spotntl.moodcan, could, must, shall, should, so, will, wouldKe eöm se öt rakah eah.And you will indeed hold him.
sa1potntl.prnwe can(incl), we could(incl), we might(incl), we shall(incl), we should(incl), we will(incl), we would(incl)Sa se nö po toaan.We(incl) will go to the market.2asp.prnTAM we(incl)3imper.prnwe must(incl)Sa nö Buka ko voen a taëën.We(incl) must go to Buka to buy food.
sadönikisBiblical SourcesadonikisnsardonyxKa vatönim, eʼ a vös sadönikis ...And the fifth, it is a sardonyx stone ...
SaëdonBiblical SourceSaidonPrp.NSidon...a ma napan va pa poa vöön varih Taëaʼ me Saëdon....the people of these here two cities Tyre and Sidon.
SaëlasBiblical SourceSailasPrp.NSilas...ka meh teʼ a ëhnaneah e Saëlas...and another man whose name was Silas.
SaëmonBiblical SourceSaimonPrp.NSimonE Ieesuʼ to sosoe non a soe vaʼih suk e sunaiʼ e Saëmom va Iskeriot vëh e Jiudas.Jesus was saying this talk because of this Simon of Iskeriot's son Judas.
SaënaëʼBiblical SourceSainaiPrp.NSinaiE Hagaʼto vëknom non o vatompoan vëh to tanok voh manuh pa tope Saënaëʼ pa muhin va Arebiaʼ.Hagar portrays the relationship that was made on Mount Sinai in the country of Arabia.
SaënaʼBiblical SourceSainaPrp.NChina, ChineseA ö muhin va Saënaʼ to paraʼ apuh.The country of China is very big.
SaëonPrp.NZion, place“Eöʼ to vahoʼ voh a vös manih Saëon.”"I have put a stone in Zion."
SaëprusBiblical SourceSaiprusPrp.NCyprus, placeKeʼ teʼ non a pah teʼ va po vuteʼ nee to pokaʼ ne Livaë, pa ö muhin soneʼ nee to pokaʼ ne Saëprus, a ëhnaneah e Jeosëp.There was a man of the clan they call Levi, of the little place they call Cyprus, his name is Joseph.
SaëriniʼBiblical SourceSairiniPrp.NCyrene, placeA nap vëvënsun to këkëh tavus ne maʼ a vöön va Jerusalëm, pare akeh a teʼ va po vöön va Saëriniʼ, ka muhin peʼ ivëh Afrikaʼ. A ëhnan a teʼ pamëh e Saëmon.The fighting person leaving came to the village of Jerusalem, and they met a man from the village of Cyrene, of the country of Africa. The name of this man was Simon.
SakariasBiblical SourceSekaraiaPrp.NZechariah, nameE Sakarias, eʼ e teʼ ësës heʼ sunön po Jiuʼ nee to ip vamët voh eah manih topnin a iuun pe Sosoenën me a pok vapenpen peʼ.Zechariah, he was the chief priest of the Jews whom they had killed in the middle of the house of God and his sacred table.
SakiasBiblical SourceSakiusPrp.NZacchaeus, nameSakias, vëhöʼ kunah maʼ, kuru eöʼ se teʼ noʼ nös pa iuun pën.Zacchaeus, come down quickly, today I will later stay in your(s) house.
SalamisBiblical SourceSalamisPrp.NSalamisEe to vos ee vöön Salamis, pare ho ee pa iuun hinhin soneʼ po Jiuʼ pare vatvus ee pa soe pe Sosoenën.They arrived at the village of Salamis, and they went into the small prayer house (synagogue) of the Jews and they revealed the talk of God.
SalëmPrp.NSalemIvëh ke Mëlkisëtëk, eʼ a teʼ sunön va vöön Salëm.Therefore, then Melchizedek he was the headman person of the village of Salem.
SalimBiblical SourceSalimPrp.NSalimE Jon to pupui non a napan pa ö neʼ to teʼ non pa vöön va Aënon a vöön pamëh to teʼ vatët non pa teʼ vöön va Salim.John continually washed (baptized) the people when he stayed in the village of Aenon that village is close to the village of Salim.
SalmonBiblical SourceSalmonPrp.NSalmonKe Salmon e taman e Boas.And Salmon was the father of Boaz.
SalmonaʼPrp.NZalmonah, placeEe to këh a Tope-Hor ko uʼuu tanu ee Salmonaʼ.
SalmoneBiblical SourceSalmonePrp.NSalmone...ko paröʼ nö vame manih pa To Krit vatët non manih Salmone to vame këh a then the ship went to the back of Crete Island near Salmone in back of (to hide from) the wind (storm).
Salomeʼ Mariaʼ e sinan e Jëmis, e kea soneʼ pe Jeosëp, pen Salomeʼ....and Mary the mother of James, the little brother of Joseph, and Salome.
salpaʼEnglishsalfansulfur...a teʼ pamëh se kon a punis apuh manih po suraʼ to ësës non po vös salpaʼ....that person will get a big heavy inside the fire burning with sulphur stones.
SamBiblical SourcePsalmsPrp.NPsalmsA soe vih to teʼ non koman a Puk Sam.There is good talk in the Book of Psalms.
samanTok PisinsamannoutriggerA saman i no sini to takök.The outrigger of the canoe broke.
SamaʼPrp.NShammah, nameKo teʼ puskoaʼ pe Ruël to teʼ va ne manih, e Nahat, ke Seraʼ, Samaʼ ke Misaʼ.