakonsoilo ami tang pangan tang sirgoilas.We really enjoyed eating the Spanish plums.Indi ami ra ka pakonsoiloan mo maski tang botilia ra lamang Coke?Won't you make us happy by giving us even just one bottle of Coca-Cola?Pakonsoiloan mo kang oldan tang mola ta ribon para mambeng ka ong sadili na.Make the child very happy by giving him a ribbon so that he'll be happy with himself.ov. syn.imayma 1.1pagosto 1.1pagosto 1.1Antmakiki 1.1ngilin 1.2pagosto 1pagosto 1rel. wrd.abonda 1koripot 1.2pagosto 1vi., vtTo enjoy something without limit or reserve; to have no preference for something; to like whatever is given, available, i.e. "all the same to me"; to do or give something unreservedly, without limit.Dorong sinimpan ang pamangan ong pista, pagosto tang mga taw.A lot of food was prepared for the fiesta, the people could eat all they wanted.Asing ge-leyo pa ay pagostō lamang tang pagralambongono, maski malimpio, maski maboling.When I was little, it was all the same to me what clothes I wore, whether they were clean or dirty.Ta, anda ra tang tanan ang mga bagay ang pinagostoan mo ta mo-ya!So now, all the things you enjoyed without limit are now gone!Mga may taw ang pama-dol ong yen ta tabang, pagostoano lamang mga onopay ministirin na ong yen.If someone asks for help from me I will give him unreservedly whatever he needs from me.ov. syn.galiagimayma 1.1konsoilo 1.2liag 1.1vi., vtTo want or desire something; to like, enjoy something; to be happy or pleased with a person; to approve of someone, something.Galiago rin ang temelek tang litrato mo.I would like to see your picture.Ang lambong ang binakalo naliagan tang tangayo.My friend liked the dress I bought.Maderep tang torobolon animan naliliagan ta mo-ya tang agalen na.The househelper is very industrious therefore her boss is very pleased with her.rel. wrd.donong 1oyon1 1
enjoy the tastesabor 1.3rel. wrd.masabor 1.1sabor 1vstatTo enjoy the taste of something; to find something delicious.Ang mga taw pisan ang agpanaboran tang lotokong karning kambing.The people really enjoy the taste of my dish of goat meat.ov. syn.donong 1.1oyon1 1
enjoy without limitimayma 1.1vstatTo really enjoy something, without limit or control. (This usually refers to something new, to the point of not controlling oneself, like wearing new shoes constantly, or gulping down a cold soft drink that one seldom tastes.)Ang taw ang asia agimaymaen ong ba-long motorsiklo na animan sigi lamang tang pasikad.That person is really enjoying his new motorcycle and so he just continually drives it around.ov. syn.konsoilo 1.2pagosto 1.1rel. wrd.sablek 1
enjoyablekonsoilo 1.1adjFun; enjoyable; bountiful, many.Konsoilo tang tayaw amen!Our dance was so much fun! Konsoilo tang borak tang paomangga amen.The fruit on our mango tree is bountiful. ov. syn.abonda 1.1mambeng 1mambeng 1.1Antmakayeyegte1 1.1mambeng 1mambeng 1pongaw 1.1ov. syn.konsoilo 1.1mambeng 1adjHappy; cheerful; joyful; enjoyable; fun, a good time.Mambeng tanandia tenged kiminabot tang koarta na.He is happy because his money arrived.
enlargebael 1.3ov. syn.bael 1olbo 1.1rel. wrd.bael 1mabael 1.1viFor something or someone to become or grow larger; for a child to grow up.Ang abokado kadaling nambael tenged bintangan ta abono.The avocado tree grew big very quickly because fertilizer was put on it.Aroy! Nambael kaman tang sinangoni na, onopa pagosto lamang ong pamangan.Wow! Her body really has gotten big, it's because she's always eating without any discipline.Aria pa nambael? Where did you grow up?
enlightenedkāyagan 4.1der. ofayag1viFor a person to become enlightened.Ang taw mga namalamad da ong Dios, gāyagan da tang kinaisipan na.A person who has woken up to God, his mind is now becoming enlightened. Antki-lep 1rel. wrd.sayag 2.1
enlightenmentkayagan 2.1nUnderstanding; enlightenment.Ang bitala tang Dios pagtorol ta kāyagan ong kinaisipan ta.The word of God gives enlightenment to our minds.
enoughosto 1.1ov. syn.ikakao-ya2 3.1mo-ya1 3.1osto 1osto 1osto 1sinlo 1.7adv., adjWell; very; enough; correct; properly; sufficiently.Indi pa mabitala ta osto tang molang ge-ley.The small child can't speak well yet.Indi ka midio sinisian mo ta osto tang yan.It seems like you didn't scale the fish very well.Aroy, animan palá sia, nanambeka ra ta osto. Goodness, so that is why you got so very fat.Mamangan amo ta osto! You all eat well! Osto tang sabat na animan nandeg.Her answer was correct therefore she won.Antmali 1ov. syn.masinlo 1mo-ya1 1tama1 1.1taket 1.3rel. wrd.igo2 1.1sokol 1.2taket 1viTo be enough, sufficient; to fit, be the right size.Nagtaket ka tang sapatos ong nio?Did the shoes fit you?Balampa magtaket ka tang belat ang gabo-wan para may madongkol pa.I hope the rice that is left will be enough so there will still be some to cook.rel. wrd.gantang 1.2kaban1 1sekeb 1.1tama1 1bastanti 1.1ov. syn.bastanti 1bastanti 1bastanti 1eben-eben 1.1ma-da 1.1tera2 1.2adjEnough, sufficient; extra, a surplus of something; abundant.Palbetay ka tang belat mi mga bastanti pa, indi ami pa gapangayeg.Kindly let me borrow some rice if you have extra, we have not been able to harvest yet.Mga bolan ta Mayo, bastanti tang sirgoilas may lomboy.When it's the month of May, the Spanish plums and Java plums are in abundance. Antkorang 1ov. syn.abonda 1.1sobra 1.2tama1 1.1Anttalak 1.1tama1 1ov. syn.kasarangan 1.1tama1 1rel. wrd.gantang 1.2kaban1 1sekeb 1.1taket 1.3tama1 1adjCorrect; right; accurate; appropriate; proper; adequate; sufficient; enough; enough already.Ang bindoat na ay poros tama. What she made was totally correct. Tay, tama kaman tang sabat mo.Ah, your answer is indeed correct. Onopa tang tamang boaten mga may molang agkinten?What is the right thing to do if there is a child with a fever?Tama ra sia! Maingal! Magalin amo tarin!That's enough already! It's noisy! Go away from here!Antmali 1.3ov. syn.osto 1.1
enough, justkasarangan 1.1adjJust enough, just right; adequate.Kasarangan lamang tang napa-bat amen ang paray.Our rice harvest was just enough. Masinlong pa-dekan tang sinangoni mo, kasarangan lamang.Your body is beautiful to look at, it's just right. ov. syn.tama1 1
enslavekirepen 1.2vtTo enslave someone; to treat someone like a slave.ov. syn.degdeg 1
enterteled 1.2ov. syn.intra 1.1sanib1 1.1teled 1teled 1teled 1terep 3.2rel. wrd.losob 1.1teled 1vi., vtTo come in, enter; to go inside a house or room; to break into a building, house; to enter or invade a place, territory, or country.Pa-led amo kay tani ong salas.Please come in here to the living room (lit. cause yourself to come in).Sinopay siminled ong balay ang may nalipat?Who broke into the house where something was lost?Asing damal-damal da, sinled nira tang kampo tang mga ribildi.When it was morning, they invaded the camp of the rebels.Antloa 1.2dayon 1.2ov. syn.dayon 1dayon 1diritso 1.2ka-yat 2.1rel. wrd.dayon 1istar1 1.1tinir 1.1vi., vtTo come in, enter a house; to stay overnight somewhere.Poidi ami kang madayon? May we please come in?Ta, ong ariapa nagdayon don ong Cuyo?Well, where did you stay overnight there on Cuyo?Kada balay ang agdayonan ta bolto linibot amen da.Every house where a religious image was staying the night, we went around to it.sogod 1.1rel. wrd.sogod 1toloy2 1.1vi., vtTo keep on going without delay; to insist on continuing a trip in spite of bad weather; to enter a place directly, without hesitation.Maski dorog kapoirsa tang koran, siminogod ami pa ka enged, animan poros ami lebay.Even though the rain was very strong, we still kept on going anyway, therefore we all got wet.Sinogod amen tang biahi maski mababael tang langeb.We insisted on continuing our journey even though the waves were big.Maski may kirong pangalat, indio inledan, sinogodo ka enged.Even though there was a dog that bites, I wasn't afraid, I entered directly anyway.rel. wrd.tolos 2.1
enter without calling outsolpot 1.1viTo show up, appear without notice; to come into a house or gate without calling out a greeting first, or asking permission.Ang anao ang pagadal ong Puerto, bigla lamang sosolpot, indi pagpatako mga maglekat.My child who is studying in Puerto [Princesa City], he just suddenly shows up, he doesn't let anyone know he's coming home.Nakiboto pa, golpi ra lamang siminolpot tang taw ang asi tani ong teled tang kodal, indio ka mailala.I jumped, that person just suddenly came in here through the gate without calling out a greeting first, and I didn't recognize him.
entered byteledan1 3.1der. ofteledvtTo be entered by an evil spirit; to be possessed by an evil spirit.Asing sinled tanandia ta dimonio pirming paginimod.When he was possessed by a demon he was always laughing.Yading malain ang ispirito tang pinalayas ni Jesus ong mga taw ang sinledan nira.There were many evil spirits which Jesus cast out from people whom they had entered. ov. syn.sanib1 1.1terep 3.2terep 3.2vTo be entered by an evil spirit; to be possessed by an evil spirit.Agte-pen tang kolo mo ta dimonio!There's a demon inside your head! (lit. Your head is being entered by a demon!)ov. syn.sanib1 1.1teled 1teledan1 3.1