Browse Wayuu



okoyojoovi1walk slowlycaminar despacioMüsiaka saaꞌin tawaꞌülaale tokoyojüle.It makes no difference to me if I walk fast or slow.Me da lo mismo si camino rápido o despacio.2get goingemprender el caminoWokoyojüin.We are getting going.
okoyoloocfkoyotoovi1walk slowlycaminar despacioantawaꞌülawaagenwaraittaa 12get goingAnakaja wokoyolüi.It’s good that we be going. (used as a farewell phrase)
oꞌkchichijawaavithrow a fit (rolling over and over on ground)revolcarsecfaꞌktütajawaa
oꞌktaafr. var. ofoꞌutaa
oꞌlojianpossrinse water (e.g. for mouth), mouthwashenjuague bucalNa, poꞌlojiia.Here’s your (mouth) rinse. (water to rinse after drinking chicha)
oꞌlojoocfoꞌlojowaavtwashlavarAnakajaꞌa woꞌlojüle süka wüin süpüshuaꞌa tü süchonkot wunuꞌu.We should wash all fruits with water.cfalaꞌajaa 1oꞌoojoo
oꞌlojowaacfoꞌlojoovtwash (NOT launder or bathe)lavarOꞌlojooinjatü taya pülaata.I’m going to wash the dishes.cfashijawaa
oꞌlotüinnpossnoise (of rushing)ruido (de una corriente)Taapakalaka joo wane pütchi chajee iipünaajee müsü aka saaꞌin suꞌlotüin süchi eekai müleꞌoin, ...Then I heard a voice from above like the noise of a large river,...cfeꞌira 1
oꞌnnirawaavicause to be contracted (disease)causar contagiarseEesü aainjalaa eekai nnojolüin suꞌtniiraanüin anainjee achiꞌraa.There are sins that do not cause disease to be contracted.Hay pecado por lo cual no se contagien las enfermedades.cfachiꞌraoꞌttaa2 3
oꞌnnojowaasp. var.oꞌonojowaavifall down, stumble and fallcaerseOꞌonojoosü mmoluꞌu.She fell on the ground.cfajutuwaa 1ojunnajawaaojuttaa
oꞌnnuwawaaviland (group of birds), perchposarse (grupo de aves)Suꞌnnuwaa taala kalaka aaꞌin tü wuchiikalüirua sünain ekaa tü pankat sulujutkat tü kanaastakat.And the birds appeared to land to eat the bread that was in the basket.cfoꞌttaa2 2
oꞌonowaavimove (to new pasture), migrate (with flocks)mudarse (temporalmente con el rebaño)analaa mma süpüla oꞌonowaacheck out a (area of) land for migrationcfokolojowaa
oꞌoojiraavtbathebañaroꞌoojiraabathe someone else (transitive) (e.g. mother bathes her baby)
oꞌoojoovibathe (oneself)bañarseOꞌoojüinjana waya.We are going to take a bath.Oꞌoojüsü shiroku palaa.She bathes (swims) in the ocean.cfoꞌlojoo
oꞌoonojoofr. var. ofoonojoovicoughtoseroꞌoonajüsüI have a cough (chronic sick with cough)
oꞌoroloincfamüla2nposs1windpipe, tracheatráquea2throatgarganta
oꞌotojowaavt1shake offsacudirsünain noꞌotojooin tü mmakat sünainjee nooꞌuishaking the dust from their feetsacudieron el polvo de sus pies VPE2brush off, knock offcepillar, quitar con la mano¡Poꞌotojoo walashikat suulia püsheꞌin!¡Sacude el pelo de tu camisa!cfalaꞌajaa 2
oꞌotoo1viarrivellegaroꞌotoo suluꞌu wane miichi naataarrive at the house of anotherllegar a casa de otro2vihappen, befallsuceder¿Kasa oꞌotoko pünain?What’s (been) happening to you? (type of greeting)3vtmount (another on something)montar (a otro en algo)Noꞌotokalaka chi mayeinshikai saaꞌu neꞌejenaThen he mounted the critically ill man on his mount4vtloadcargar5vtimposeimponerjoꞌoteein waaꞌu tü nuꞌutünüin aaꞌin chi wayuukaiyou want to load on us (attribute responsibility) the killing of this mannnojolüinjatüin woꞌotüin jaaꞌu wane akuaippa nnojotkat maꞌi jaꞌijaainthat we should not burden you (put a standard on) that is not very needfulno imponer sobre ustedes ninguna carga (aparte de estas cosas necesarias) VPE
oꞌotowaavi1mountmontar2ridecabalgarTaküjüin sümüin teikat süchikü tü palajatchankat toꞌotooyo saaꞌu ama.I told my mother about the very first time I mounted (rode) a horse.3climb (onto)subireejenüle woꞌotooin naaꞌu wuraitchkaiwhere we climbed (on) the w. tree4boardsubir a bordo, abordaroꞌotooshi nia suluꞌu wane anuahe got into a boatsubió a una barca
oꞌtchejaavtmiss (a target)fallar (no dar en el blanco)Oꞌtchejünüshi Juan nütüma José.José missed hitting John (with his shot).José no le dió a Juan.syneitaa
oꞌtchejawaa amaavtmake a mistake regarding, err regardingequivocarse con, equivocarse denuꞌtchejaa amaalü (tü pütchikat)he got it wrong (e.g. if said “good morning” in the evening)synmaaꞌawaa 3antayaawataa 1cfoponojoo
oꞌttaconjandyAꞌyataainjana waya, tayakai oꞌtta müsia tü tawayuusekat.We are going to work, I and my spouse.Jimatüinjat müleꞌesa oꞌtta tü shiküinjatkat soꞌu kaꞌikat tia eküinjatü jima neꞌe.They will rest and what they eat during this day, they will eat fish, nothing else.Va a estar de descanso y lo que van a comer durante ese día, van a comer pescado, no más.synje 1ooꞌulaka