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seemsmaga 1.1advSeems, looks like; similar to; as if; sort of like.Ang pamanaw na magāng pato.His way of walking is similar to a duck's.Ang nioy ang inalap mo magāng anda pay isi na.The coconut that you picked, it seems like it doesn't have any meat yet.Ang ponsing na maga ra kang soso.This banana looks similar to a soso banana.ov. syn.bilang2 1midio 1.1
seems likemidio 1.1advAs if; appears as if; seems like; look likes; sort of like.Ong panaido midio pagabdet tang babay ang asia.In my view it looks like that woman is pregnant.Ang klasi tang timpo midio malet-palet.This kind of weather, it's as if it is going to become windy.Don ong teled midio may pantalok ang taw.There inside it seems like someone is hiding.ov. syn.bilang2 1.1maga 1.1
seenita1 1.1ov. syn.bagat 1.1ita1 1ita1 1tagbo1 1.1vi., vtTo be able to see; to happen to see something, someone; for something to be seen; to find something that was lost; to discover something hidden.Abrian mo tang talamban, indio ra maita ta mo-ya.Open the window, I can no longer see well.Naita tanandia ta pagsoayan ong karsada.He happened to see a fight in the street.Ba-lōng naita ta maning ta nang klasi ta iloloak.This is the first time for me to see this kind of plant.Ang islang Manamok indi itaen mga maki-lep tang kalibotan.The island of Manamok cannot be seen if the weather is cloudy.Initao tang baboy mong napalpat don ong plasa.I saw your pig that got loose there in the plaza.Naitao ra tang librong nalipat.I've already found the book that was lost.ov. syn.toman 1.1rel. wrd.dep 1paita 1sirta 1.1sirta 1.1tarak1 1.1bisto 1.1adjEasily seen, clear, even at a distance; clearly visible; in view; obvious; noticeable.Asia ra tang iroplano, kabisto ra. There's the airplane, it's in view now.
seen atpangantaw 1.1vstatEasily seen at a distance; clearly visible. (This is used about things that are rarely seen, or can only been seen when the conditions are right.)Mga malinaw, ang Antique pangantaw. When it is calm, Antique can be seen at a distance. ov. syn.bisto 1.2palabad 1palabad 1.1ov. syn.banag 1.1palabad 1palabad 1pangantaw 1.1adjTo stand out; to be easily seen at a distance, specifically of a bright color.Ang kolor tang lambong na masinggi, animan palabad tenged alawid pa lamang, gitaen da.The color of her dress is red, therefore it stands out because when [she is] still far away, it can already be seen.ov. syn.bisto 1.2madet 1.1
seep outtobod 1.1rel. 1.1tobod 1vi., vtTo seep out; to flow, trickle as sap from a tree or underground water, or saliva from the mouth; for a boat to leak, take in water; for breast milk to come in.Matarem tang tangget ang aggamiten tang mananggiti ang gegeret ong boyok agod ma-bod tang teba.The small curved machete used by a coconut-wine gatherer is very sharp for cutting the flower capsule so that the coconut nectar will freely trickle out. Ma-bod da tang bilog, para-letan da tang lebleb na.The small boat is leaking water, it's time to replace its sides.Dapat manginem ta pamegat tang nangana agod tombod tang yatat na.A woman who has just given birth should drink water mixed with special bark and herbs so that her breast milk will come in. Indio napagpatiti tenged indio simbodan ta yatat.I wasn't able to breast-feed because I had no breast milk come in. Dorong kakinit, animan pisanong agtobodan ta dorong inang.It is so hot, therefore I'm experiencing a lot of perspiration flowing out of me.
see-through fabricsilang 1.1Antsilang 1siriniet 1.2adjLoosely woven, loose weave, as of cloth, baskets.Masilang tang baskito, indi poiding teldan ta belat.My basket has a loose weave, it can't be filled with rice.Antrigpen 1.1rigpen 1.2
seizeagaw 1.1vtTo grab or snatch something away from someone; to seize something; to fight over something by grabbing it back-and-forth; the thing being fought over.Aroy! Ang tinapay ang agpanganen tang mola inagaw tang kiro.Oh! The bread that the child was eating was snatched by the dog.Onopay agpagaragawan mi atan?What are you fighting over there? (i.e. what are you grabbing back-and-forth between you)?synkalaw 1ov. 1la-mit 1.1ov. syn.agaw 1.1karangmang 1.1la-mit 1la-mit 1vtTo suddenly snatch something out of a person's hand; to seize something.Lina-mit na tang papel ong yen animan nalasik.He snatched the paper away from me therefore it tore.Pabantaya ong kiro, la-miten na tang agpanganen mo.Watch out for the dog, he will snatch what you are eating out of your hands. rel. wrd.kalaw 1.1
seizurekere1 1.1nConvulsion; seizure; epilepsy.
seldombihir 1.1advRarely; seldom.Bihirang magsimba tang mga lali.Men rarely go to church.synmalaka 1malaka 1.1synbihir 1.1malaka 1Antdamel 1.2malaka 1malaka 1yadi 1.1rel. wrd.dagmit 1.1kalisedan 3liwag 1.1madagmitmalaka 1malaka 1malaka 1malaka 1malised 1maliwagpirmi 1pirmi 1.1teta 1teta 1.1advRarely; seldom.Malaka ra lamang ang paning ong balay, sigoro gasilaga ong katawao.You rarely come to the house, maybe you're mad at my spouse.Antpirmi 1.1
selectpilik 1.1ov. syn.pilik 1sisti 1.1rel. wrd.mapilik 1.1pilik 1vtTo choose something or someone out of a group; to select; to pick.Mamilika ra tani ta sapatos mo agod may tōkon mo ong gradoasion.Choose a pair of shoes from these so you'll have some to wear for graduation.Yo tang pinilik nirang mangaloag ta tera ong kombida.I'm the one they chose to dish up the viand at the banquet.Asing tokaw, ang pagtori tang mga Judio tanda ang tanira mga pinilik tang Dios.In the past, the circumcision of the Jews was the sign that they were the chosen ones of God.rel. wrd.toyok 1.2
selfsadili 1.1nSelf; oneself.Doroag kamalaerepen, indiang pisan mawid tang sadili mo. You are so easily irritated, you really don't control yourself.
self-centeredsadili 1.5viTo keep to oneself; to be private; self-centered; to obtain, get one's own house, vehicle, etc.; to be self-sufficient; to live independently.Ang nem na panadili, indi pagigampang-ampang.He keeps to himself, he doesn't converse with others.Para anday mabitala ong nio dapat manadilia ta balay ang istaran mo.So that nothing can be said negatively about you, you should just get your own house to live in.ov. syn.taw 3.1
self-esteemamorpropio 1.1nSelf-esteem.
selfishikaw 1.1adjSelfish; stingy.Ang mepet ang asia ikawan, maski sirgoilas lamang indi mandol.That old person is selfish, he won't even give any of his Spanish plums to others.ngilin 1.1synkoripot 1makiki 1.1ngilin 1adjStingy; selfish.Ang kamalay amen masiadong mangilin ong pamangan.Our neighbor is really selfish with food.sadili 1.4vtTo keep something for oneself; to act selfishly.Mintras pamagkayam ta basketball, ang tata ong nira agsadilien na lamang tang bola.While they were playing basketball, one of them was just keeping the ball to himself. ov. syn.aken 1.2ispot 1aken 1.1nTo keep something all for oneself, without sharing any; to act selfishly.Oldan mo ka tang ari mo ta siang ponsi, akenen mo si lamang.Give your younger sibling some bananas, you will just keep them all for yourself again.ispot 1.1Antabonda 1.1ispot 1ov. syn.aken 1.2ispot 1ispot 1ispot 1koripot 1.2sadili 1.4adjSelfish, unwilling to share; stingy.Kaispot ang pisan tang taw ang asia, tenged mga may pamangan na pantalok ong teled.That person is really selfish because whenever she has something to eat she hides inside.Angay bato may taw kang ispotan, maski paomangga indi mandol?Why do you think there are also people who are selfish, they won't even give others some of their mangoes?
self-sufficientsadili 1.5viTo keep to oneself; to be private; self-centered; to obtain, get one's own house, vehicle, etc.; to be self-sufficient; to live independently.Ang nem na panadili, indi pagigampang-ampang.He keeps to himself, he doesn't converse with others.Para anday mabitala ong nio dapat manadilia ta balay ang istaran mo.So that nothing can be said negatively about you, you should just get your own house to live in.ov. syn.taw 3.1
sellpabakal 1.1ov. syn.pabakal 1pabakal 1patoli 1.1toli 1.1rel. wrd.bakal 1pabakal 1prisio 1.2vtTo sell something.Pinabakal amen da tang baboy amen tenged kaministiran amen ta koarta.We've already sold our pig because we needed money.Antbakal 1ov. syn.baligia 1.1tinda 1.1baligia 1.1ov. syn.baligia 1baligia 1patoli 1.1toli 1.1vtTo sell things from house-to-house; to peddle wares.Onopa siang agbabaligia mo? Mga yan?What is that there that you are selling house-to-house? Fish?ov. syn.pabakal 1.1tinda 1.1
sell warestinda 1.1vtTo sell wares in a store, market.Magtindao rin ta golay don ong palingki.I'll sell vegetables there in the market.Onopay tininda mo don ong plasa asing Nutrition Week?What did you sell there in the plaza during Nutrition Week?ov. syn.baligia 1.1pabakal 1.1rel. wrd.tsianggi 1.1
semenboras 1.1nSperm; semen.
seminarsiminar 1.1EngnSeminar.
sendlayas 1.2ov. syn.lay 1.1layas 1layas 1losot 1.1vtTo send a person away; to dismiss someone from their job; to cast out demons; to chase a chicken or animal away.Angay bato pinalayas ong obra na? Sigoro nagpeleg?Why do you suppose he was dismissed from his job? Did he perhaps pilfer money?Sindolan ni Jesus tang mga sinagpan na ta gaem ang magpalayas ta mga dimonio.Jesus gave power to his disciples to cast out demons.ov. syn.taboy 1.1tanggal 1tokaw 2.3vtTo do something first; to put something first, ahead of others; to send a person or thing ahead.Aypa tang obrang tokawen ta?Which work will we do first? Mga manlagā ta tera, i-kaw mo kang lagi tang yan ba-lo tang kolbot tang kamosi.When you cook the viand, please put in the fish first and then the cassava tops.Paning ami ong Cambian, piro pina-kawo ra tanira, domatono lamang.We'll go to barangay Cambian, but I've already sent them ahead, I'll just follow.Antpaoritoyon 1.3rel. wrd.panoyontoyon 1.1toyon 1vtTo instruct, request someone to do something; to send a message or instructions through another person.Nagtoyon tanandia ang ganing indi ma-led tenged masit tang kolo na.She sent a message through someone saying that she can't come to work because her head hurts.Mga may molik don ong Tabilan, itoyon mo kay tanandia ang temegbeng.If someone goes home to there to [the small barrio of] Tabilan, please pass on my instruction for her to come down to town.Sinopay sinoyonan mo ang mangomit tang karga na?Who did you instruct to get your cargo?Asing nagsolato ong mga anao ong Manila, sinoyono ong nira ang indi enged pabaya-bayan nira tang sinangoni nira.When I wrote to my children in Manila, I instructed them not to neglect their health.ov. syn.tobol 1.2rel. wrd.ordin 1paning 1.2vtTo cause someone to go or come; to send a person somewhere.Papaningen mo kay tarin tang nars tenged patelekano rin tang dogo.Please have the nurse come here because I would like to have my blood pressure taken.rel. wrd.tobol 1paloa1 1.1Antpaloa1 1paloa1 1talok 1.3teled 1.3rel. wrd.komit 1logod2 1.1paloa1 1vtTo take or bring something outside; to send something, someone outside; to take something out from where it was hidden or stored.Paloaen mo tang kiro ong kosina.Send the dog out of the kitchen.Ipaloa mo tang mga silya para ong bisita ta.Please bring out some chairs for our visitors.Antlogod2 1pa-led 1.1ov. syn.akad 1komit 1.1olik 1.2synlekat 1.1olik 1vtTo send, allow someone to go home.Asing mapoirsa tang bagio ang mga iskoila pinaolik tang mga maistra nira.When the typhoon was very strong the pupils were sent home by their teachers.ov. syn.balik 1lekat 1litira 1.1tobol 1.2rel. wrd.paning 1.2tobol 1vtTo instruct or order someone to do something; to send someone on an errand.Sinopay agtobolon mong manoro ta wi?Who do you send to fetch water?Nanobolo ong mola ang mamakal ta ki-yoy piro indi ra nabalik.I sent a child to buy an egg but he hasn't come back.Patobolay ka don ong Cambian mga ang Wenia nakabot da.Please go there to barangay Cambian for me to see if the Wenia pumpboat has arrived yet.ov. syn.ordin 1.2toyon 1.3alin 2.1vtTo send someone away, cause them to leave.Pinālin na tang molang gatobol na tenged pelegan.He sent away the child helping in the house because he was a little thief.
send for suppliespekel 2.1vtTo order something; to send for supplies.Nagpaekelo ta gas ong Cuyo piro anday kiminabot tenged nalo-tan.I ordered kerosene from Cuyo island but it didn't arrive because they were out of it.
send greetingskomosta 1.3vtTo greet someone; to send greetings through another person.Pagpakomostao ong nindiong tanan atan ong balay mi.I am greeting all of you there at your house.Pamangomosta ka ong nindio tang tanan ang mga logod tani.All the brothers and sisters here also send greetings to you.Pagakabot na ong balay, dayon ang kinomosta na si Lolo.When he arrived at the house, he proceeded to greet Grandfather.Ikomostao ka nio ong ni Jose don ong Puerto.Please greet Jose for me there in Puerto [Princesa City].Agpakomostana ka ong yen tang tangay mo.Your friend is asking me to greet you. (lit. You are being greeted by your friend through me.)
send somethingpekel 1.1ov. syn.paktora 1.2pekel 1rel. wrd.aggekel-ekelan2 3.1loko 1pekel 1vtTo send something to someone, usually through another person; to send or mail a letter.Daingeno tang tanan ang nakomitong yan para may ipekelo ong anao ang pagadal ong Puerto.I'll dry all the fish I caught in order to have something to send to my child who is studying in Puerto [Princesa City].Naboay dang pinekelo tang sapatos ang binakalo piro indi pa ono gakabot.It's already been a long time since I sent the shoes I bought but they say that they haven't arrived yet.Napekelana ra yen ta pamasahi mo.I've already sent you your boat fare.Mga anday mapekelano tang agtotoyon mo, ong moman da lamang.If I have no one with whom to send what you requested, I'll just send it next time.ov. syn.toyon 2.2
send something alongbalon 2.1vtTo send something along, other than food, with someone when they leave, like money with college students to use for school.Ang sōlo ong pagbedbed yay ang ipabalono ong ni Dodoy mga tomay dang magbalik ong Puerto.My wage from sewing is what I'll send along with Dodoy when he leaves to return to Puerto [Princesa City] (i.e. for college).
senileolibata 1.1vstatTo become senile; very forgetful; absent-minded.Pirmi rang galipat tang agbe-tang na tang lolao, sigoro golibataen da. My grandmother always forgets where she puts things, maybe she is becoming senile. ov. syn.malipat-lipaten2 1.1