taa-taalkufromtaalkuintransitive verbexplode, burst outof a lot of things in successionKapi purlkanyalu pungkulayilku wantinyangka maku pirninya-ya yilykuwarra marrpuringuru taa-taalku.After a big rain lots of bardie grubs will burst out of the roots of a witchetty bush.Tililku nyangka taa-taanma -- yirlintjipirinypa karrungka ngarapayi.If you burn (that grass), it explodes -- it’s like oat grass and grows near creeks.See alsotarturrmanku
taal(pa)fromtaalkunouna hole in the ground that something has burst out ofa butterfly, moth or hibernating goannaMakuku-latju yankupayilu pitjala yilykuwarrangka nyakupayi taalpa ngaralatjaku. Nyaku nyirri mantangka ngarrirranyangka. Pukulytjura pakara yanu.When we go for bardie grubs we come and look under the witchetty bush for holes in the ground that grubs have come out of. We see chrysalis shells lying on the ground. (The grubs) after bursting out (and turning into butterflies), have left and gone off.Means the same aspukuly(pa)
taalkuintransitive verbburst out, spurt outWantingu mirturnu, ‘Ngaanya ngalyataarnu. Palunyatjanunyka yaaltjirringu?’She stopped and looked at the tracks, ‘Here’s where (the marsupial mole) burst out of the ground. Then whatever’s become of it?’Yurnturrngu pukulytjingannyangka yurna taalku. Nyangka purlarrpa marla tjutiku.When you burst a boil pus spurts out. Then blood flows out afterwards.See alsotuulpungkuMeans the same aspukulyarralku
taarn-taarn(pa)fromtaarn(pa)nounrise, elevated groundWiya, warli nyarranya taarn-taarnta ngarala.Oh, that building is on the rise.Parna taarn-taarnpa walykumunu ngaralanyangka wiltjalku-rna.I’ll build a shelter where there’s good elevated ground.Mawirrtjalakurlu rirrangka taarn-taarnta mawirrtjaanama.Think about how you go on the rises, the ironstone ridges, and keep on going.
taarn(pa)nounround hill, higher part of the range, humpTjultjulta taarnpa-ya ngarala.There are round hills in the scrub.Kapi taarnta ngarala.There’s a waterhole in the higher part of the range.Kamurlpa wirtapi taarnpa.A camel’s back has a hump.seengalya taarn(pa)See alsomurrputuntururru
taarnmankufromtaarn(pa)transitive verbmake something high, heap something up, plump something upManta-ya taarnmanu wantingu.They made a big heap of dirt.Pangku mantjilku taarnmanku ngarrikatikitjalu.You get a pillow and plump it up when you want to lie down.seengalya taarnmanku
taanykatanknountankTaanykangka kapi tjutingu-tjutingu purlkarringkulalpi wirnmulymaranytja.The water poured into the tank until it got full and was overflowing.
taanytjakalkutransitive verb1lever something out, prise something outTjingurunku nyuntuku tjaarnpa kapingka tjarrpaku ngarrima. Nyangka-tjingurun warta wirrimirangka taanytjakalku mantjilku.If your shirt falls into water, then maybe you’ll lever it out with a long stick and get it.Tjinguru waru purlkanya kampama. Nyangkan tjinguru kuka yilytjanpa mantjilkitjalu purtu mantjilku. Nyangkan tjinguru wantiku warta wirrmirangka taanytjakalku mantjilku.Maybe there’s a big fire burning and you can’t get a piece of meat out. Then maybe you can lever it out with a long stick and get it.2blow something right overWiltjatarrartu taanytjakarnu warningu pirriyalu.A shelter might be blown right over by the wind.See alsolukulkuluulypinku
taaruurr(pa)tar roadnounbitumen road, sealed roadWala wanka-ya parrapitjama taaruurrta.People go around very fast on the sealed roads.
taatjingalkufromtaalkutransitive verbburst something, make something explodeTulu tjinguru taatjingalku. Tjingurun pika yurnturrngutarra taatjingalku.You might make a bullet explode. Or you might burst a boil.Wiya, wati ngaalu kaanta tjutupungu taatjingarnu.Oh, this man shot with his gun and exploded the bullet.Means the same aspukulytjingalkusounds liketjaarrtjingalku
taawarra-warraadverb 1in a rowTjingurun nyaku ngurra nyarranya taawarra-warra matjunu.You might see all those homes have been put in a row.See alsotawarrawaralykarra
-talocative, instrument or other case endingoccurs with words ending with a consonant. For its range of uses see -n̲gk̲a̲, the equivalent form for words ending with a vowel.Karnilkulta-ya karnilta.They would then yandy (the seed) in a yandying dish.Lavertonta nyatura katingu.She got (the dog) in Laverton and brought it here.
taka-takarltjingalkufromtakarl(pa)transitive verbknockat the doorKa-ya marnkurrtu pitjangu kapingka purtu taka-takarltjingarnu.The three of them came in the rain and unsuccessfully knocked (at the door).Means the same aspungku-pungku
takarl-takarl(pa)fromtakarl(pa)adverb 2with a rhythmic knocking sound, with a clumping soundTjiinyakurlu tjinapuuntjarra takarl-takarlpa mapitjayinama. Palunyapirinypa.You know how someone with boots on goes along with a clumping sound. It’s like that.
takarl(pa)nounknocking soundNyangka tjirapulu takarlpa kulira pitjangu nyangu mangki kurlunytju warta katapungkulanyangka.Then the giraffe, hearing the knocking sound, came and saw the little monkey chopping the tree.Palunyangkalta wati nyarra Muunurrku-nurrkulu kupulu purlkanyanya mantjira wirrtjarnu panyka-panykarnu palunyalu pungu takarltjarra purnu ngaa ngarrirranytjanya.Then that Blowfly Man got a large hitting stick and went creeping across quickly and then with a knocking sound hit this log lying here.
takarlarralkufromtakarl(pa)intransitive verbmake knock or crack soundTjitji ngaanya punkaralpi ngalya takarlarrarnu.This child made a crack sound when he fell on his forehead.seemulya takarlarralku
takarlmankufromtakarl(pa)intransitive verbmake knocking or crack soundKulirnu nyarratja takarlmara ngarlpurringkula-pula warnirra rulyupungkula.He heard those two playing and making a knocking sound throwing (stones) and hitting (the rock) over there.seemulya takarlmanku
takarltjingalkufromtakarl(pa)transitive verbmake a crack soundMurti-rni takarltjingarnu.I cracked my knee (on the table).Minymalu yaturnu kutjupanya takarltjingarnu.A woman stoned another woman with a resounding crack.
takulualsotakulu-takuluspatial adverbjust out of sight of, other side of hill, rise or buildingMapitjayirnu-latju yapungka takulu, tjarungarala-latju parrapitjangu.We went to the other side of the hill and after climbing down, arrived there.Ngurrangka takulu.Just out of sight of the settlement.Mapitja kuka manyawa tjiinya-rna takulu-takulu marlu tjunu wantingu.Go and look for the kangaroo meat that I left on the other side (of the hill).See alsomunkarra
takulukatikualsotakulutikufromtakuluintransitive verbgo down the other side, disappear from sightTjiinyakurlu yarrapulayinpa nyawa tjunarnpa purlkanyatjarra mapitjaku matakulutiku.Think about how you see a jet go and disappear from sight. (It’s like that.)Tjiinyakurlu ngarrirrayila nyawa pira watipitja takulukati.Think about how you lie there and watch the moon go across and go down the other side (of the sky).Talingka-ya kamurlpa pirni matakulutingu.A lot of camels went down the other side of the sandhill.Ka-pula waru nyangu wantirra ngurlu kukurraarnu yapuwana parratatirnu, karruwana parratakulutingu, parrapitjangu nyangu palunyaku mama nyinarranytja ngurrangka.Seeing the fire they ran away afraid. They climbed up around the hills and came down through the creek and arrived home and saw their father sitting there.See alsomatjarungaraku