i'- Class-marking prefix for an inanimate singular noun in the fb:I class. These are often very small and often related to nouns in the fb:D class. Plurals of I class nouns use the fv:m' class-marker. The class-marker fv:i' should not be confused with the pronoun fv:i which is written without an apostrophe and replaces a noun. ######## When an entry has a class-marker it is written in italic writing. Class-markers may move to the end of a word in a sentence. The class-marker is not included in the way entries are ordered. For example, the word fi:i'fv:jo (sieve) is found between the words fv:jijjijji and fv:jogo, and the word fi:i'fv:reke (small) is found between the words fv:regsa and fi:u'fv:reko.
i'hono calabash Ne̱e̱m i'hono a̱m gasta yala.
i'jò basket-style sieve for removing sediment from liquids such as beer
i'rweke, u'rweke, u'rweko