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who (singular)sinopa 1.1interr. prnWho (singular).Sinopa tang tatay mo?Who is your father?Sinoapa? Who are you?Sinopang mepetay tang tata-lib ong baybay?Who is that man passing by on the beach?rel. wrd.danopa 1.1ninopa 1ninopa 1.2
who, whom (linker)nga2 1.1rel. prnLinks a relative phrase to a noun; That; which; who.Ang pinling asi, pinli nga nagalin ong iloloak ang ganingen magi.That rope, it is rope which is made from the plant called magi.synang3 1.1na5 1.1na5 1.1rel. prnLinks a relative phrase to a noun; That; which; who.Ang taw na indi gatakong magpatawad, indi ka tanandia patawaden.A person who doesn't know how to forgive, neither will he be forgiven.synang3 1.1nga2 1.1ang3 1.1rel. prnLinks a relative phrase to a noun; That; which; who.Aripa bato tang sabon ang binakalo tongapon?Where do you think the soap is that I bought yesterday?Nalobot ang lagi tang golay ang linotoko.The vegetables which I cooked were immediately consumed.Midio nailalao tang molang nagbanggil ong balay talabi.I think I recognized the child who threw a rock at the house last night.synna5 1.1nga2 1.1
whoeversinopa 1.2prnWhoever.Ang sinopay galiliag ang temelek ta bidio ay magbayad ta singko pisos.Whoever wants to watch the video movie must pay five pesos.ov. syn.maski sinopa 1maski sinopa 1.1ov. syn.maski sinopa 1sinopa 1.2advWhoever; no matter who.Maski sinopay galiliag ang manlet tang karo, palbeten amen.Whoever wants to borrow the cart, we'll lend it to them.
wholebilog3 1.1adjWhole; entire.Oman, nagpapanaw tang adi ta ordin ong bilog ang inadian na.Then the king sent out an order throughout his entire kingdom.rel. wrd.bogos 1.2komplito 1.1adjComplete; whole.Mga galiliagang magdaing ta yadi kaministiran yawa komplito ka ta gamit.If you want to dry a lot of fish you need to have complete equipment.
wholeheartedlybogos ong nemder. ofnemadvKaministiran bogos ong nem ta tang pagsagod ta ong mga ginikanan ta, tenged maning atan tang kaliagan tang Dios.Our caring for our parents must be wholeheartedly, because that is what God desires.rel. wrd.bogos 1de-dek1 1bogos 1.1rel. wrd.bogos 1bogos ong nemde-dek1 1advWholeheartedly; unreservedly; voluntarily.Bogos among magtogat ig bo-wanan mi tang mga talak mi!Repent wholeheartedly and leave behind your sins!Ang belat ang nani bogos ong nemo ang to-dolo ong nindio.I'm giving you this rice voluntarily (i.e. no need to repay it).ov. 1.1de-dek1 1.1rel. wrd.bogos 1bogos ong nemde-dek1 1adjWholeheartedly; fervently; unreservedly; sincere, sincerely.Ang pagsirbio ong Dios de-dek ong popotokono. My service to God is wholeheartedly. Midio belag ta de-dek ong nem nira tang pagtabang nira.It seems as if their help is not sincere.ov. syn.bogos 1.1matod 1.1
wholesalepakiaw 1.2vtTo contract for a job; to hire something for an agreed upon price; to buy items in bulk at an agreed upon price, i.e. wholesale.Ang wing ba-long alian ay pakiawon ni Kapitan Juan.The well which will be dug will be contracted for by Barangay Captain Juan.Namakiaw ami ta motor nagalin ong Cuyo tenged anda ray matayan amen.We hired a boat to bring us from Cuyo island because we had no other boat to ride on.Ang mga CAFGU ay namakiaw ong mga sayaw talabi.The CAFGU [Citizen Armed Force Geographical Unit] men contracted to dance with the women in the folk dancing last night.Ang tanan ang tinda ni Maria pinakiaw ni Ana ang binakal agod itinda nang oman.All of Maria's wares were bought for an agreed upon price by Ana so that she could resell them.rel. wrd.taria 1.1
whom (plural)danopa 1.1interr. pl. prnWho (plural); Whose (plural); Whom (plural).Danopa tang mga bakang narin?Whose cows are these?rel. wrd.ninopa 1ninopa 1.2sinopa 1.1
whom (singular)ninopa 1.2rel. wrd.danopa 1.1ninopa 1sinopa 1.1interr. prnWhom (singular).Ong ninopa i-dolo naning koarta?To whom shall I give this money?rel. wrd.danopa 1.1ninopa 1sinopa 1.1
whose (plural)danopa 1.1interr. pl. prnWho (plural); Whose (plural); Whom (plural).Danopa tang mga bakang narin?Whose cows are these?rel. wrd.ninopa 1ninopa 1.2sinopa 1.1
whose (singular)ninopa 1.1rel. wrd.danopa 1.1ninopa 1ninopa 1.2sinopa 1.1interr. prnWhose (singular).Ninopa nang lapis tang nabo-log ong tanek?Whose pencil is this that fell on the ground?
whyangay 1.1interrWhy?; what's the reason?; what's wrong?Angay pagini-yak tang mola?Why is the child crying?Paginiyaka? Angay?Are you crying? Why, what's wrong? Paning ono tanandia ong Kalobasing. Angay bato?She said she will go to Kalobasing. What's the reason do you suppose?Pagsinikada ra, angay ay?You are running, what's the reason?
wickpabilo 1.1nWick of a lamp.Para-letan da tang pabilo tang kingki, māreng da.It's time to change the wick in the little lamp, it's already dim.
widemala-bang 1.1ov. syn.mala-bang 1mala-bang 1mala-bang 1marogal 1.1rogal 1.2wayang 1.2adjWide.Mala-bang tang katri ang bindoat ni Jose.The bed Jose built is wide. ov. syn.mawayang 1.1rel. 1marogal 1.1Antmarogal 1pikiti 1.2ov. syn.logar1 1.2malogar 1.1marogal 1marogal 1marogal 1wayang 1.2adjRoomy, loose fitting clothes; wide, spacious room or area.Marogal tang kosina nira.Their kitchen is spacious.Antmapiet 1.1ov. syn.mala-bang 1mawayang 1.1rel. wrd.rogal 1malogar 1.1adjSpacious; vast; a wide area.Malogar tang kanioyan amen ong San Vicente.Our coconut palm grove in San Vicente takes up a wide area. ov. syn.marogal 1mawayang 1mawayang 1.1Antmawayang 1pikiti 1.2ov. 1.1logak 1.3malogar 1.1mawayang 1mawayang 1mawayang 1mawayang 1rogal 1.2adjRoomy clothing; wide; spacious; vast area.Ang lambong ni Maria ay mawayang tenged pagabdet.Maria's dress is very roomy because she is pregnant.Antmapiet 1.1ov. syn.mala-bang 1.1marogal 1.1rel. wrd.wayang 1
widen something, towayang 1.2rel. wrd.mawayang 1.1wayang 1vi., vtFor something to become wider, more spacious; to make an area wide, or clothes loose fitting.Pangwayang da tang baybay ong Abagat piro agka-kaben da tang langeb tang baybay ong Cambian.The beach is becoming wider at barangay Abagat but the beach at barangay Cambian is being eroded by the waves.Pawayangen mo tang bedbeden mong kaliolioto.Make the pants that you'll sew for me loose fitting. ov. syn.mala-bang 1marogal 1
widespreadwasag 1.4ov. syn.rambol 1.1wasag 1viFor people, things to spread or scatter to other places; for news to become widespread.Ang mga Filipino pamagwasag da ong bilog ang kalibotan.The Filipino people are scattered all over the world.Nagwasag da tang balita ang may masit ta baboy.The news has already become wide-spread about swine flu.ov. syn.palba 1.1saboag 1.1
widowbalo1 1.1nWidow; widower.Ang balo pandigo mga ya-long kaldaw da tang rosario.A new widow takes a bath on the third day of the wake (lit. praying of the Rosary.)
widowerbalo1 1.1nWidow; widower.Ang balo pandigo mga ya-long kaldaw da tang rosario.A new widow takes a bath on the third day of the wake (lit. praying of the Rosary.)
widthkala-bang1 1.1nWidth.Pirapang mitro tang kala-bang tang tanek mi?How many meters is the width of your piece of land?
wifekatawa 1.1synaroman 1katawa 1pisi tang sinangoni 1.1rel. wrd.istado 1.1katawa 1nSpouse; wife; husband.Ang doroang logodo, poros da may katawa nira.My two siblings both have spouses already.
wife beaterkamomogbog2 1.1ov. syn.kamomogbog2 1kaninigbak2nA bully, someone who is always beating others up; a wife beater.ov. syn.kaninigbak1 1.1kaninigbak2kaninigbak1 1.1adjA person who, when drinking, severely beats someone, usually his wife.ov. syn.kamomogbog2 1.1
wigglekoting 1.1viFor fish to bite, touch, or wiggle the bait on a fishing line.Nagapon ami ra tang patondi, anda kang pisan ay kokoting. We spent all day fishing with a line, but nothing at all was wiggling the line. ov. syn.ta-bet 1.1tondi 1.1inga-inga 1.2vtTo wiggle a tooth and make it loose.Indi inga-ingaen mo tang isi mo, itaben mabonlok, geldano.Don't wiggle your tooth, it may pull out, I'm afraid.
wiggle line (fish)koting 1.1viFor fish to bite, touch, or wiggle the bait on a fishing line.Nagapon ami ra tang patondi, anda kang pisan ay kokoting. We spent all day fishing with a line, but nothing at all was wiggling the line. ov. syn.ta-bet 1.1tondi 1.1
wiggle somethingiget-iget 1.1vtTo make something creak, as a chair or bed, by wiggling it or moving it back-and-forth.Indi paiget-igeten mo tang kalarongan tenged itaben madolangan tang langga na.Don't wiggle the chair and make it creak because its brokenness might become worse.
wildtalonanen1 1.1nWild animal, usually a pig, that lives in the forest.Ang binangkaw na ong baboy ang talonanen ay binletan na ong yen.The spear he used to kill the wild pig, he borrowed from me.katian 1.1ov. syn.ila 1.2katian 1nA wild, untamed chicken who will not approach people.Ang manong katian mga maita ta taw dayon ang laging manikad.When a wild chicken sees a person it proceeds to immediately run away.Ang taw ang asi magang katian, indi maita ta taw.That person is like a wild chicken, he is not seen by people.ov. syn.irmitanio 1.1log 1.1
wild animalmaila 1.1adjWild, untamed animal; clinging, shy child.Antmalam 1.1synma-lat 1.1rel. wrd.ila 1ma-lat 1.1adjWild, untamed animal.Antmalam 1.1synmaila 1.1