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light, (firewood) easy tosi-kat 1.1adjFor firewood to be dry and therefore easy to light, i.e. it will catch fire quickly; for a fire or a lamp to burn brightly.Ang gatong mo ilaw pa, belag pa ta masi-kat. Your firewood is still green, it's not yet easy to light. Ang kingki mga ang tabaw na gas masi-kat, piro mga krodo māreng.If a small lamp's fuel is kerosene, it burns brightly, but if it's crude oil then it is dim.Antareng 1.2ngey-ngey 1.1rel. wrd.det1 1.1
light, (firewood) hard tongey-ngey 1.1rel. wrd.areng 1.1ngey-ngey 1adjFor firewood to be green and therefore difficult to light, i.e. it will not easily start burning.Indi kang lagi igatong mo tang ba-long langaw, sia ilaw pa ig mangey-ngey pa.Don't use the newly gathered wood for fuel, it's still green and still difficult to light. Ang gatongo nalbay ta koran, animan mangey-ngey. My firewood got wet in the rain, so now it is damp and won't easily start burning.Antdet1 1.1si-kat 1.1
light, apa-kal2 1.1rel. 1sinag 1.3nA light; lamp; flashlight.Sindian mo kay tang pa-kal don ong kosina.Please light the lamp there in the kitchen.
light, becomeayag1 1.3Antayag1 1ayag1 1ayag1 1kaki-lepan2 1kaki-lepan2 2.1ki-lep 1.3rel. wrd.ayag1 1ayag1 1malamad 1mayag1 1.1sayag 2.1viFor the sky to become light in the morning; for the sky to clear up after being cloudy and rainy.Poaw da! Pangayag da.Wake up! It's already getting light outside. Ay salamat, pangayag da ka, balampa anda ray koran.Oh thank goodness, the sky is clearing up, hopefully there won't be any more rain.Antki-lep 1maki-lep 1
light, flickeringde-kal 1.1rel. 1dekal 1.1dingkalnA flickering light or ember seen at night on the road, in a coconut grove, etc.Onopa bato si, angay may de-kal ong talsi?What do you think that is, why is there a light flickering out on the ocean?Talabi asing pagolik amen ang nagpolaw may inita amen ang de-kal don ong kanioyan.Last night when we came home from the wake, we saw a flickering ember near the coconut grove.
light, give offdekal 1.1rel. wrd.dekal 1gelang 1.1singgat 1viFor a light to light up, come on; to give off light, such as a lamp or the moon; to flicker.Pondi ra sigoro tang bombilia tang layt, animan indi ra dengkal. The bulb in the flashlight has perhaps burned out and that's why it won't come on.rel. 1dingkal
light, turn on apa-kal2 1.2rel. 1sinag 1.3vtTo light a lamp, turn on a light; to use something as a light; to light up an area with a lamp or light.Angay bato pagpa-kal tanira ong monisipio maski labi?Why do you suppose they have the lights on at the municipal building, even at night?Maki-lep don ong koarto, pa-kalen mo kay tang pa-kal.It's dark there in the room, please turn on the light.Pa-kalan mo kay tang tolok, manolok ita rin.Please light the torch, we will go out looking for fish and crabs in the tidal flats.Agpa-kalan ta kingki tang sirong tang balay mga may gapatay.When someone has died, the area underneath the house is lit up with a small lamp.ov. syn.sindi 1.1rel. wrd.kingki 1lampara 1tolok2
lighter in weight, to becomerisiko 1.1viFor the weight of something to become less over time; for something to become lighter. (For example, a sack of rice that leaks will weigh less after it is been handled; seaweed will weigh less after being stored since it continues to become drier.)Mga indi malango ta osto tang tambalang asia pagrisiko. If tambalang seaweed isn't dried out well initially, the weight continues to become less.
light-fingeredmāboat ta kalima2 1.1adjAlways taking, stealing things (literally, his/her arm is long).ov. syn.takaw 1
lighthouseparola 1.1nLighthouse.
lightningkoldap 1.1nLightning.kirlat 1.1viFor an object to flash in the light; for lightning to flash in the sky.Pisan ang kikirlat tang ged tang pamagsinolog.The swords of the ones dancing the sinolog are really flashing. Makaeled tang koldap talabi, pisan ang kikirlat. The lightning was frightening last night, it was really flashing. ov. syn.silaw 1singgat 1.2rel. wrd.doldol1 1.2koldap 1.2koldap 1.2
light-skinnedtisay 1.1adjWhite, as of an female animal; a girl or woman who is pretty with light skin and a narrow bridged nose. (The term for the male is tisoy.)Kapostora tang ana mo, tisay. Your child is so beautiful, she is light skinned with a narrow bridged nose. Antlagem 1.3tilem 1.1ov. syn.kolit 1.2mistisamistiso 1.1rel. wrd.makodongkolit 1.1adjWhite; light-skinned.Namantsan da tang lambong mong kolit. Your white clothing has become stained already.
lightweight (cloth)lonay 1.1Antlonay 1ma-tel 1.1ov. syn.linang 1.1lonay 1adjSoft and silky, like hair washed with rainwater; cloth that is smooth or lightweight; flimsy; something that is pliable, not stiff, easily folded; limp.Angay dorog kalonay tang boa mo? Onopay agbe-tang mo?Why is your hair so soft and silky? What do you put on it?
lightweight (things/work)malakan 1.1Antbelat2 1.1malakan 1ov. syn.dalí 1.1malakan 1adjLight, lightweight; easy to do or bear.Malakan tang karton tenged anda ray teled na.The box is light because there is nothing more in it.Ang obra ay malakan mga tarabang-tabang tang taw.The work is easy to bear if people help each other.Antmabelat 1maliwagov. syn.madali 1
likekirepen 1.2vtTo enslave someone; to treat someone like a slave.ov. syn.degdeg 1maga 1.1advSeems, looks like; similar to; as if; sort of like.Ang pamanaw na magāng pato.His way of walking is similar to a duck's.Ang nioy ang inalap mo magāng anda pay isi na.The coconut that you picked, it seems like it doesn't have any meat yet.Ang ponsing na maga ra kang soso.This banana looks similar to a soso banana.ov. syn.bilang2 1midio 1.1patabiog 1.1vtTo hang on someone like a dead weight, like a child hanging on a mother's arm or neck and pulling her shoulders down.India kay magpatabiog ong yen tenged itaben mabo-log tang gekel-ekelano.Please don't hang on me because the child I'm carrying might spontaneously abort (lit. will fall out).Mabelat dang lagi tang agtakanenong wi, agpatabiogano pa nio.The water containers I'm carrying are already so heavy, and yet you are weighing me down even more by hanging on me.
like (similar to)kobali 1.1ov. syn.kobali 1tolad 1.1adjSimilar to; like.Ang payong ang asi ay kobali tang payongong nalipat.That umbrella is similar to my umbrella that was lost.ov. syn.katolad 1.1pario 1.1katolad 1.1rel. wrd.kapario 1.2katolad 1adjSimilar to; like.Ang sapatos ang agtōkon na ay katolad tang sapatosong binakalo ong Puerto.The shoes he is wearing are like my shoes I bought in Puerto [Princesa City].ov. syn.kobali 1.1pario 1.1pario 1.1Antlogi 2.1pario 1ov. syn.pario 1tolad 1.1adjSame; equal; like; similar to; such as.Pario tang kolor tang tsinilas ta, animan nagkambioan ita.Our rubber slippers are the same color, that's how they were accidentally switched.Ang baboy mo pario ra ka kabael tang baboy amen.Your pig is already as large as ours (lit. same, equal size).Angay india nagdongkol pario tang inaningo rang lagi ongayna?Why didn't you cook rice like I already told you earlier?Dorong protas ong palingki ong Puerto, pario ta kapayat, kawmangga, mansanas, ig lansonis.There is much fruit in the market in Puerto [Princesa City], such as papaya, mangoes, apples, and lansones.ov. syn.katolad 1.1kobali 1.1rel. wrd.teped 1
like something, toliag 1.1vi., vtTo want or desire something; to like, enjoy something; to be happy or pleased with a person; to approve of someone, something.Galiago rin ang temelek tang litrato mo.I would like to see your picture.Ang lambong ang binakalo naliagan tang tangayo.My friend liked the dress I bought.Maderep tang torobolon animan naliliagan ta mo-ya tang agalen na.The househelper is very industrious therefore her boss is very pleased with her.rel. wrd.donong 1oyon1 1
like taste of somethingdonong 1.1rel. wrd.donong 1liag 1.1oyon1 1viTo like, enjoy the taste of something; for food or drink to agree with a person.Indio ra madonong ang manginem ta gin tenged kokontra ra ong yen tang irinemen.I don't enjoy drinking gin anymore because liquor disagrees with me.ov. syn.oyon1 1.1sabor 1.3
like thatmaning atan 1.1exprLike that.Maning atan tang ogali nira.Like that is their custom.maning ka ta si 1.1exprLikewise; like that; same as that; in the same way.Mga monopa tang paggegmao tang Dios ong yaten, dapat maning ka ta si tang paggegma ta ong kada tata may tata.However God loves us, our love for each other should be the same as that.Napatay da tang mga baboy nira, ig maning ka ta si tang nainabo ong yamen--lobot dang nangapatay.Their pigs died, and likewise that's what happend to us--ours have all entirely died.ov. syn.ya ka 1.1
like that (thissia3 1.1adv., conjThen; if so; like that. (This is used like a reason-result proposition and shows a dependent or consequential relationship.)Mangalapa kay ta nioy, sia solana ka yen.Kindly pick some coconuts, then I'll pay you.Indi olomon mo tang igad mo, sia magdogo si.Don't pick at your sore, if you do it will start bleeding again.
like the taste, tooyon1 1.1ov. syn.oyon1 1sabor 1.3rel. wrd.donong 1liag 1.1oyon1 1vtTo like the taste of something; to like, find something agreeable.Oldana yen ta maragoso, gaoyona ka?I'll give you some bitter-melon gourd, do you like the taste of it?Indio maoyon ta yan tenged pagabdeto.I don't find fish agreeable because I'm pregnant.Onopay indi gaoyonan mong karni?What kind of meat don't you like? Mistar da sigoro tanira ong Brooke's mga maoyon don tang katawa na.They will most likely live in Brooke's Point if his wife finds it agreeable there.ov. syn.donong 1.1galiag
like thismaning ta na 1.1exprLike this.Maning ta na tang boaten mo.Like this is how you will do it.Maning ta na tang paglotok ta linogaw.Porridge is made like this.
like very much, toalbor 1.1nA strong desire to do something; an object that a person really likes or wants.Albor nang nabengbeng ong Cuyo para mapamasiar-pasiar.He really liked being stranded on Cuyo island so that he could stroll around.Mga makinit, Coke ang malamig tang alborong inemen.When the weather is hot, a cold Coca-Cola soft drink is what I really like to drink.ov. syn.galiagkorsonada 1.1korsonada 1.1adjTo like or desire something or someone very much; to covet something.Korsonadao tang babay ang asia piro geyako ong nandia.I really like that girl but I'm so shy around her.Korsonadao rin tang lambong ang agpabakal, piro anday koartao.I really covet that dress that's for sale, but I don't have any money.Risibien tang koarta, iboto tang korsonada. Receive the money, and still vote for the one you like. ov. syn.albor 1.1
like whatever, topagosto 1.1Antmakiki 1.1ngilin 1.2pagosto 1pagosto 1rel. wrd.abonda 1koripot 1.2pagosto 1vi., vtTo enjoy something without limit or reserve; to have no preference for something; to like whatever is given, available, i.e. "all the same to me"; to do or give something unreservedly, without limit.Dorong sinimpan ang pamangan ong pista, pagosto tang mga taw.A lot of food was prepared for the fiesta, the people could eat all they wanted.Asing ge-leyo pa ay pagostō lamang tang pagralambongono, maski malimpio, maski maboling.When I was little, it was all the same to me what clothes I wore, whether they were clean or dirty.Ta, anda ra tang tanan ang mga bagay ang pinagostoan mo ta mo-ya!So now, all the things you enjoyed without limit are now gone!Mga may taw ang pama-dol ong yen ta tabang, pagostoano lamang mga onopay ministirin na ong yen.If someone asks for help from me I will give him unreservedly whatever he needs from me.ov. syn.galiagimayma 1.1konsoilo 1.2
likeableneman 1.1ov. syn.neman 1o-ya 1.1adjGood; kind; gentle; considerate; well-behaved; likeable; conscientious.Nēman tang ari mong asia, inding pisan pagini-yak.That younger sibling of yours is well-behaved, he doesn't cry at all.ov. 1.1