giedaekʲɛ³³tɛ³³🔊1POST POS后置词behind后面 /hòumiàn/Ngua nrnel jjiumo ssi a, yar ngo giedae ssi dae. 我们俩个走路,他走在我后面。When we two go for a walk, s/he walks behind me.2conj.later; next; then然后/ránhòu/Ngo ngua ake xilmeir jjixr a, giedae yar ake ssi a. 我先回我们的家,然后去他家。I first will return to our home, then/later (I) will go to his/her home.Ca hal ddei yarzi no larhor a, giedae mel si a. 那个人病得很严重,然后死了。That person was seriously ill, then s/he died.Ca hal ddei no a, no i su yar leil i gger a, giedae nael kor a. 那个人病了,医生给他看了,然后好了。That person was sick, the doctor examined him/her and then s/he got better.Ngo var bei teixl ho a, giedae yoxl pia cir ssi. 我做好了菜,然后又去洗衣服。After cooking the food, next (I) will go wash clothes.Xilmeir almer lalal a lei dae seir car a, yar nr jjixr a, giedae yarzi lei vaer a, yar jjixr nr cexr a. 刚才下一点点雨时,他不回去,后来,雨下得很大,他不能回去了。When it started to lightly rain a while ago, s/he did not go back; then, it (rained) very hard, (and) s/he couldn't go back.Yar zzirbae dda miur a, yel giedae cir nehe oldde no. 他酒喝多了,所以下一天早上就头疼。S/he drank a lot of liquor, so then the next morning (s/he) had a headache.Ngo ake jjixr a, jjixr ci beil cir ni nael, ake hher dae lalnga; giedae cir ni nael, ngama dax cirgo a miar bei. 我回家,到的第一天只是在家里,下一天和我妈妈一起做事。When I returned home, the first day (I) arrived, (I) was just at home; but the next day, I worked with my mother.1. /ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/. /ngama/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。giedae ~ giedaegiel.Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedaebbaergiedae cagiedaegielgiedae maelelejiasikukurzzarlavulnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilyozalbbaerzalbborzile zzirzzargiedae kʲɛ³³tɛ³³

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