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propriety, sense ofdilikadisa 1.1nSense of propriety or etiquette.ov. syn.disinti 1hinhin 1pormal 1.2tenten 1
prostitutesarak 1.1rel. wrd.kokak 1.1sarak 1nProstitute; a promiscuous female; a loose woman who goes around with different men.Ang babay ang naka mga maginimod midio ta sarak. When that girl laughs she sounds like a prostitute.Aroy! Ang sarak ang asi, way tatabid si ong domang lali.Oh my! That loose woman is going around again with a different man.Ang babay ang naka anda ong tata may tata, sarak! That woman doesn't just stick with just one, she is a prostitute! Sarak ita kaman!We really are loose women! (But in this case the inclusive 'we' only refers to the person being spoken to, not the one speaking.)bisiosa 1.1n., adjAn immoral woman; a prostitute.Ang mga babay ang bisiosa, pamagpabakal tang dengeg nira.Immoral women, they are selling their dignity.ov. syn.sarak 1.2kokak 1.1nPlaygirl; prostitute.Don ono ong Manila tang yading mga kokak. They say there are a lot of playgirls there in Manila.ov. syn.tekag1 1tekaganrel. wrd.po-wit 1sarak 1tekagander. oftekag1nMidio ta tekagan tang babay ang masiadong marti.A girl who puts on like an actress is like a prostitute.ov. syn.kokak 1.1sarak 1.2
prostitute, acting likesarak 1.2rel. wrd.kokak 1.1sarak 1n., adjA woman or girl who acts like a prostitute; to flirt inappropriately.Ang babay ang naka nanobli ka ong nanay na ang sarak-sarak. That girl inherited from her mother her flirtatious character.ov. syn.aras-aras 2.1bisiosa 1.1po-wit 1.1tekag1 1tekaganrel. wrd.abog-abog 2.1po-wit 1.1rel. wrd.kokak 1.1po-wit 1adjFlirtatious; acting like a prostitute.ov. syn.po-ngag 1.1sarak 1.2sora-ngia 1.1po-ngag 1.1adjFlirtatious; acting like a prostitute.synsora-ngia 1.1ov. syn.po-wit 1.1sora-ngia 1.1adjFlirtatious; acting like a prostitute.synpo-ngag 1.1ov. syn.po-wit 1.1
protectamblig 1.1Antamblig 1damang1 1.1vtTo be careful with something, handle with care; to protect something.Ambligan mo tang libro ang binletan mo ong yen, itaben lasiken tang ari mo.Be careful with the book I loaned you, your younger sibling might tear it.Antpabaya 1samang-samang 1.1ov. syn.andam 1dan 1ta-ling 1.1sangga 1.1vtTo shield or protect something, or oneself, usually from a blow; to deflect or block a blow, or something thrown.Mo-ya ngani nasanggao tang bato, ge-ley lamang na-pet tang kolō.It's a good thing I was able to deflect the rock, my head nearly got hit by it.Sanggaen mo lamang tang palo agod india ma-pet.Protect yourself from the whip so you won't be hit by it.Ang grapon ang agbetangan ta asokar sanggaen mo para indi daliten.The jar with the sugar in it, shield it so that ants don't get into it.ta-ling 1.1Antdamang1 1.1ta-ling 1vtTo handle something with care, caution; to protect, care for something or someone that is special.Ipalbeto tang kamirao ong nio piro ta-lingan mo.I'll lend you my camera but handle it with care. Ta-lingan mo ta mo-ya tang mga toldok ang sinalig ong nio agod indi matagelan ta mga maling toldok.Protect the good teaching that was entrusted to you so that it will not become mixed with incorrect teachings.Mga indi ita mātakong magta-ling tang sinangoni ta madali itang magmasit.If we don't know how to care for our bodies we will quickly become ill.Antpabaya 1samang-samang 1.1ov. syn.amblig 1.1andam 1dan 1.1
protect surface with underclothdamdam 1.1vtTo place a pad, cloth, piece of metal, etc. between an object and the other surface it will come in contact with; to use something as a protective or absorbent undercloth.Damdaman mo tang boko-boko mo mga lomboga ong da-tal.Spread something out to protect your back when you lie down on the floor.Mga agginangan tang molang ge-ley kaministiran damdaman ta abel tang boko-boko na para indi keykeyen.When a baby is perspiring, an absorbent cloth should be placed on her back [under her shirt] so that she won't develop a cough.Damdaman mo kay tang lamisan ba-lo ibondo mo tang kaldiro tenged sia makinit.Please put a protective cloth on the tabletop before you set the pot on it because the pot is dirty.synsapin 1.2ov. syn.ampilo 1.1sapin 1.2vtTo place a pad, cloth or leaf underneath something, between it and the surfact it will come in contact with; to use something as a protective underlayer.Sinapinano ka rin ta daon ta ponsi tang dinongkolo, piro nakanteng pa enged.I placed a banana leaf under the rice [pot] I had just cooked, but it [the rice] burned on the bottom anyway.syndamdam 1.1ov. syn.ampilo 1.1
protected from wind and rainlimbeng 1.1adjCalm, sheltered; well protected from the wind and rain.Ong yamen maski mapoirsa tang koran malimbeng. At our place even if the rain is strong, it is well protected. Mga timpong abagat dorog kalimbeng don ong Villa Fria.During the southwest monsoon wind, it's very calm and well protected there at barangay Villa Fria.lingeb 1.3rel. wrd.elang 1.4lingeb 1sagang 1vtTo shelter, find protection, a hiding place for something, such as a boat, on the leeward side of the wind.Mga mapalet don ong Cambian, ang mga motor agpalingeb ong dobali tang pantalan.When it's rough and windy there in barangay Cambian, the boats are being sheltered on the other side of the pier.ov. syn.limbeng 1.3
protrudeekang 1.1vi., vtFor something to accidentally pull out, or work itself loose and protrude from where it was placed; for a glued-in or nailed-in piece of wood to become loose or lift off; to intentionally pull something out.Minekang da tang lansang ong kodal animan nangomito ta martilio para po-pokon.The nail was protruding from the fence, so I got a hammer in order to pound it in.Ang angkla ibanet mo ta mo-ya ong kenay, itaben mekang ong sobrang kalangeb.Push the anchor down deep and hard in the sand, perhaps it might work itself loose because of the big waves.Ekangen mo kay tang lansang ong lebleb.Please pull out the nail from the wall.Maliwag ang ekangen tang bēlek mga gered ong bolog.It's difficult to pull out an oyster shell if it is wedged deep in the coral.
proudtabako2 1.1synago 1apog 1sikat 1.2tabako2 1ov. syn.bokol2 2.1tabako2 1adjConceited; arrogant; proud; boastful.Dorog katabako tang molang naka, naning ka lamang ta Manila ig itaben don ka lamang gistar ong agtambakan ta mga basora.That kid there is really conceited, he just went to Manila and perhaps he just lives there where garbage is heaped up (i.e. garbage dump, squatter area).ago 1.1synago 1apog 1sikat 1.2tabako2 1ov. syn.ago 1mapinalabi-labien2adjConceited; arrogant; proud; boastful.Ang taw ang naka mga panaw midio ago. When that person walks it's like he's conceited.ambog 1.2Antambog 1ambog 1ambog 1ambog 1babakán 2.1ebes 2.1paebes 1.1palepe 1.1ov. syn.ambog 1borit 1.2adj., advBoastful; arrogant; conceited; proud.Ang tatang taw ang ambogon, anday yading tangay na.A person who is conceited does not have many friends.Mambog tanandia tenged masinlong magtayaw.He is conceited because he dances well.Ang molang asi ay doro kambog ang komaliek.That boy acts arrogant when he struts around.Antdibabak 1dibabak tang pama-dek 2.1ov. syn.ago 1.2apog 2.1bogal 1.2bokol2 2.1tabako2 1.2apog 2.1adjConceited; arrogant; proud; boastful.synago 1.2pasikattabako2 1.2ov. syn.ambog 1.2
proud of someoneambog 1.1Antambog 1ambog 1ambog 1ambog 1babakán 2.1ebes 2.1paebes 1.1palepe 1.1ov. syn.ambog 1borit 1.2vi., vtTo boast, brag in a negative sense; to boast about someone in a positive sense; to be proud of someone.India magpāmbog ong gintris ong nio, itaben asilagana nandia.Don't boast to the one courting you, he might get mad at you.Pagpāmbog da tenged masinlo ra tang balay na.He is boasting now because his house is so nice now.Balampa mapambogo tang anao mandian ang gradoasion.Hopefully I will be able to boast about my child this graduation.
provepamatod 1.2ov. syn.ibidinsia 1.1pamatod 1vtTo tell the truth; to prove, show something to be true; to give testimony, testify.Pamatodan mo tang binitala mo.Prove what you said.ov. syn.tistigo 1.2
proverb (thesarabien 1.1nSaying; proverb. (The root is Tagalog sabi, meaning to say or speak.)
provided ifbasta 1.1conjAs long as; provided if.Pagnan amo yen ang magkayam, piro basta indi amo lamang pāboay.I'll permit you to play but just as long as you don't make it long.Basta yawa tang magbiot tang liabi, indio mangelba.As long as you are the one holding the key, I won't worry.ov. syn.mga1 1.1
provinceprobinsia 1.1nProvince.Yading galiag ang mamakasyon tarin ong probinsia ta.Many like to vacation here in our province.
provisions for tripbalon 1.1nProvisions, like a sack lunch to be eaten on a trip or when working in the fields.
provokeerep1 1.2ov. syn.erep1 1erep1 1gamo 1.2tipos2 1.2rel. wrd.erep1 1erep1 1makaerep2 1.1malaerepen2 1.1vtTo provoke someone, making them irritated or angry.Indio paerepen mo, itaben yawa'y panalongan ta.Don't provoke me, you might be the one I take it all out on.tobay 1.1rel. wrd.sisti 1.1tobay 1toyok 1vtTo antagonize or provoke someone; to retaliate, get back at; to pick on, yell at, or beat up on someone; to force someone to do something; to insist.Indi ra tobayen ta, may ge-ley na.Let's not antagonize him, he's a little bit mentally off.Tobayeno rin tang taw ang asi, angay gintrimiseno nandia?I'll get back at that person, why is he teasing me?Ey, A-oy! India ra kay manobay ta babay!Oh, Little Boy! You shouldn't retaliate if it's a girl!Itaben tobayena yen, yawang bakā!I just might beat you up, you cow you!Yawa mabaela ra, siang mola ge-ley pa, oman agtobayen mo ra?As for you, you are big, that child is smaller, and yet you are picking on him?Indi ra kang lagi tobayen mo si manong mo ang manilaw, may gobraen na pa.Don't insist upon your older brother going fishing with you, he still has work he is doing.ov. syn.belet2 1berelten ang nem1 2.1degdeg 1reges 1sapay 1.1taloga 1.1batok 1.2ov. syn.batok 1laban 1.1vtTo provoke, draw into a fight; to challenge someone to a fight or a bet; to fight in a match, to enter someone in a match.India geldan ang magigbatok ong polis?Aren't you afraid to provoke the police?Magigbatoko ta postan mga sinopay mandeg ong mga kandidato.I'll challenge anyone's bet as to what candidate will win.Nagbatokan da tang mga mano nira.Their roosters have already fought each other. Ipabatoko rin tang anao ong boksing.I'll have my child fight in the boxing match.rel. wrd.soay 1sogod 2.1solong 2.1solong 2.1soroayen1tolos 2.1
provoke to angersolsol 1.1vtTo stir people up; to convince with untruths; to influence negatively; to incite or provoke; to prod or "egg on" a person in order to get them to do something.Sinolsolan tanandia tang mga barkada, animan nagparet tanandia maski anday kamatodan.He was convinced with untruths by his friends, therefore he believed it even though there was no truth to it.Ang mola sinolsolan tang manong na ang mangomit tang koarta tang nanay nira.The boy was egged on by his older brother to take their mother's money.ov. syn.dolo-dolo 1.1tobol 1.3rel. wrd.ekel 1dolo-dolo 1.1vtTo stir people up, usually with untruths; to influence negatively; to incite or provoke; to prod or "egg" someone on to do something.Pagdolo-doloa para magpasilaga lamang ong taw.You are stirring things up to cause people to become mad at each other.Dinolo-doloan mo sigoro si nanay mo, animan gasilag da ong yen.Maybe your mother was influenced negatively by you and that is why she is mad at me now.May nagdolo-dolo ong nandia, animan sinontok na tang barkada na.Someone egged him on, that's why he punched his friend.Indio dalo-daloan mo tani ta poros kabo-lian.Don't you influence me here with lies.India magdalo-dalo ong mga taw ang madaling masilag.Don't provoke people who easily get angry.ov. syn.solsol 1.1tobol 1.3rel. wrd.ekel 1
provoked easilymalaerepen2 1.1ov. syn.dipot tang apen2 1.1malaerepen2 1adjIrritable; easily irritated or provoked.Antmapinasinsiaen2paroros 1ov. syn.masisilagen1 1.1masisilagen2matalket 1.1rel. wrd.erep1 1
prow pointed downbaliso-sok 1.1viFor a boat to slide down the backside of a large swell, with the prow pointed down. (This is a very dangerous situation to be in and occurs when the waves are big and the boat is traveling in the same direction as the waves.)Mga panonot tang langeb makaeled mga ibaliso-sok tang motor.When the waves going in the same direction as the boat, it's frightening if the boat's prow points straight down. Kababael tang langeb, pisan aming babaliso-sok tenged panonot.The waves were so huge, we were really sliding down the backside because they were going the same direction.
proxyproksi 1.1EngnProxy.salinti 1.1ov. syn.salinti 1telet 2.2nReplacement, substitute; representative for another person; proxy.
prune coconut treeliab 1.1vtTo clean a coconut palm tree by taking off the extra growth close to the flower, so that it will be easy to collect the coconut wine.Liaban mo siang nioy agod tanggetan mo tenged sia ma-bod.Clean that coconut tree so you can collect coconut wine from it because that one will produce a lot.
prysi-wat 1.3rel. wrd.karangkang 1.1singkarat 1.1si-wat 1vtTo pry something off or open; to flip a lid or lock off something.Ang talamban kaministiran ang togoban mo ta doroang nga lansangan agod indi kayang si-waten tang takawan.You need to insert two nails in the window so that the window can't be pried open by a thief.Aroy, ang terang agdapan ong lamisan sini-wat da tang kosi!Oh my, the viand that was covered up on the table, the cover has been flipped off by the cat!koat 1.1vtTo pry, dig something out of a small space or crack, usually with a sharp object; to gouge something out, like someone's eye.Koaten mo naning isi tang pakinaten, yay ipatera mo ong ari mo.Dig out the contents of this shell, that's what you will use for your younger sibling's viand.Ang koarta don ong porta tang balay agkoaten tang mga mola.The coin there by the door of the house is being pried out by the children.ov. syn.telad 1.1toal 1.1
pry openkabra 1.1vtTo force something open which is locked, by prying the lock or hinge off with a tool; to pry a large rock out of the ground with a crowbar; dislodge large rocks.Kinabrao ra lamang tang kaban amen tenged nalipat tang liabi.I just pried open our wooden trunk because the key was lost.Mababael tang bato, indi makabra! The rock is so huge, it cannot be pried out!ov. syn.boal 1.2
pry outtoal 1.1vtTo pry out, dig out something that is exposed, such as a rock.Toalen mo kay tang batong nani ang pirming gatampokan ta.Please dig out this rock here that we are always tripping on.ov. syn.koat 1.1
pry out large rockkabra 1.1vtTo force something open which is locked, by prying the lock or hinge off with a tool; to pry a large rock out of the ground with a crowbar; dislodge large rocks.Kinabrao ra lamang tang kaban amen tenged nalipat tang liabi.I just pried open our wooden trunk because the key was lost.Mababael tang bato, indi makabra! The rock is so huge, it cannot be pried out!ov. syn.boal 1.2
pry out nuttelad 1.1vtTo remove, dig out the meat from inside a nut (cashew, coconut).Tanandia ay ansiano, animan madasig ang magtelad ta kasoy.He is an expert, that is why he is fast in removing the meat from the cashew nuts.ov. syn.koat 1.1