d'- Class-marking prefix for a singular noun in the fb:D class. Nouns in the fb:D class are inanimate objects or plants of medium size and shape, between that of an egg and a fist. Plurals of fb:D class nouns use the fv:c' class-marker. The class-marker fv:d' should not be confused with the pronoun fv:d or fv:qd which is written without an apostrophe and replaces a noun. ######## When an entry has a class-marker it is written in italic writing. Class-markers may move to the end of a word in a sentence. The class-marker is not included in the way entries are ordered. For example, the word fi:d'fv:kwq (gourd) is found next to the word fv:kwq, and the word fi:d'fv:gyan (egg) is found between the words fi:k'fv:gyaara and fv:gyan.
d'àlá n lewd conversation; showing too much interest in impure things or in matters of sex Ka d'al el tu ne̱e̱ na c'na̱msa̱. A person who is very rude makes people laugh.
d'àrmá n grass-roll on wall top as cushion (purlin) for frame of roof to rest on Te̱kte̱ka̱n yaak d'arma.; Na magska k'kurun d'arma.; Armad naka. Ants have eaten the purlin.
d'àtá n bundle, coil (of dried hemp) A̱m waka atad s'bazgna.; Hav a̱v ne̱be̱ ma̱ d'ata da̱ s'bazgna.
d'bà̱a̱rà̱ n cleared open space A na wan d'he̱te̱, na buu d'ba̱a̱ra̱.
d'bà̱bú (bá̱bré₁) n toothless mouth, gap from loss of a tooth Nina̱v kon ka̱m sai d'ba̱bu.; Nin potka waa a̱n c'ba̱bu. der. ká c'bà̱bú
d'bàglò n bolt I d'baglam we̱s ne̱.
d'bákcè n underwear Neta a tu el a̱n ce baad bakc da.
d'bàklábnà n 1at a late time A̱m hako d'baklabna, dava̱nla̱n baska̱n to̱o̱ko̱. 2foolish (talk) O̱p rork lalks d'baklabna.