BaëbelEnglishBaibelPrp.NBible, nameO upöm teʼ nat va po Baëbel to koman ne pan a ma meh ö soe va pa ves vëh to soe va non manih pan,...Other educated people of the Bible think that some other parts of the talk of this verse says like this,...
BajisasBiblical SourceBarjisasPrp.NBar-Jesus, nameManih Pafos ee to ep in a pah teʼ to pikpiuk non pan, eʼ a teʼ vanënën soe, eʼ a to Jiuʼ, a ëhnaneah e Bajisas.Here in Paphos they saw one man who was lying by saying that he was a talk foreteller person (prophet) and that he was a Jew, his name was Barjesus.
baketEnglishbaketnbucketTeʼ maʼ a baket peöʼ.Bring my bucket.
BalBiblical SourceBalPrp.NBaal, name...e sunön vapikpiuk vëh e Bal....this false lord (god) is Baal.
Bal-HananPrp.NBaal Hanan, nameKa tëëm ne Söl to mët, Ke Bal-Hanan sunaiʼ Akbor tavus en e sunön. Ka tëëm neʼ to mët,
Bal-MeonPrp.NBaal Meon, placeva’peh me a Nibo me a vöön apuh vëh a Bal-Meon (o ëhnan vëh nee to panih voh ee pe’), me Sipmaʼ.
Bal-SefonPrp.NBaal Zephon, placePare tapiun tane’ hah ma’ Pi-Hahiröt pa ö no a potan to pepeah ke non ma’ manih Bal-Sefon, ko u’uu tanu ee sinten Mikdol.
BalamBiblical SourceBalamPrp.NBalaam, nameO tövavaasis pikpiuk poë varih to këh voh ee pa hanan totoopin, pare nönö vahok vah e ne. Ko vatet ee pa taateʼ pe Balam e koaʼ pe Beor.Those false teachers had left the straight road (righteous way), and they were going around here and there. And they followed the custom of Balaam the child (son) of Beor.
baliʼEnglishbalinbarleyO voen va po pöh poen no a teʼ to kon eʼ to antoen e non peʼ pa voen a paeh sospen taëën vuit, keʼ, a kukön sospen taëën baliʼ.The pay for one day that a person gets is enough for him to buy one saucepan of wheat food, and three saucepan of barley food.
BanabasBiblical SourceBarnabasPrp.NBarnabas, nameEe to pokaʼ ne eah e Banabas, o ëhnan vëh e Banabas to soe va non manih pan, “A teʼ heʼheʼ soe va pa vaeh o vaman.”They called him Barnabas, and this name Barnabas says like this, “A person giving talk in order to strengthen the belief.”
BarabasBiblical SourceBarabasPrp.NBarabbas, nameManih po poen pamëh to teʼ non a pah teʼ to teʼ non pa nohnoh, no a napan to nat ne poë no a taateʼ peʼ to parin hat rakah. Ka ëhnaneah e Barabas.On that day there was one man who was in prison, the people knew him that his behaviour was very bad indeed. His name was Barabbas.
BarakBiblical SourceBarakPrp.NBarak, nameEöʼ to hikta teʼ me noʼ ta tëëm, nöʼ se vahutët suk pet noʼ na a ma teʼ varih to vaman voh ne e Sosoenën, e Gideon, me Barak,...I also do not have the time that I will tell about these people who had believed in God, Gideon, and Barak,...
BasabasBiblical SourceBasabasPrp.NBarsabbas, nameEe to vateʼ ee pa poa teʼ, e Jeosëp Basabas, pareʼ teʼ non o meoh ëhnan, e Jastus.They appointed two men, Joseph Barsabbas, and he's got another name, Justus.
BasemëtPrp.NBasemath, nameEʼ me to me voh e non pe Basemët eʼ e koa mon pe Ismaël.
BatimeusBiblical SourceBatimeusPrp.NBartimaeus, nameKee vaoe ee na pe Batimeus a teʼ kehoʼ, pare soe ke poë pan, “Sun ah, parën vaeö, pe Ieesuʼ to vaoe en maʼ pën.”They called Bartimaeus the blind man, and they said to him like this, Stand up, and you called, Jesus has called you."
BatromioʼBiblical SourceBatolomyuPrp.NBartholomew, nameKe Filip pen Batromioʼ. Ke Tömas, ke Matiu vëh, a teʼ kokon takis.And Philip and Bartholomew. And Thomas, and this Matthew, who was the person who collected taxes (tax collector).
beaʼEnglishbeanbear...ka moneah ep va non manih pa mon a beaʼ,.....and it’s legs looked like the legs of a bear,...
BelsebuBiblical SourceBelsebulPrp.NBeelzebub, nameIvëh, ke eöʼ a teʼ to vovoh noʼ po vuteʼ se keh kon o ëhnan vëh Belsebu, a, o vuteʼ avoes peöʼ se kon ee pa ma ëhnan to teʼ hat oah e ne po ëhnan pamëh.So then, I the person who leads the clan if I should have this name Beelzebub, a, all of my clan will have all the names which are more bad (worse) than this name.
Bene-JakanPrp.NBene Jaakan, place Ee to këh a Moseröt ko u’uu tanu ee Bene-Jakan.
benkEnglishbengnbankIvëh, kën hikta vahoʼ suk poʼ voh a moniʼ peöʼ ataeah pa benk, köʼ se hah maʼ, ko kon a moniʼ peöʼ me a teʼ to teʼ oah non.So, then why didn't you(s) put my money in the bank and when I returned I could get my money back and the one (the money) which is over (has multiplied).
BeonPrp.NBeon, placeA ma vöön apa’puh varih a Ataröt, Dibon, Jëser, Nimra’, Nibo, me Beon ee a ma oeh vih pa vamkën o purmakaö’.
BeorBiblical SourceBeorPrp.NBeor, nameKo vatet ee pa taateʼ pe Balam e koaʼ pe Beor.And they followed the custom of Balaam the child (son) of Beor.
BerekiaʼBiblical SourceBerekiaPrp.NBerachiah, name...ko hik non manih pa mët pe Sakarias sunaiʼ Berekiaʼ....and finished with Zechariah son of Berakiah.
BeriaʼBiblical SourceBeriaPrp.NBerea, namePo poen pamëh pa popoen o teʼ va po vaman to vanö ee Pöl pen Saëlas manuh vöön Beriaʼ.Still on that day in the night the people who believe (believers) sent Paul and Silas there to the village of Berea.