100nahuhnum100, one hundredO nahuh toaʼ to mët.One hundred chickens died.
1p exclmöm 2obj.prnus(excl), 1(p)(excl)Ihan anoe a ma hat pemöm, vamanih pa ö nemöm to ihan anoe va voh in a hat no upöm teʼ to nok ka möm.Release forget (forgive) our bad things (sins), like we release forget (forgive) the bad thing (sin) that other people had done to us(excl).
1p inroraradial. var.raobj.prnus(incl), 1p(incl)Manih po ururuan apuh pe Sosoenën, eʼ to heʼ hah a ra o toʼtoʼ voon pa ö na to teʼ toʼtoʼ no ko anoeh no, suk e Sosoenën to vatoʼ taneʼ hah e Ieesuʼ Kristo po vapeepe.Through the big mercy of God, he gave us(incl) this new life that we(incl) have and waiting for, because God made alive again Jesus Christ from the cemetery.
1p inclra 1obj.prnus(incl), 1p(incl)Ivëhkëk, manih pa ma poen to oah ee, eʼ to vaato koe me a rora pe Sunaiʼeah.However, on all the days that passed, he talked with us(incl) through his Son.