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oꞌutaunspec. comp. form ofoꞌu1 1nposseyelashpestañawoꞌutaour eyelash
-oꞌutaaffsfxThis suffix generates a derogatory form of the word where it is used.Este sufijo genera una forma despectiva de la palabra en la cual se usa.Mataasü saaꞌin suꞌwaloꞌuta wayuu mamainnasü.(His hair) looks like the hair of a crazy person. (jesting about a person whose hair is messed up)
oꞌutaafr. var.oꞌktaaoꞌttaa3vsbe deepser profundoJuꞌunira jütainkat eere oꞌutüin tü palaakatTake your boat (out) where the sea is deepantepetaa
oꞌutaa aaꞌincfoꞌunai wayumüinvtkillmatarOꞌutüna aaꞌinchi saaꞌu neerü.He was killed for money.Noꞌutüinjachi aaꞌin paala nia, noikkakalaka neꞌe nia.They were going to kill him, but (instead) they just sold him.Iban a matarlo, pero lo vendieron, no más.cfeewainjaakeewainwaa 2uwomuyuwaa 2
oꞌutalanposshusk, chaffcáscarasuꞌutala maikkü, pitchuushithe chaff of corn, beanscfase
oꞌutpünaafr. var.oꞌunnaacf-oꞌulu1postin midst of, during, in the course ofen medio de, durantesuꞌunna jamükatin the time of scarcity / scantinessdurante tiempo de escaseztü kasa anasü naaꞌinrakat ... suꞌutpünaa tü miꞌirakatthe good things he did ... at (during) the feast2conj relwhilemientrassuꞌunnaa müliain wayawhile we are sufferingsuꞌutpünaa nikeraajüin juyawhile he had a birthday3postin spite of, althougha pesar de, aunqueChejeeshi taya suꞌunna tü juyakat.I went although it was raining. (may have some kind of counter-expectation or adversative sense)Me fuí aunque / entre / mientras la lluvia.synjaꞌitaichicfayataa 2
oꞌuttaavtinsertmetersümaa suꞌuttünüin nasaꞌa süꞌttiraluꞌupünaa wane wunuꞌu süpülajana püreesasü suulia isajüinwith their legs being put through the middle of a wood instrument for prisoners that they not escape
oꞌuwanposshorn (of animal)cuernosüraloꞌu mürüt; süꞌütpaꞌa suꞌuwakatcrown of animal’s head; beside its horns // skull
oꞌuyaajananposscompanion, escortacompañanteTü tawalakat, süchekaka suꞌuyaajanain taya laairukumüin.My sister wants me to accompany her to the waterhole.Me hermana quiere que yo la acompañe al jagüey.koꞌuyaajanaahave a companion (one person who is alone)tener compañero, una persona que está sóla.synamaajachi
oꞌuyaawainnpossplace (substituted)lugar de (reemplazo)Müleka süchuntünüle wane muula, nnojorüle muula, shiale eein neerü, aapünüsü suꞌuyaawain.If a mule is requested, if there is no mule but rather money, it is given in its place (subtituted). (similar to “shiiiraka”)cfeeꞌiraka
oꞌyonoojoofr. var.aꞌyonoojoovtcut, trimcortarOꞌyonoojüsü süpasüla kuluutkot süka palousa.I’m trimming / cutting / shearing the seams (dangling threads) of the cloth with scissors.Niꞌyonoojo kalaka tü shiꞌirukkat tü wayeenakat süka tü rüikat süpüla niküin.He cut the flesh of the whale with the knife to eat it.Tü wayuukalüirua, akuꞌulaasü sünain aꞌyonojaa tü suuꞌuliakat.The people begin to cut the plants.Las indígenas comienzan a cortar las matas (millo).cfootolooosholojoooꞌyotowaa
oꞌyotoo2vt1pour (liquid)verter (líquido)cfejitaa 12dump out (liquid), empty (liquid)echar (líquido), vaciar (líquido)Niꞌyotüin wüin soꞌu sikikat.He dumped water on the fire.Echó agua en el fogón.cfajutaa 1ejitaa 2ojotaa
oꞌyotoo aaꞌuvt1pour on (liquid)2throw on (liquid)echarle (líquido)¡Piyokojoo sikikat; piꞌyoto wüin saaꞌu!Extinguish the fire; throw water on it!¡Apague la candela; échele agua!3baptizebautizaroꞌyotüna aaꞌuchihe was baptizedsynowoutisaajaa
oꞌyotooyoncutting instrumentinstrumento para cortar(palousa) oꞌyotooyo kuluut(scissors) for cutting cloth
oꞌyotowaavtcut (with knife, scissors)cortar (con cuchillo, tijeras)Oshokotnüsü waneepia süpüla shiꞌyotoonüin.It (animal’s ear) is always folded over for being cut.Anashii wountai sünain oꞌyotowaa tü kachuweerakat.We should try to / hurry up and cut the wire.Es bueno que procuremos (?) / demos prisa para cortar el alambre.cfakatchejaaashottaaawalaa1 1eperataaootolooosholojoooꞌyonoojoosiimaraalü
olonbird speciesespecie de avegenwuchii 1
olojoo1vthuntcazarOlojüinjana atpanaa.We are going to hunt rabbit.2vihuntcazar¿Olojüsü alijuna chaꞌaya?Do white men hunt over there (USA)?
oloꞌolotsüntree species with slightly thorny sweet flowers and smooth oval leafespecie de árbolgenwunuꞌu 1
olunposs1edgebordeSajaniraai wai sümaa sot jaarü, nnojoliinjana kasaalüin waya.If we bump our tooth on the edge of a cup, we aren’t going to marry.El golpearse los dientes contra el borde de un pocillo significa que no se va a casar.Anoujüshi sot karalouꞌta.He is making even / levelling the edge of the books. (prior to glueing and stapling the pages of the book together)Está emparejando la orilla de los libros.2shore, bankorillaOꞌunüshii waya sünain pejepünaainjaꞌa waya sünain sotkat palaa.We left, yet remaining close along the sea shore.otpaꞌabesidepoluwaaedge-to-edge
omochonposs1navelombligo2umbilical cordcordón umbilical