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TalithaTalitaBiblical SourcePrp.NTalithaKe Ieesuʼ öt a koreneah, pareʼ soe pan, "Talita koum."And Jesus held her hand, and he said like this, "Talitha koum."
talkvavaato 1vargue (to continually)[arguing], talk (to continually)[talking]A poa manot to vavaato ne suk a moniʼ.The married couple is arguing because of money.
talkvahutët 2naccusation, court, story, talkEʼ to vahoʼ a teʼ koman a vahutët.He put the man in court.
talksoe 1vaccuse (to), command (to), say (to), tell (to), talk (to)Ke susun apuh pa nap vavapus soe kee me ee pe Pöl ...Then the big boss (commander) of the fighting men (army) commanded and they took Paul 1vspeak (to), talk (to)E voe se to ke koaʼ.The man will talk to the child.vahutët 1vcourt (to), spread (to), story (to), talk (to)Eöʼ to vahutët me noʼ a napan peöʼ.I talked to my people.vauhioʼvmotion (to), signal (to), talk (to), tell stories (to)E Sëkaraëaʼ to tavus maʼ, pareʼ hikta onöt non a vaato me ra napan, pareʼ vauhioʼ koren me non raoe,...Zechariah came outside, and he could not speak again with the people, and he talked using his hands (sign language) with them,...vavahutëtvtalk (to continually)[talking]E voe to vavahutët ke non a ma koaʼ peʼ.The is continually talking to his children.vaato 1vspeak (to), talk (to)Eöʼ to vaato me nöʼ e Roman pa rëteo.I talked to Roman on the radio
talk backvapinpiunvtalk backEe se nat ne vapinpiun soe me ne a ma teʼ susunön pee.They should not talk back to their important people (leaders).
talk crosslyvooevscold (to), talk crossly (to)Eöʼ se vooe a neöm suk eöm to karauh.I should scold you(p) because you(p) are lazy.
talk nonsensevakö 1vtalk nonsense (to)Eöm vakö suk ataeah?Why do you talk nonsense?
talk, asoe 2naccusation, talk a, wordA soe vapipinoʼ pe Ieesuʼ Kristo.The parable talk of Jesus Christ.
talkingvavaato 2adjconversation, talkingE voe vavaato non.The man is talking.
talking, to besosoevsay (to continually) [saying], talk (to continually) [talking], tell (to continually) [telling]Koe ah, parën nok vamanih pa ö nöʼ to sosoe va noʼ.Abstain from it, and you do it like this the way that I am continually saying.toto 1vspeak (to continually)[speaking], talk (to continually)[talking]E koaʼ soneʼ pemöm to toto e non.Our little child is talking.tootovtalk (to continually)[talking]...eʼ se uuhioʼ vataare hah ken pea pa ma to pinpiun na to tooto voh i no....he will tell and show again for us all the useless talk which we had been talking.
tallrë 2adjlong, tallKon maʼ o uris rë.Bring the long rope.supin 1adjtallE supin voe to sun non manu.The tall man is standing there.
tall grassmeonntall grass, weedE Sosoenën to vavatëk vavih e non po meon vëh.God is decorating well all this tall grass.supuinovergrown, tall grassA supui to pah miröʼ en pa nepnep pöʼ pemöm.The tall grass indeed destroyed our(excl) planted greens.
TAMn-- 1aspTAMn-- 2relwhen, where, which, who, TAMMoaan rakah voh ne këh pën maniʼ a poa tom poan.Very long ago when the dog and the opossum were 5rel.prnTAM, that, what, when, where, which, whoto 3realare, is, TAMO këh to parin maë vörep.The dog is very 5TAMTAMPöh poen möm to nö na pa ep pa ruen.One morning we(excl) went to look at the water.
TAM heno 4asp.sbj.mrkrTAM I, TAM he, TAM she, TAM it, TAM they, TAM we (incl), TAM you (s)
TAM Ino 4asp.sbj.mrkrTAM I, TAM he, TAM she, TAM it, TAM they, TAM we (incl), TAM you (s)nöʼ 1dial. var.neoʼrel.prnTAM I, that I, what I, when I, where I, which I, who I...keʼ antoen rakah non a ö nöʼ se soe vanat hah oah a ö nën se hah maʼ.And you(p) must stay there until I inform you(s) again to come back.
TAM itno 4asp.sbj.mrkrTAM I, TAM he, TAM she, TAM it, TAM they, TAM we (incl), TAM you (s)
TAM theyno 4asp.sbj.mrkrTAM I, TAM he, TAM she, TAM it, TAM they, TAM we (incl), TAM you (s)
TAM we inclno 4asp.sbj.mrkrTAM I, TAM he, TAM she, TAM it, TAM they, TAM we (incl), TAM you (s)sa 2asp.prnTAM we(incl)
TAM you sno 4asp.sbj.mrkrTAM I, TAM he, TAM she, TAM it, TAM they, TAM we (incl), TAM you (s)
TamarTemaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NTamarTemaʼ a ëhnan e köövo pe Judaʼ.Tamar is the name of Judah's wife.
tamevavarauʼvbribe (to continually)[bribing], flatter (to continually)[flattering], tame (to continually)[taming]Ee a nap hat rakah, ee to teʼ va ne manih po tah poa ënëën teʼ to vavarauʼ ne a napan.They are indeed bad people, they are like the wild eating person thing (wild animal) who continually flatter the people.
tamemakënvfeed (to), nourish (to), tame (to) (a pig)E voe to makën o kuʼ peʼ pa kuma.The man fed his pig the sweet potatoe.varauʼvdomesticate (to), pet (to), tame (to)E voe to varauʼ e kuʼThe man tamed the pig.varomhanvtame (to)E voe to varomhan e kuʼ peʼ me a pusiʼ.The man tamed the his pig and cat.
tame, to berarauʼvtame (to be)Komön o rara pamëh no a ma vu vönaʼ poa to teʼ ne, me a ma teʼ a rarauʼ, me a ma vönaʼ to vavarah ne, me o növan.Inside that cloth were all kinds of wild animals, and some tame ones, and animals which creep (reptiles), and birds.upvnot hunt (to), fetch (to), go for (to), tame (to be)E Seon se up e këh peʼ sinup.John will fetch his dog tomorrow.vovönaʼvtame (to be)E kuʼ pe voe to vovönaʼ.The mans pig is tame.
taming, to bemamakënvfeed (to continually)[feeding], nourish (to continually)[nourishing], tame (to continually)[taming]Eʼ to mamakën e kuʼ.He is feeding the pig.
tanmaritadjbrown, tanKëh marit to taneʼ maʼ tahiʼ.The brown dog came from the ocean.