Browse Wayuu



oꞌttaa1vibegin, startcomenzar, empezarOꞌttüsü ekirajaa soꞌukaꞌi.Teaching (school) began today.Isasü nüchiki keraainjatüin nütüma tü miichikat oꞌttakat paalaHe won’t be able to finish the house that was started earlier
oꞌttaa2vi1landaterrizar2perch, settle onposarseIsaa oꞌttüin wane wuchii.There is a bird perched.Allá está un pájaro posado.Oꞌttüsü sünain tü wayuukalüirua.They (demons) descend on, land and abide on people (not in trees, houses, arroyos).synashakataacfjoyotoooꞌnnuwawaa3infect (a disease)contagiar (una enfermedad)Akaꞌaya süchaajüle waya wayuu waꞌlapüinruꞌu, süpülajatü woꞌttüinjatüin süchiꞌra tia wayuukat.Likewise if someone is whipping us in our dream, it is an omen that we are going to catch that person’s disease.También, si soñamos que una persona nos está dando latigazos, significa que vamos a tener la clase de enfermedad que ésta tiene.cfaapuwaaachiꞌraayuulii 1oꞌnnirawaa
oꞌttawaavi1happenpasar, sucederakumajaa sukuaippa kasa oꞌttaakat jümüinsettle matters that happen to you2be saved, save oneselfsalvarseMüleka nnojoliire makatüin nala wayuukana wamaa suluꞌu tü anuakat, nnojoleena oꞌttaain jia.If those men do not remain in the boat with us, you will not be saved.Si esos hombres no se quedan in el barco con nosotros, ustedes no se salvan.oꞌtteꞌeraamake happen; save
oꞌtteꞌeraader. ofoꞌttawaavt1make happenhacer pasar2savesalvarNuꞌtteꞌereein nia.He wanted to save him.El quería salvarle.
oꞌttiraavtstartdar comienzo
oꞌu1cfkoꞌulujunaanposs1eyeojoAisü toꞌu sütüma kaꞌi.My eyes hurt from the sun.cfkoꞌushalaakataa oꞌualiveoꞌuluꞌuin one's perspectiveoꞌuseeyeglassesoꞌutaeyelash2door(way)puertaShawatshi soꞌuluꞌu miichi.He is leaning on the door of the house. / standing in the doorway.whmiichihouse, building3opening, holeabertura, agujero¡Pünaata (~ pünoukta) soꞌu püsheꞌin!Straighten the neckline of your dress (or T--shirt)!Koꞌusü.It (ball) has a hole (in it).4headlightfaroseema soꞌu kemionafraid of headlight of truck5kernel (of grain)grano6colorcolor¿Kasa atat soꞌu sünoꞌukot?What is the color of its design?¿De qué color es su diseño?synana 2
oꞌu21poston, in (fire, light, darkness)en (el fuego, la luz, la oscuridad)Niꞌyotüin wüin soꞌu sikikat.He dumped water on the fire.Echó agua en el fogón.shiꞌrüin Pedro soꞌu suwarala tü sikikatshe saw Peter in the light of the firecfaluꞌu 1eroku 12poston (date), at (time)en (una fecha, un tiempo)¿Kasa kaꞌi antaka oꞌu?What day did he arrive on?soꞌu tiaat that timeen aquel entoncescf-oꞌulu3nposstime, occasionvezEesü soꞌu nnojotkalü watüjaain saaꞌu.There are times that / when we don’t know it.Hay veces que no lo sabemos.
oꞌulanposs1hammock, bedlecho, hamaca¡Piisala suluꞌu toꞌula!You lay down in my hammock (sleeping thing)!specchinchoorojamaꞌasüi2spider webtelarañasuꞌula waleketspider web3placentaplacentasuꞌula süchon kaaꞌulaplacenta of the goat (lit. ‘the goat’s baby’s hammock’)placenta de la cabra
oꞌulejaa1vtcursemaldecirJe suwaꞌrüle sajapü nümüin chi wayuukai, nnojoire nüshawaleꞌerüin süpüla, eeshi süpüla suꞌulejüin: “¡Kasataalejeseꞌe seewaain neꞌejena yalamüin, too!”If she signals with her hand to the guy, if he doesn’t stop for her, she can curse him: “I hope that his car breaks down farther along!”synmojuu anüiki 1
oꞌulijaavt1hold (infant)cargar (al niño)Oꞌulijasü tepichi.I’m holding a child.2rock (infant)mecer (al niño)Oꞌulijüsü chi jintüichon.She is rocking / swinging the baby boy.cfayuunajaa3caress (a child), show affection (to a child)acariciar (al niño), halagar (al niño)
-oꞌulucfoꞌu2 2oꞌutpünaaaffsfxThis suffix on a noun or stative verb gives the sense of “a season of, a time of”.Este sufijo agregado a un sustantivo o un verbo de estado da un sentido de “un tiempo de”.jouktaleꞌulu(in) summer (time)emiroꞌulütime of sufficient food (and water) for man and beastcfmaaꞌulu yaaemiroꞌuluseason of plentyjamoꞌuluseason of faminejouktaleꞌuludry season
oꞌulukufr. var.oꞌutkucfeꞌipanposspart, member, one of, some of, group ofparte, miembro, uno de, algunos de, grupo deeejachi Dionisio, wane noꞌuluku na laülaayuu sulujunakana tü kanüliakat Areópagothere was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagussüpüla suꞌunüinjatüin noꞌuluku nümaꞌanamüin Herodesfor some of them to go to Herodsynapüshi 3
oꞌuluꞌucomp. ofoꞌu1 1aluꞌupostfrom one’s perspective, in one’s viewen la vista detü anakat noꞌuluꞌu Lotthat which looked good to Lotcfoꞌupala
oꞌunaa1vigo, leaveir, salirOꞌunüshii nepialuꞌumüin.They are going to their house.2ntripviajetü kasa choꞌujaajeetkat wamüin suluꞌupünaa wopu sünain tü oꞌunaakatthe things we would need along the way on the triplo necesario ... para el viaje VPE
oꞌunai wayumüinnon-masc.oꞌunalü wayumüinnkillerasesinocfoꞌutaa aaꞌinuwomuyuui
oꞌunalutnpossdistancedistancia¿Jetsü suꞌunalut?What is its distance?
oꞌuniraavttake (somewhere)llevarcfamawaa 1eꞌikajawaactprtantiraabring (cause to arrive)
oꞌunirawaavielopefugarse con el novioMüleka namüraajiraale ajuunaa (~ ojuunaa), oꞌuniraashii ojuunaa.If they are secretly in love, they secretly elope (i.e. go off together without anyone knowing).syneipirawaa 1
oꞌupalapostin sight of, before (one’s view)delante de (a la vista de)noꞌupalabefore them // in their sight / awarenessantojuunacfoꞌuluꞌu
oꞌupünaanpossfacecara, rostroJiruttüsü suꞌupünaakat.Her face is wrinkled. (?) (old woman)
oꞌuraajaaviprayorarAnakaja poꞌoraajüle.It would be good if you prayed. / Please pray.mouraajüinsalii(we / you pl) don’t pray
oꞌuseunspec. comp. form ofoꞌu1 1nposseye glassesgafas¿Kojutsü che oꞌusee yaapünaa?Are eyeglasses expensive around here?nuꞌuse JoséJosé’s glasses