m'- Class-marking prefix for noun in the fb:M class, often a plural of an fb:I class noun, or mass noun such as water. The class-marker fv:m' should not be confused with the pronoun fv:m or fv:qm which is written without an apostrophe and replaces a noun. ######## When an entry has a class-marker it is written in italic writing. Class-markers may move to the end of a word in a sentence. The class-marker is not included in the way entries are ordered. For example, the word fi:m'fv:h[ (water) is found between the words fi:d'fv:h[ and fv:h[bh[b[, and the word fi:m'fv:banco (witchweed) is found between the words fv:banco and fi:d'fv:banda.
m'àlá n circuitous, (following) a roundabout route A̱m gabka le̱vk m'ala. I followed a roundabout way.
m'bàdá n stitch round both ends of arrow shaft; nick at end of arrow shaft El nan bad gwan sa̱n eela.
m'bàsá n urine basam ci kos ni bini.
m'dè̱bè̱ n temper Kam de̱be̱, a tu kum c'kwe̱s da.
m'dwángrí n stench A̱m so̱o̱k kosa̱m dwangri m'hwaska̱m d'ba̱ta̱.
m'gàncò n 1scrap of news A̱v hwengkam ganca̱m ru? 2find out, discover A̱v hweng kam ganca̱m an baco?
m'gá̱ngà̱ n erection, sth standing up straight, (e.g. penis) Ga̱nga̱m el ta̱m de̱le̱ noc s'kekbo.