Browse English



ouija boardtalagonsing 1.1vtTo use scissors to divine information, similar to a Ouija board or "spirit of the glass".Mga may galipat ganing ang lagi patalagonsingan sia mata-wanan mga ongaypa dilemen.If something is lost it's said that you should have it divined with scissors and that way it will be known where to look.rel. wrd.albolario 1.1anting-anting 1kamanggian 1.1loya 1orasion 2.2panagang2tawas 2.1tawas 2.1
our (exclusive)yamen 1.1pers. prnUs (exclusive); our (exclusive).Andamal tomabid amo ong yamen. Tomorrow come along with us. amen 1.1rel. wrd.amen 1yamen 1.3pers. prnWe (exclusive); our (exclusive).Yadi ra kang nakomit amen. We've already caught a lot.Sindolan amen tanira ta koarta.We gave them money.Nani tang balay amen. This is our house.
our (inclusive)yaten 1.1pers. prnUs (inclusive); our (inclusive).Balampa may i-dol na ong yaten. Hopefully he has something to give us. Masine-bekanen tang yaten ang Dios.Our God is very merciful.ta4 1.1pers. prnOur (inclusive); us (inclusive); we (inclusive).Ongaypa tang ged ta? Where's our machete?Pabayan ta lamang tanandia.Let us just ignore him.Anda ray belat ta. We have no more rice.
outogot 1.1vi., vtFor one or several pieces of something to slip or fall out of a pile or from a place where they were inserted; to intentionally pull something out of the place in which it was previously put.Way, ang silig mo gaogot da, malogak da tang be-ket na.Look, the midribs are falling out of your stick broom, the tie has become loose.Tōgon mo kay tang singgoay, naogot si tang ilo.Please thread the needle, the thread has slipped out again.Oman golping inogot na tang ged ig tina-tab na ong adili.Then he suddenly pulled his machete out [of its sheath] and buried it into the post.ov. syn.bonlok 1komit 1bola2 1.1vtTo spit something out of the mouth; to spit or vomit something up, such as blood.Masiadong manginem nontokaw tang taw ang asia, mandian pagbola ra ta dogo.That person used to drink so much in the past that now he is spitting up blood.Indi kay ibola mo tang wi atan ong da-tal, maligna.Please don't spit water out there on the floor, it's repulsive to do that.Binola ra tang mola tang na-len nang koarta.The child spit up the coin that he swallowed.ov. syn.olak 1.1rel. wrd.paro-pot 1.1toka 1.1bolot 1.1viFor something to dribble, leak, or spill out of a small hole, or opening, in small amounts.Anda ray wing agbobolot ong gripo, sigoro anda ray wi na tang banga.No more water is dripping out of the faucet, maybe there is no more water in the water jar.Yading belat ang minolot ong dalan tenged ang sako may lasik nang ge-ley.A lot of rice spilled out onto the road because the sack had a small tear in it.bonlok 1.1ov. syn.bonlok 1ogot 1.1vtTo pull something out, such as weeds, a tooth, etc.Panaw ita ong bokid para magbonlok ta borak-borak.Let's walk to the field to pull out the borak-borak weeds.Pamagbonlok ta sabod ba-lo iloak ong loloakan.They are pulling out the rice seedlings, then they will plant them in the irrigated field.Magpabonloko rin tang isio mga komabot tang dintista.I'll have my tooth pulled when the dentist comes.ov. syn.tangtang 1.1ekang 1.1vi., vtFor something to accidentally pull out, or work itself loose and protrude from where it was placed; for a glued-in or nailed-in piece of wood to become loose or lift off; to intentionally pull something out.Minekang da tang lansang ong kodal animan nangomito ta martilio para po-pokon.The nail was protruding from the fence, so I got a hammer in order to pound it in.Ang angkla ibanet mo ta mo-ya ong kenay, itaben mekang ong sobrang kalangeb.Push the anchor down deep and hard in the sand, perhaps it might work itself loose because of the big waves.Ekangen mo kay tang lansang ong lebleb.Please pull out the nail from the wall.Maliwag ang ekangen tang bēlek mga gered ong bolog.It's difficult to pull out an oyster shell if it is wedged deep in the coral.ngilin 1.2synkoripot 1makiki 1.1ngilin 1vtTo be stingy, selfish with giving something; to just dole things out in small amounts.Angay ang ana mo ay agngilinan mo ta gatas?Why are you stingy about giving your child milk?Antabonda 1pagosto 1ov. syn.koripot 1.2makiki 1rel. wrd.ispot 1.2bo-bok1 1.1rel. 1tābo 1.1vtTo pour or dump something out; to anoint with oil, by pouring the oil on a person's head.Ang mga istodianti, namagbo-bok si ta po-pot ong baybay.The students once again dumped out the trash on the beach.Ibo-bok mo kay tang paray ang ipakaldaw ong amek, komo makinit da.Please pour out the rice to dry on the mat, because it is hot already.bogit 1.1viFor something to drip, leak, or spill out of a small hole or opening, in small amounts; to dribble out.Aroy! Indi siniradoan mo tang gripo, animan sia bobogit-bogit tang wi.Oh no! You didn't shut off the faucet and so now the water is dripping out.Mga komoran ang balay ta bomogit-bogit.When it rains our house will have rain dripping through the holes.Ang belat bobogit-bogit da, binoloat sigoro tang mano tang sako.The rice is spilling out, maybe a chicken made a hole in the sack.ov. syn.bolot 1.2rel. wrd.boak-boak 1.1ilat 1ilat 1.2torok 1torok 1.2pelek 1.1ov. syn.pangindi 1.1pelek 1vtTo throw something out; to discard something; to throw, toss a ball, etc. to a person or back-and-forth; figuratively, for people to migrate and end up in places away from their original home; for a person or thing to be rejected (lit. thrown out).I-lek mo kay siang mga po-pot ong poro-potan.Please throw out that trash on the compost heap.Indi kay pelkan mi ta po-pot tang dalan.Don't just throw trash on the road.Pagpelek-pelekan tanira ta bola kada apon komo pamagpraktis.They toss the ball back-and-forth every afternoon because they're practicing.Ang domang mga Agutaynen don na-lek ong San Vicente, ang doma ong Roxas.Some Agutaynens have ended up in the town of San Vicente, and others in Roxas.Anttagep 1.1ov. syn.banggil 1.1itsa 1.1rabon 1.1banggil 1.1vtTo throw something such as a ball or stone; to throw something out, such as trash; to discard something; to hurl something.Don ibanggil mi tang mga po-pot ong galoang.Throw out the trash there in the big compost pit.Anttagep 1.1ov. syn.pelek 1.1rabon 1.1pega 1.1rel. wrd.gemet 1.1lamat 1pega 1vtTo squeeze the liquid out of something; to wring water out of clothes.Pinegao tang kino-kod ang nioy para igata ong kalabasa.I squeezed the grated coconut in order to use it for coconut milk in the squash.Pegān mo kang lagi tang sinalpoan mo ba-lo ita-bay mo.Please wring out the laundered clothes first before you hang them on the line.ov. syn.lamat 1.1lobag 1.1koat 1.1vtTo pry, dig something out of a small space or crack, usually with a sharp object; to gouge something out, like someone's eye.Koaten mo naning isi tang pakinaten, yay ipatera mo ong ari mo.Dig out the contents of this shell, that's what you will use for your younger sibling's viand.Ang koarta don ong porta tang balay agkoaten tang mga mola.The coin there by the door of the house is being pried out by the children.ov. syn.telad 1.1toal 1.1sisti 1.1vtTo tease someone; to single someone out, i.e. to pick on them, call on them.Pirmio lamang agsistian mo ang aggoyan ang magkanta.I'm always being singled out by you calling on me to sing.ov. syn.intirimis 1pilik 1rel. wrd.tobay 1toyok 1
out flatlatag 1.1vtTo spread something out flat on the ground, for example tree branches or leaves to burn in a field, gravel before laying cement, or clothes to dry in the sun.Nalatag da tang mga ayo ong koma, listo rang sirokon.The tree branches are already spread out in the field, they're ready to be burned.ov. syn.ladlad 1.1padapat 1.1rel. wrd.dapat2 2.1padapat 1vtTo place something on top of something; to place, spread something out flat on top of something; to place one's open hand on top of another's head for healing.Ipadapat mo naning daon tang ponsi ong toto mo agod magbawas tang kinit.Place this banana leaf flat on your forehead in order to reduce the fever.Pinadapat na tang mantil ong lamisan para masinlong pa-dekan.She spread a tablecloth flat on the table to make it look nice.Ipadapat mo kay tang kalima mo para maolikan ig mabawi pa tang kaboi na.Please place your hand on the top of her head so she will recover and her life will be spared.ov. syn.bondo 1
out ofpali-wan 1.1ov. syn.alawid 1.4ibitar 1.1libri 2.3pali-wan 1pali-wan 1pali-wan 1vi., vtTo avoid, evade a person, or a dangerous situation, by taking a different route; to get something out of the way; to save something from danger by moving it to a different location.Napa-ngi tanira ong dalan agod pali-wan ong taw ang gabaleng.They took a different route on the road in order to avoid running into the drunk person.Dali, ipali-wan mo tang domang mga gamit ta don ong dobaling balay, itaben magapil ang masirok.Hurry, save our other things by moving them to the other house, they might be included in the fire.ov. syn.ikag 1.1li-sin 1.1palawidrel. wrd.leag2liko 1pa-ngi 1.2
out of breathangang 1.1ov. syn.angang 1maboling ta anga 3.1rel. wrd.a-bon 1.1angang 1apo 2.2kapoy 1vstatTo pant, as of a dog or a person who is hot or out of breath.Ang kiro mga makinit ay pisan ang gangangen. Dogs, when it is hot, they really pant. Ang matambek ang taw madaling angangen mga magsinikad.A fat person quickly gets out of breath when they run.kapoy 1.1rel. wrd.a-bon 1.1angang 1angang 1.2apo 2.2kapoy 1kapoy 1vstatTo be overcome, defeated by sleep or tiredness; to become out of breath when doing something; to become winded.Tongkawo ra ong nio ang mapoyat tenged pisano ra ang agkapoyon ta poyat.I'll go to sleep ahead of you because I'm really being overcome by sleep.Magdamal indi tanandia kapoyon ta poyat tenged galibeg tang kolo na.The whole night he was not overcome by sleep because his head was troubled.Agkapoyon da tanandia ong sobrang kapay.He is already out of breath from too much swimming.ov. syn.deg1 2.1mangangmapo 1rel. wrd.kabot 1kabot 1palakabóton 4.1sompong 1sompong 1sompongon ang taw 2.1
out of completelysid 1.1viFor something to be all gone, completely done away with, used up, or consumed; to be completely out of something so that not even a little drop or crumb is left.Taraban mo tang kambing ta mo-ya agod masīd tang tanan ang bolbol na.Singe the goat well so that entirely all of its hair will be completely gone.Nasīdan da ta wi tang banga ta.Our clay water jar is completely out of water.
out of moneygipit 1.1adjTo be hardshipped; out of money; hard up financially.Pagsintio mandian ta doro kabael tenged andang pisan ay mapalbeto ong nindio, gipito ka mandian.I regret greatly that right now I have nothing at all to lend you, I'm so hardshipped now.ov. syn.liwag 1.3pigado 1.1
out of reachtalangat 1.2vtTo hang or attach something up high, out of reach.Italangat mo kay ong alawig tang baskit, itaben kaboton ta kiro.Please hang the basket up high out of reach, a dog might be able to reach it.ov. syn.bitay 1.1ta-dang 1.1talangat 1.1viFor something to become stuck or caught on something up high, out of reach; to be snagged up high.Pagondiot na ong kodal natalangat tang saya-saya na.When she climbed over the fence her skirt became caught on top. Pinasibombongo tang tsinilas mo, way asi rang natalangat ong katep.I tossed your rubber slipper up into the air and now look, it's stuck up on the roof.ov. syn.sabit1 1.1sabit1 1.2ta-wit 1.1
out of reach or sightpinaw 1.1adjTo be far ahead, as in a race or contest; to be far up above, out of reach or sight.Kapinaw tang boradol mo animan indi ra gitaen ta osto.Your kite is very far up above therefore it can no longer be seen very clearly.rel. wrd.alawid 1alawig 1
out of shapelospog 1.1adjTo be weak, have no strength because of lack of work or exercise; to be physically out of shape.Maski mabael tanandia piro lospog. Even though he is big he has no strength. Antma-sik 1rel. wrd.lobay 1
out of storageakad 1.1Antakad 1talok 1.3ov. syn.akad 1paloa1 1.1vtTo take things out of storage; to mess things up that are packed away.Akaden mo kay tang mga libro don ong karton.Please take the books out of the box.Sinopay nagakad tang kabano?Who messed up all my things stored here in my wooden chest?ov. syn.ka-kad 1.1kaliwadwad 1.1
out of tunelibag 1.1adjOut of tune; off-key.
out sparinglykata-kata 1.1vtTo ration something; to portion something out sparingly so that it doesn't completely run out.Magkata-katā kay tang dongkol tenged anday mabakal ang belat.Portion out the cooked rice sparingly because there is nothing to buy more rice with.
out throughtolpot1 1.1viFor a person, often a baby, to choke on a liquid and cough it out through the nose.Natolpot tang molang ge-ley ang panginem tang gatas na.The small child choked and coughed out through his nose while he was drinking his milk.rel. wrd.denlan 1.1doli 1.3telkak 1.1
out to drybe-lad 1.1Antbe-lad 1lolon 1.1vtTo spread something out to dry in the sun, such as laundry, beans, rice, fish, etc.Ibe-lad mo si tang mga lambong ang lebay pa, itaben makalpot.Put the clothes that are still damp out to dry again or they might smell bad.ov. syn.pakaldaw 1.1singkal 1.3bine-lad2 1.1nLaundry, clothes that are out to dry.Dali! Opon ta tang mga bine-lad, komoran da!Hurry! Let's bring in the clothes that are out to dry, it's about to rain!
out towardsdoydoy 1.1vtTo reach, extend something up or out towards someone.Indi idoydoy mo ong kiro siang tinapay mo, itaben la-miten na.Don't reach your bread out to the dog, he might grab it.ov. syn.dawat 1.1
outcometegka 1.2ov. syn.dangat 1.1tegka 1vtTo push someone to their limits; to not let up in demanding something; a decision, outcome, or result of a discussion, argument or action (often a negative one).Sigi tang i-yak tang mola, indi sine-kan na si nanay na asta indi nabakalan tang agpa-dolon na.The child kept on crying, he didn't let up on his mother until she bought him what he was asking for.Pamagampang pa, animan indi ita pa gatako tang onopay sinegkan nira.They are still talking, therefore we don't yet know what they have decided. India magpabengel ong yen sinegkan binarinano tang talinga mo!Don't play deaf with me, the result might be that I will drill a hole in your ear!sinegkan 1.1nThe outcome of a discussion or fight; a possible result, usually a negative one.Pagampangan pa animan indi ita pa gatako tang onopay sinegkan nira.They are still talking therefore we don't yet know the outcome. Indi amo maginingal, sine-kan ginoyano tang maistra.Don't be noisy, it will result in me being called by the teacher (i.e. to come to the school).rel. wrd.itaben2risolta 1risolta 1.1ov. syn.magintang 1.1risolta 1risolta 1risolta 1tegkan2 1.1te-kan1rel. wrd.itaben2risolta 1sinegkan 1.1nResult; outcome.Onopa tang risolta tang ampang mi?What was the outcome of your discussion?Onopay risolta tang kinomit mong iksam?What was the result you got on your exam?Mga panonotan ta tang kaliliagan tang anday sasayod, talak tang risolta ta sia.If we allow ourselves to go along with our evil desires, sin will be the result of that.Sobrang pamalangga mo ong ana mo, ta mandian onopay risolta? Nagimong problima tang barangay.You spoiled your child too much, now what is the result? He has become the problem of the barangay.ov. syn.borak2 2.2rel. wrd.loa 1rololoan1 3.2magintang 1.1nOutcome; result.Tinalok mo ka tang tera ta? Magintang lobot ta kosi.Did you put away our viand? Otherwise the outcome could be that it will be all eaten up by the cat.Padalia ra, magintang anday kinabotan mong tayan mo.Hurry up, or the result will be that you don't catch up with the boat you will travel on.ov. syn.risolta 1rel. wrd.mabetangan 1.1pagkabetang2 1
outdodeg1 1.7rel. wrd.deg1 1teledan1 2.1vtTo defeat someone; to be defeated; to be better than another person at something; to be able to outdo a person in something.Dinēg ami ong betengan ta tali.We were defeated in the game of tug of war.Anda ray demēg pa ong nio ong katako.No one is better than you in intelligence.Mga ong kointan ta koarta, dēgeno tanandia.With regards to calculating money, I can outdo him.ov. syn.pirdi 1.2
outhousekasilias 1.1nRestroom; CR (Comfort Room); outhouse; outside toilet.
outingikskorsion 1.1EngnExcursion; picnic or outing.
outletsa-sak 2.1vtTo plug a cord into an electrical outlet.Isa-sak mo ngani naning plantsan don ong saraksakan. Please plug this electric iron into the electrical outlet.
outlet, electricalsa-sakan2 1.1nElectrical outlet.
outriggerkasil 1.1nThe long outrigger of a boat.