a1arta(p), a(s), theE voe to vi a vös.The man threw a stone.2rflx.prnourselvesEa se tap a pa peö.We(incl) might spear ourselves(excl) with the spear.3advaccede, assent, yesA, ea se nö ee.Yes, we will go.4rhet.q.mrkra, rhet.q.mrkrEën se nö kiu, a?You are going to work, right?5inftoMeh tah vöh nöʼ to anoe vu a soe ka oah.There is another thing which I very recently forgot to tell you.6ioIO non3, IO3Köʼ hi a neoʼ pan.And he asked me like this.7trTR non3, TR3Ko se pah vaʼaus a noʼ e Roman.Then perhaps truly I will help Roman.8vblzrvblzaA poa a köövo, a köövo.The two (who) are women.
AbadonPrp.NAbaddon, namePo to Hibru, ee to pokaʼ ne a teʼ sunön pamëh, e Abadon.In the Hebrew language, they called that chief person, Abaddon.
AbaëataʼBiblical SourceAbiatarPrp.NAbiathar, name...Abaëataʼ to teʼ non e susun po teʼ ësës heʼ, pareʼ ëën voh en pa taëën pamëh....Abiathar at that time was the chief man who burns a gift, and he had eaten that food.
AbaëiaʼBiblical SourceAbiyaPrp.NAbijah, nameKe Rëhoboam voh e taman e Abaëiaʼ.And Rehoboam was the father of Abijah.
AbarimPrp.NAbarim, placeEe to këh a Almon-Diplataim ko u’uu tanu ee pa moeh totope va Abarim, sinten a Nibo.
AbaʼBiblical SourceAbaPrp.NAbba, Father, name"Abaʼ, Tamaneoʼ, a ma tah kurus nën to onöt e nom pa nok,..."Abba, my Father, you (s) are able to do everything,...
AbiasëpPrp.NAbiasaph, nameKa ma koaʼ oeteʼ pe Korah ivarih, e Asir, ke Ëlkenaʼ, ke Abiasëp.
AbibPrp.NAbib, nameEöm to këh voh maʼ a muhin va Isip po poen vamomoaan in a sivö nee to popokaʼ ne a Abib.You have left the country of Egypt on the day of the first day of the month that they called Abib.
AbihuPrp.NAbihu, nameE Aron to me e Ëlisebaʼ, eʼ e koaʼ mon pe Aminadëp, me eʼ e vamen e Nason, Ke Ëlisebaʼ to vahuh e Nedëp, pen Abihu, ke Ëlësaʼ, ke Itamar.
AbileneBiblical SourceAbilenePrp.NAbilene, place...ke Lisanias to teʼ non a teʼ susun to matop non a muhin va Abilene....and Lysanias was the boss person (governor) and looked after (ruled) the province of Abilene.
AdiʼBiblical SourceAdiPrp.NAddi, name...ke Mëlkiʼ e koaʼ pe Adiʼ,......and Melki was the child (son) of Addi,...
AdramitiumBiblical SourceAdramitiumPrp.NAdramyttium, placeEmöm to tok po paröʼ va Adramitium pamöm nö em.We(excl) embarked the ship from Adramytium then we(excl) went.
AdulamPrp.NAdullam, placeManih pa tëëm pamëh, ne Judaʼ to këh a ma kea peʼ, pare nö ko teʼ me non e Hiraʼ, e Hiraʼ, eʼ a teʼ va pa vöön va Adullam.