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eratimpo 2.1nTime of year; era; season for something.Asing tokaw ang timpo tang mga Kastila ay masiado tanirang maigpit.Long ago during the time of the Spanish they were very harsh.Mga timpo ta kasoy, yading koarta ta mga taw.When it's the cashew season, people have lots of money.ov. syn.sagsag 1tagCV- 1.1
eraseiris 1.1EngvtTo erase something.Irisen mo tang blakbord ba-loa molik.Erase the blackboard before you go home.bora 1.1vtTo erase something, scratch something out with a ballpoint pen or pencil.Boraen mo tang arano atan ong listan mo tenged nabayado ra tang otango.Erase my name there on your list because I have already paid by debt.
erectpa-deng 1.1vtTo stand something upright; to erect something; to build, construct a house, building, etc.Maliwag ang magpa-deng ta balay mga timpong koran.It is difficult to build a house during rainy season.Nagpa-deng ami ta mga posti ong binit tang dalan para takenan tang mga banting-banting.We erected posts along the side of the road in order to attach bunting to them.ov. syn.bawik 1.1tokod1 1.1
erect corner poststokod1 1.1rel. wrd.bogsok 1.2palpal 1.1potog 1.2tagdek 1.2tokod1 1tokod1 1vtTo start building a house; to put in the first posts for a house, or lay the foundation.Tanira tang nagtokod tang pondasion, ig mandian doma sing mga panday tang pagpadayon tang obra.They were the ones to lay the foundation and now other carpenters are the ones continuing the work.Ganing tanira, tokodon si ono nirang moman tang balay nirang nageba.They said, they will start rebuilding their house that collapsed.Onopang bolanay tinokod tang balay mi?What month did you put in the corner posts of your house?ov. 1.1rel. wrd.tongkod1 1.2
erectionkotol 1.4rel. wrd.kotol 1salsal 1.1viErection; for a penis to become erect.Ang anao mga ba-long napoaw ang botok na agko-tol. When my child first wakes up his penis is erect. Ang barako, mga galiag ang mangilag pisan ang ko-tol tang botok na.A boar, when he wants to mate, his penis is really erect.
erodeorab1 1.1ov. syn.latab 1.1orab1 1vtFor an animal to destroy something by chewing or gnawing on it, such as rodents eating clothes; for water, waves to erode, "eat away" sand or earth.Sayang da tang lambongong ba-lo inorab da tang ambe.Too bad about my new dress, it was recently chewed up by a rat.Ang kiro ay nangorab tang manong ge-ley ang patay.The dog chewed up the small dead chick.Ang kenay ong baybay aggoraben da tang langeb.The sand on the beach is being eaten away by the waves.rel. wrd.alat 1.2ingkib 1.1ka-kab 1ki-kib 1latab 1lotad 1bangbang 2.1viFor a wound to become larger, developing a large hole in the skin or a tropical ulcer; for the beach to be badly eroded.Nabangbang tang bisito ang inalat tang kiro.My calf which was bitten by the dog has developed a large hole in it. Don ong kambian ang baybay agbangbangen da tang langeb.There in the north part of town the beach is being badly eroded by the waves.ov. syn.bakokang 1.3ka-kab 1.1ka-kab 2.1ka-kab 1.1rel. wrd.alat 1.2ingkib 1.1kabra 1.3ka-kab 1ka-kab 1ka-kab 1ki-kib 1latab 1lobaw 1.1lotad 1lotaw 1orab1 1.1vtFor land to be eroded; for earth around trees to erode, exposing roots.Ang tanek ong binit tang baybay kina-kab da tang langeb.The land near the edge of the beach has already been eroded away by waves.Agka-kaben da tang langeb tang kanioyan ong binit tang baybay.The coconut palm grove near the beach is being eroded by the waves.ov. syn.bangbang 2.1rel. wrd.dagta 1.1wawa 1.1wawa 1.1
eroded with holesgaloang 1.2ov. syn.boloat 1.3galoang 1rel. wrd.bangalog 1.1galoang 1viFor an area of ground to become eroded and full of holes due to heavy rain or the action of waves.Ang tanek ay gagaloangan mga timpo koran.The ground becomes eroded with holes during rainy season.
errandtobol 1.2rel. wrd.paning 1.2tobol 1vtTo instruct or order someone to do something; to send someone on an errand.Sinopay agtobolon mong manoro ta wi?Who do you send to fetch water?Nanobolo ong mola ang mamakal ta ki-yoy piro indi ra nabalik.I sent a child to buy an egg but he hasn't come back.Patobolay ka don ong Cambian mga ang Wenia nakabot da.Please go there to barangay Cambian for me to see if the Wenia pumpboat has arrived yet.ov. syn.ordin 1.2toyon 1.3
errand boygatobol1 1.1nMessenger; errand boy or girl (literally, someone to send, command); an employee whose main duty is running errands; a "go-fer".ov. syn.torobolon2 1
errormali 1.2Antmali 1osto 1.1rel. wrd.mali 1mintis 1.1nMistakes; errors.Magpasinsia amo ra lamang ong mga kakamaliano. Please forgive me for my errors.mintis 1.1nA small wrong done to someone; error; doubt, uncertainty.Ge-ley lamang mintis, gerepan ang lagi.Even if it's just a small wrong, he immediately gets mad.Binanggilo tang lamlam, sakep, anday mintis. I threw a rock at the bird, I hit it, without an error. Anday mintis paning ang enged ang mamangan ta karni.Without a doubt he will come to eat meat.rel. wrd.mali 1
errorskakamalian 1.1nMistakes; errors.Angay indi aminen mo tang kakamalian mo?Why don't you admit to your mistakes?
escapelayas 1.1ov. syn.lay 1.1layas 1layas 1losot 1.1vi., vtTo run away, run off; to flee, escape; to take off, leave, or abandon someone; to roam around like teenagers do.Naglayas tanandia tarin ong Agutayan tenged dorong talak na.He ran away from Agutaya because of his many wrongdoings.Asi, lalayas da!He's there, he's already taken off! Papintaena ra lamang yen ang magbalenga, layasana ra yen.I'll give you just one more time to get drunk and then I'll run off and leave you.ov. syn.keras 1.1poga 1.1sikad 1.1takas 1.1takas 1.1viTo escape from prison.Ang katawa na ay timinakas, asta mandian indi ra gitaen.Her husband escaped and up until now has not been seen.ov. syn.layas 1.1poga 1.1losot 1.1viTo escape; to get out of a place or a predicament.Aba! Lomosota rin! Sigoro kalaom mo anday taw tani ang pagbantay.Oh! You were going to escape! Maybe you thought there was no one here watching.Nalosot tanandia ong kaso na tenged anday nagtistigos ong kalaban na.He got out of his case because his opponent had no witness.ov. syn.layas 1
escape (smell/air/heat)tongaw 1.1viFor the air to escape from a balloon or a tire; for a smell to escape; for the ground to steam and smell; for something to evaporate; for a fever to go down.Simingaw da tang balōn.The air has escaped from the balloon.To-ngaw tang tanek mga ba-long kiminoran.The ground steams right after it rains.Dapan mo ta mo-ya tang kasilias, itaben tongaw tang kalpot.Cover the toilet well, the bad smell might escape. Elten mo tang dapa tang pabanglo agod indi tongaw. Tighten the lid of the perfume so it won't evaporate. Bogān mo tang sian na ta belat agod ma-ngaw tang kinit.Rub chewed-up rice on his stomach so the fever will go down (lit. escape).
escape from prisonpoga 1.1viTo escape from prison.Pirapang taw tang nagpoga? How many people escaped from prison? Indi amo magpoga tenged madep amo tang polis, sigoradong sigbaken amo.Don't you escape because if you're caught by the police, they will surely beat you up.ov. syn.layas 1.1takas 1.1
escapeepoganti 1.1nAn escaped prisoner; anescapee; fugitive.
escort someoneated 1.1vtTo escort someone; to deliver something; to take something to someone in order to share it with them, such as food.Sinopay nagated ong nandia don ong programa?Who escorted her to the program?Mga matapos da tang tamping ang agpaboat mo, ipātedo lamang atan ong nindio.When the large basket that you're having made is finished, I'll have it delivered there to your house.Patigayon mo kay ang a-dan tanira ta tera komo anday tera nira.Please take them some viand because they don't have any.ov. syn.aroman 1ekel 1
especiallylabi pa 1.1advEspecially; particularly.Maliwag ta belat labí pa mga tagkokoran.Rice is scarce, especially during rainy season.Magboat ita ta mo-ya ong tanan ang taw, labí pa enged ong mga logod ta ang pamagto ong Gino.Let us do good to all people, particularly to our brothers who believe in the Lord.
especially for another personpasadia 1.2vtTo intentionally make or buy something for a special occasion; to do something especially for another person.Nagpasadia pa ang namakal ta ba-long lambong mo para ong kakaldawan mo.You intentionally bought a new dress for your birthday.Angay india ka namisita ong balay, pinasadiana pa yen ang linotokan ta karning mano.Why didn't you visit our house, I even cooked some chicken especially for you.rel. wrd.sadia 1.2
establish associationpondar 1.1vtTo found or establish an association, a club; to institute a government or a ruling body.Ang mga nanay namagpondar ta asosasion nira para tomabang ong mga mepet dang pisan.The mothers founded their association in order to help the very elderly.
esteemdengeg 1.3rel. wrd.dengeg 1taw 1.6vtTo give, show honor or respect to someone; to esteem someone; to praise someone; to glorify God.Agpadengegan tang mga taw tang Obispo ang kiminbot ong pagbagat nira ta mga banda may ati-ati.The Bishop who arrived is being honored by the people by meeting him with a band and cultural dance.ov. syn.dayaw 1galang 1.2galang 1.2ov. syn.dayaw 1.2galang 1rel. wrd.galang 1maginalangen2 1.1vtTo show respect to someone or something; to respect someone; to esteem someone.Ang mamola ong Agutaya, pamagbisa mga alas sais ong labi bilang paggalang ong mamepet.Children on Agutaya ask for a blessing at six o'clock to show respect to their elders.Ang taw ang gatakong tomabang, indi maimong indi galangen ta aroman na.A person who knows how to help others, it's not possible that he will not be respected by his companions.ov. syn.dengeg 1.3
estimatemato-mato 1.1rel. wrd.mato-mato 1pinto 1propita 1.1vtTo predict or foretell what will happen in the future; to guess or estimate.Ang lolo amen gatakong magmato-mato tang onopay mainabo ong oring timpo.Our grandfather knows how to predict the future as to what will happen in the last days.Indi gamato-mato mo mga pirapay otango ong nio?Aren't you able to estimate how much my debt is to you?ov. syn.hola 1.2karkolo 1.2pinto 1.1karkolo 1.2ov. syn.banta-banta 1.1karkolo 1karkolo 1panaid 1.1vtTo estimate or calculate something.Karkolōn mo kay mga pirapay otango ong nio.Please calculate how much my debt is to you.Karkolōn mi ra lamang tang oras mga igorolik da, oman molik amo ra lamang.Just estimate the time you should go home, and just go home then.ov. syn.kointa2 1.1mato-mato 1.1santiar 1tantia 1.2ov. syn.panaid 1.1tantia 1vtTo estimate, guess at.Asing gatantia na rang ga-la ra tang wi, ang lamlam dayon dang minabak ong soba.When she guessed that the water was running out, the bird proceeded to come down to the river.Tantiaen mo ngani mga ang lambong ang nani magigo ong nandia.Please estimate if these clothes will fit her.synbanta-banta 1karkolo 1.1santiar 1.2ov. syn.banta-banta 1.1
estimationsantiar 1.1ov. syn.karkolo 1.2santiar 1nOne's estimation; opinion.Ong santiar mo, pirapa bato tang simbang tang baboy ang na?In your estimation, what is the weight of this pig?Onopay santiar mo, belag bato ta malangeb mandian?What's your opinion, aren't the waves rather big today?isip 1.2ov. syn.demdem1 2.1isip 1isip 1laom 1.3rel. wrd.demdem1 1isip 1isip 1nem 1paino-ino 1.1pinsar 1.1plano 1.2ton 1.2trato 1nThought; opinion; estimation.Ong yen lamang tatang isip, belag ta tanandia tang nangomit.In my opinion, he was not the one who took it.ov. syn.pabetang 1panaid 1panaid 1.1ov. syn.isip 1.2panaid 1rel. wrd.pama-dek 2.1panaid 1nObservation; estimation; view, viewpoint.Onopay panaid mo tang kalibotan, na bato komoran?What's your observation of the weather, does it look like it will rain?ov. syn.karkolo 1tantia 1
eternalanday kataposan 1.1ov. syn.anday kataposan 1anday pamanman 1.1adjEndless, without end; eternal; forever.Ang obra ta tarin ong balay anday kataposan. Our work here in the house is endless. Onopa bato tang masinlong boaten ta para marisibi ta tang kaboing anday kataposan? What do you suppose is the good thing we should do in order to receive eternal life?
eternal lifekaboing anday kataposan 1.1nEternal life (lit. life with no end).
ethnic grouptribo 1.1nEthnic group; tribe.