NaënBiblical Ieesuʼ nö en pa vöön vëh ëhananeah a Naën....and Jesus went to the village it's name was Nain.
naënBiblical Sourcenainnumnine...eʼ to naën kirök non pa pö is nine o'clock in morning.
NagaëʼBiblical Esli e koaʼ pe Nagaëʼ,...Esli the son of Naggai,
nahvchew betelnut (to)A napan va Papua Niukini to nah vateh.The people of Papua New Guinea always chew betelnut.
NahëtPrp.NNahath, nameKo teʼ puskoaʼ pe Ruël to teʼ va ne manih, e Nahët, ke Seraʼ, Samaʼ ke Misa.
nahnahvchew betelnut (to continually)[chewing betelnut]E sinaneoʼ to nahnah non pa iuun peʼ.My mother is chewing betelnut in her house.
nahuhnum100, one hundredO nahuh toaʼ to mët.One hundred chickens died.
NahumBiblical Amos e koaʼ be Nahum,......and Amos was the child (son) of Nahum,...
nainbdpt.nforeheadManih pa nain e köövo to kiun non o ëhnan to teʼ non a soe vapipinoʼ.On the forehead of the woman was written a name that has a parable talk.
naineöminal.bdpt.nforeheads (your)(p)Paröm nat nem soe vaman manih pa ma naineöm marën a vakikis a soe peöm.And you(p) must not talk promise by your foreheads, in order to strengthen your talk.
nairainal.bdpt.nforehead (our)(incl)Emöm to iu vateʼ nem o vëknöm pe Sosoenën pea manih pa naira ma teʼ kikiu peʼ.We(excl) want to put the sign of our(incl) God on the foreheads of his working people (servants).
naiiredial. var.naireinal.bdpt.nforeheads (their)Ee to soe ka neoʼ a napan varih to teʼ me ne o vëknöm pe Sosoenën pa naiire/naire...They(excl) told me these people who have God’s sign on their foreheads...
namandial. var.namndam, lake, pond, poolA naman pe teʼ vëh.The pond belongs to this man.
NamatoaʼPrp.NNamatoaA vöön va Namatoaʼ to teʼ ke non maʼ manuh Tinputz.The village of Namatoa is there at Tinputz.
NambaʼEnglishNambaPrp.NNumbersA ëhnan e buk vëh, Nambaʼ.The name of this book is, Numbers.
nampaʼEnglishnambannumber (a)E tisiaʼ to vahoʼ en pa nampaʼ po koaʼ se nö pa singsing.The teacher put (marked) the number of the children that should go to the singsing.
nanvheat up (to)...ka tavus va ee manih po siroak no a potan to nan non maʼ, keʼ paapa non na po upöm teʼ.and we(incl) are like a mirror that the sun heats up, and it is shining to other people.
nananvheat up, (to continually) [heating up]Vasuksuk nee to vaeheh koman nee pare soe ee pan, “Aeoh, ep öm ka rih o oeh para nanan po suraʼ, ke eh ko tavus o brik.”Afterwards when they themseves argued and they said like this, “Alright, you look and then we stir the ground then we continually heat it with fire, then it is strong and becomes a brick."
nanansoevpersuade (to)Varenan rakah pa napan varih po oeh vëh to nanansoe ne o upöm teʼ...Woe indeed these people on this earth who persuade other people...