haëasinEnglishhaiasinnjacinthKa vahavun me a paeh, eʼ a vös haëasin ...And the eleventh, it is a jacinth stone ...
HagaʼBiblical SourceHagarPrp.NHagar, nameE köövo kikiu akuk pe Saraʼ vëh e Hagaʼ to vahuh a paeh,...This woman who works for nothing (slave woman) Hagar gave birth to one,...
hahsp. var.ha1vcome again (to), come back (to), go back (to), return (to)Eʼ to këh hah en pee,...He left them again,...2advagain, anymore, back, immorally, shamefullyNok hah a kiu pën.Do your work again.
hahah1vback go (to)...pareʼ hah ko vakön hin hahah kov en....and so he went back and so prayed again the third time.2advagainVasuksuk neʼ to hah en manuh pa ma vamomhë peʼ,...Later he went back again to all his disciples,...
haharaʼ1vfeel (to continually)[to be feeling], yearn (to continually)[to be yearning]E voe hikta to kehkeh haharaʼ non o kamis.The man is not wanting to keep feeling pain.2adjfeeling, yearning...me manih po haharaʼ pa teʼ....and from the yearning (desire) of a person.
hahromvdesert (to)...e Jon Mak to hahrom voh, ko hikta teʼ vaʼpeh moaan me non raoë pa nok a kiu....John Mark had deserted and not stayed with them before in the work.
hakvaccuse (to), dish out (to), scoop (to)Eën se hak a taëën peöʼ parën teʼ maʼ.You should serve my food and you(s) bring it.
hakavpoke at (to)Ea se haka na a ian keʼ tavus maʼ.We (incl) will poke at a fish and it (will) come out.
hakhakvaccuse (to continually)[accusing], dish out (to continually)[dishing out], scoop (to continually)[scooping]E voe se hakhak a taëën peöʼ.The man is dishing out my food.
hakorenadvagainEʼ vöh to nö hakoren.There he goes again.
hakoruadvagainAtaeah hakoru nën se nok?What are you going to do again?
hanvclean (to), clear (to), conceive (to), hang up (to)A supak to han non po oe.The flying fox is hanging from the coconut palm.
hanannpath (bushpath), road (car)A hanan vëh to nö non manuh ruen.This path here goes over there to the water.
hanhan1vhang, (to continually)[hanging]A kove to hanhan non manuh.The basket is hanging there.2nhanging (place for)... pare vahan manih pa ö hanhan peʼ, ...... they hang it here on it's place for hanging (lamps), ...
HaniëlPrp.NHanniel, nameKa manih po vute’ pe Manëseʼ ne’ to vate’ en pe Haniël, veh e koa’ oete’ pe Iföt.
HanokPrp.NHanoch, nameE Ruben e koa vamomoan pe Jekop, eʼ to teʼ me non a tanaʼ koaʼ oete.ʼ E Hanok, ke Paru, ke Hësron, ke Karmi.
hapanadvreallyEën hapan to onöt e nom a nok a kiu.You really are able to do the work.
hapasEnglishhalf pastvhalf past (nine)A rotuʼ se tanio po hapas nain.The worship starts at half past nine.
HaradaʼPrp.NHaradah, placeEe to këh a Tope-Sëfer ko u’uu tanu ee Haradaʼ.
HaranBiblical SourceHaranPrp.NHaran, placeMoaan voh o maaka pe Sosoenën to tavus voh e sipuura Abraham pa ö neʼ to teʼ non pa muhin va Mësopotemiaʼ, momoaan in a nö peʼ manuh pa vöön Haran.In the past the light (glory) of God appeared to our ancestor Abraham when he stayed in the land of Mesopotamia before his trip there to the village (town) of Haran.