Vasui - English



DainaʼPrp.NDinah, nameE Dainaʼ e koaʼ mon pe Jekop pen Lea, eʼ to nö pa ep po koaʼ mon va pa vöön apuh vëh a Sekem.
DalmanutaʼBiblical SourceDalmanutaPrp.NDallmanutha, place...kee nö ee manuh pa muhin va Dalmanutaʼ....and they went to the area of Dalmanutha.
DalmesiaʼBiblical SourceDalmesiaPrp.NDalmatia, place... ke Taëtus nö en manuh pa muhin va Dalmesiaʼ.... and Titus went there to the province of Dalmatia.
DamarisBiblical SourceDamarisPrp.NDamaris, köövo a ëhnaneah e Damaris, me a ma meh upöm teʼ to vaman....and a woman her name is Damaris and also some other people who b.
DamaskasBiblical SourceDamaskusPrp.NDamascus, placeKe Söl nö en, pareʼ ököök vatët non vöön Damaskas,...Then Saul went, and he was nearing the village of Damascus,...
DekapolisBiblical SourceDekapolisPrp.NDecapolis, placeA nap peo poë varih to taneʼ maʼ pa muhin va Galiliʼ, me manih pa teʼ muhin va Dekapolis,...Plenty of people indeed came from there (these places) Galilee, Decapolis,...
DemasBiblical SourceDemasPrp.NDemas, nameKe Luk vëh a röktaʼ, nemöm to iu suntan nem eah sih, pen Demas, ee me pon to vanö nös a potan avih pee manih peöm.And this Luke, the doctor we(excl) always love very much and Demas, both of them send their good day to you(p).
DemitriusBiblical SourceDemitriusPrp.NDemetrius, nameO teʼ kurus va po kum teʼ varih to vaman ne e Ieesuʼ to sosoe e ne pan, e Demitrius a teʼ vih,...Every person of these group of people who believe in Jesus are saying like this, Demetrius is a good man,...
DerbeʼBiblical SourceDerbePrp.NDerbe, placeE Pöl pen e Banabas to nat ina tah pamëh, ko rusin ee manuh vöön va Listraʼ, me Derbeʼ koman a muhin Laëkoniaʼ,...Paul and Barnabas knew this thing and ran away there to the of village of Lystra and Derbe inside the bush (country) of Lyconia,...
DevitBiblical SourceDevitPrp.NDavid, nameE Ieesuʼ a teʼ va po vuteʼ va pe Devit.Jesus was a person from the clan of David.
DëboraʼPrp.NDeborah, nameKe köövo kikiu pe Resel, e Dëboraʼ to mët en nën, ke pe ee peʼ po pön o pöh nöʼ apuh, to te' ke non maʼ pa kusin vöön vëh a Bëtël.
DëlfonPrp.NDalphon, name
DënPrp.NDan, place
DëniëlBiblical SourceDanielPrp.NDaniel, name”Eöm se ep rakah em pa Tah A Pah Hat Rakah no a teʼ vanënën soe vëh e Dëniël to sosoe suk voh non...."You(p) will see a Bad Thing Indeed that this proclaiming talk person (prophet) Daniel was continually talking about....
DëriusPrp.NDarius, name
DibonPrp.NDebon, place A ma vöön apa’puh varih a Ataröt, Dibon, Jëser, Nimra’, Nibo, me Beon ee a ma oeh vih pa vamkën o purmakaö’.
Dibon-GëtPrp.NDibon Gad, placeEe to këh a Abarim ko u’uu tanu ee Dibon-Gët.
DidanPrp.NDedan ; name
DidimusBiblical SourceDidimusPrp.NDidymus, Tömas vëh a meh ëhnaneah e Didimus,......and this Thomas his other name is Didymus,...
DiklahPrp.NDiklah ; name
DinihabaʼPrp.NDinhabah, nameKa tëëm ne Söl to mët, ke Bal-Hanan sunaiʼ Akbor tavus en e sunön.
DionisiusBiblical SourceDionisiusPrp.NDionysius, nameA ma pah teʼ to tavus ee o teʼ va po vaman pa ö nee to pënton o vavaasis pe Pöl. A paeh pee e Dionisius,...Some people became the people who believe (believers) when they heard Paul's teaching. One of them is Dionysius,...
DiotrefesBiblical SourceDiotrefesPrp.NDiotrephes, name...ivëhkëk, e Diotrefes a teʼ to iu non a vovoh ke raoe to hikta iu pënton a no möm....however, Diotrephes the person who wanted to lead them did not want to listen to us(excl).
disEnglishdisndishKa paeh va pa tönim me a pöök ankeroʼ varih to öt ne pa tönim me a pöök toep varih, to teʼ me ne a ma tah hat marën a miröʼ a napan pa vahik o heve pe Sosoenën,...And one of these five and two (seven) angels who held the five and two (seven) dishes, these ones, had the bad things in order to destroy the people to finish the anger of God,...
disaëpelEnglishdisaipelndiscipleA ma disaëpel to vatet e Ieesuʼ.The disciples followed Jesus.

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