yaalampaparticle, ending1don’t wantYaalampa ngurra ngaanya wantinyangka-ya tjarrparra parntinma.We don’t want them to come into this place and sniff (petrol) if we leave.Watilu marrkuranytja pika wantitjaku yaalampa tjutupungkutjaku.The man was stopping him from fighting because he didn’t want him to shoot (the other man).2would have, should haveunfulfilled expectationKurriyaalampa katima. Kurri tjinguru mirri.He would’ve brought his wife (if he had one). Maybe his wife is dead.Tjilkuyaalampa pitja tjirntungkalpi. Ngaanya mungarringu.The child should’ve come when it was daylight. But now it’s dark.Yaalampa palunyaku mama ngunytju pitjatjaku.His father and mother should’ve come.
yaalapalkaparticle1impossiblephysically or legally. Occurs with command form.2not rightYaalapalka-ya kuurlkutu kirti kutitjama.It’s not right for them to go to school dirty.Means the same aspumpapalka
yaaltjiquestion word1how?Yaaltjinyka nyinakatingu?However did (the spacecraft) land (on the moon)?Yaaltjilun mara walykumunulu yayirninytjulu palyara?How is at that you’re skilfully and cleverly doing it?2where?eastern‘Puwi, yaaltjin kutipitjangu?’ ‘Wiya, mirrkaku-rna yanu.’‘Hoy, where are you off to?’ ‘Oh, I’m off (to the shop) for food.’
yaaltji-yaaltjialsonyaaltji-nyaaltjifromyaaltjiquestion wordhow?asks details of a procedureNyangka papa tjiilu kulirnu, ‘Yaaltji-yaaltjilu-tjananyarna ngaanya tjarrparralpi ngalku wiyalku?’Then that dog thought, ‘What will I do to get in and eat them all up?’
yaaltjinkufromyaaltjitransitive verbdo what? do what with it?Yaaltjinun?What did you do with it?Ka Warlawurrulu purtu kulirnu, ‘Yaaltjinku-rna?’Then the Eagle couldn’t think, ‘What will I do?’
yaaltjingalkufromyaaltjitransitive verbdo what? do what with it?Kulirnu, ‘Yaaltjingalku-rna?’He thought, ‘What will I do?’
yaaltjirrifromyaaltjiquestion word, adjective1how many?Wirinta yaaltjirri ngarala mangkangka?How many grey hairs are in your hair?2which people?answer is a list of names
yaaltjirrikufromyaaltjiintransitive verbbecome what? go where? do what? what’s become of?Watilu watjarnu, ‘Yunguntjarra-lin yaaltjirriku?’The man said, ‘What shall we do tomorrow?’Katalukutju-ya nyangama, ’Yaaltjirriku papa palunyanya ngarriku?’With only your heads showing watch and see, ‘Where will that dog go and lie down?’Wantingu mirturnu, ‘Ngaanya ngalyataarnu palunyatjanunyka yaaltjirringu?’She stopped and looked at the tracks, ‘Here’s where it came up and then what’s become of it?’See alsowanytjatjarriku
yaaltjiwanafromyaaltjiquestion wordhow?‘Yaaltjiwanalu-rna mirri pungku?’‘How will I kill him?’
yaarlpirriadverb 2talk loudly before daybreakusually with w̲a̲n̲gk̲a̲k̲u̲Yaarlpirri-ya tirtu wangkapayi.They always talk loudly before daybreak.Tjilku ngaanya yaarlpirri wangkarra.This baby is talking in the early morning.Yaarlpirrilu pika payilpayi.You might growl at someone early in the morning.
yaarltakalkutransitive verbpour out a lot of somethingWati ngaalu-tju wangara yaarltakarnu wiyarnu kutjumarta.This man poured out my last lot of sugar.Katingu-lanyatju yaarltakara wantirra kutipitjangu.(The big cloud) brought (the hailstones) and poured them out on us and went on.
yaamalyarunouna light shower of rain without thunderYaamalyaru wirrtjalpayi nyinngakitja pungkula mawirrtjalpayi. Y̲a̲a̲m̲a̲l̲ya̲r̲u̲ comes quickly just before winter, it falls and goes on quickly.Yaamalyaru tjukurni punkaranytja.A light shower of rain was falling.
yaan(pa)alsoyaan-yaan(pa)adverb 21associated with, with someone but not really involved, for companyWangurnutarrartu minymalu palyaranytja-pula minyma kutjarralu. Ka-latju parrapitjaankupayi yaanpa.The two women were preparing w̲a̲n̲gu̲r̲n̲u̲ seed and we were going about associated with them (but not doing it).Wati ngaanya-lu yaanpa yanu.This man just went along with him.Pitja yaan-yaanpa nyinama.Come and keep him company.2involved through association, or being with someoneWati ngaanya nyinarra kutjarra-pula. Nyangka wati ngaalu mirrirntalku kutjupanya. Wati ngaanya nyinarranytjanya kunkanyarriku-pula. Tjiinyamantu-ya nyaku wati kutjupatjarralu, ‘Wati ngaalu pungu.’ Nyangka tjiinya yaan-yaanpa parrapitjalayirni, palunyanyatarrartu-ya tjumanma.There are these two men. Then this man might kill someone else. Then this man that was staying with him and (he himself) will both be liable to be blamed. Because other men look at them (and say), ‘This man killed him.’ Then that man who was going about with him will be talked about as being part of it as well.Yaan-yaantu-ya ngaalu katingu pikatjarrarnu.These people took him around with them and made him sick.Yaan-yaanpa-yayi kutjupa pikatjarra ngaatja nyinama?Is there anyone associated with you who is sick?Yaanpa-rni kata pikarringu.I have a headache because I’ve been associated with you (and you have one).
yaanarrikufromyaan(pa)intransitive verb1go about with someoneTjilku purlkanya kurlunytja yaanarripayi.(This) big child always goes about with little ones.Minyma kutju yaanarringu kutjupangka.One woman went along with another one.2become involved through association, or being with someoneYaanarringkutjamaaltu wantima. Nyangka-yankuyi wampaka pika pungama.Don’t get involved with them, leave them alone. It doesn’t matter, let them fight their own fight.3catch sickness through being with someone
yaanpungkufromyaan(pa)transitive verb1set down with someoneTjilku mamangka, ngunytjungkatarrartu yaanpungku, nyinatjunku wantiku.You set a child down with its father or maybe its mother, you set it down and leave it.2pass on likenessMamalu yaanpungu.The father has passed his likeness (to the child).3make sickness spread to another part of the bodyPakarnu tukutapirinytju mantjiranytja, nayiki pirni mantjiranytja. Ngaatja paakunintirnu palunya patjarnu yaanpungkutja.He got up and, like a doctor, was getting snakes (from the person’s body). They’d bitten him and made the sickness spread around his body.See alsopaakunintilkupaakuyungku
yaantjarrafromyaan(pa)adverb 21with someone but not really involved2learning by association, or being with someone
yaarntjaadverb 2quietly, silentlyMapitja yaarntja warta tiwulytjingantjamaalpa yaarntja nyinakati.Go quietly without snapping a twig and sit down quietly.Kunkunpa ngarrirranyangka papalu panykalku yaarntjalu kuka mantjira katiku.While someone is asleep a dog creeps quietly and gets the meat and takes it away.See alsoraaly(pa)Means the same askanmarr(pa)
yaapitul(pa)hospitalnounhospitalMinyma ngaanya yanu yaapitulta ngarringu marlaku pitjangu nyantulypa nyinarra pikatjanu.This woman went and was in the hospital. Then she came back but is still weak from that sickness.See alsokiliniki
yaarumanounmist, fog, low cloudYaarumalu tjuturnu kanyirnu tawunpa pirninyartu.The fog covered all the houses.Yaaruma purlkanyalu-rni tjutura kanyira nyangka-rna purtu nyakula.A thick fog is covering me and I can’t see.See alsoraamalyuruyaarrkaMeans the same aspuyulykura1tjiyu
yaarr-yaarr(pa)1nounspirit-beinglives in trees or caves, appears to people, confuses them and leads them away. Said to have a red skin.Yaarr-yaarrtu-ya wati minyma kuwartjingara katipayi purtikutu tjinguru pulpakutu.The ya̲a̲r̲r̲-ya̲a̲r̲r̲ spirit-beings confuse men and women and take them into the bush or maybe to a cave.Yaarr-yaarrpa pirni nyinapayi pulpangka wartangkatarrartu. Palunyatjanu-ya yutirringkupayi. Palunyatjanu-ya yarnangurringkupayi, paparringkupayi, minymarringkupayi. Palunyatjanu kuwartjingara katipayi.The ya̲a̲r̲r̲-ya̲a̲r̲r̲ spirit-beings live in caves or trees. Then they become visible. They take on bodily form, of a dog or a woman. They confuse (people) and take them away.See alsomamumitjunungumpany-ngumpany(pa)pitjirl(pa)1wurna-wurna
yaarr(pa)yardnoun1yard2fenceTurirrpa-tju wilyparnpungu tjarrparra-rna pitjanyangka yaarrwanu. Wayalu wilyparnpungu.My dress was torn as I came through the fence. The wire tore it.
yaarrkanoundrizzle, misty rainYaarrka kapi tjukurni tjunarnpirinypa. Y̲a̲a̲r̲r̲k̲a̲ is a small amount rain like smoke.Yaarrka: kapi kurlunypa puyi-puyinma. Y̲a̲a̲r̲r̲k̲a̲: a small amount of rain that keeps falling lightly.Ngaanguru tjapilku kulilku, ‘Kapi purlkanya-munta?’ ‘Wiya yaarrkalu kanyira.’From here you ask (on the phone), ‘Is it heavy rain?’ (Then someone replies,) ‘No, misty rain is surrounding (us).’See alsotjiyutjuulumawinnyin-winnyin(pa)yaarumaMeans the same asraamalyuru