dadtamönkin.ndad, father, ones own fatherE tamön pe voe to mët en.The man's father died.
DalmanuthaDalmanutaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NDallmanutha, place...kee nö ee manuh pa muhin va Dalmanutaʼ....and they went to the area of Dalmanutha.
DalmatiaDalmesiaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NDalmatia, place... ke Taëtus nö en manuh pa muhin va Dalmesiaʼ.... and Titus went there to the province of Dalmatia.
damnamndam, lake, pond, poolEʼ to vaköm non pa nam ruen.He is looking at the lake waternamandial. var.namndam, lake, pond, poolA naman pe teʼ vëh.The pond belongs to this man.
damkorot 1vdam (to) (water)E Pitaʼ to korot maʼ a ruen.Peter dammed up the water.vauhevdam (to)O koaʼ to nö ee pa vauhe a ruen.The children went to dam the water.
dam upvaohevdam up (to)A napan to vaohe a ruen manih Rawaʼ.The people dammed up the water in the Rawa (river).
dam, akupuʼndam (a), pod of wild betelnutO kupuʼ vavahoʼ taëën pemöm.The pod of wild betelnut is in our food storage (area).uhendam (a)Manuh Ramuʼ to teʼ non a uhe.There at Ramu is a dam.
damagemiröʼvblow (to), curse (to), damage (to), defile (to), destroy (to), injure (to), ruin (to), spoil (to), trouble make (to)Eöʼ to miröʼ eoʼ pa motoka pe papaʼ.I destroyed my fathers car.
damaging, to bemimiröʼvblow (to continually)[blowing], damage (to continually)[damaging], defile (to continually)[defiling], destroy (to continually)[destroying], injure (to continually)[injuring], ruin (to continually)[ruining], spoil (to continually)[spoiling], trouble make (to continually)[making trouble]E köövo to mimiröʼ non a ma kuma.The woman is ruining all the sweet potatoes.
DamarisDamarisBiblical SourcePrp.NDamaris, köövo a ëhnaneah e Damaris, me a ma meh upöm teʼ to vaman....and a woman her name is Damaris and also some other people who b.
DamascusDamaskasBiblical SourcePrp.NDamascus, placeKe Söl nö en, pareʼ ököök vatët non vöön Damaskas,...Then Saul went, and he was nearing the village of Damascus,...
damppuhpuh 2adjdamp, rough surface, wetO rara peöʼ to puhpuh aoeʼ e non.My waistcloth is still damp.
damp, to bepuhpuh 1vdamp (to be), rough (to be)Ka ma ö puhpuh neöm se een variriun.And all the rough surface parts which you(p) must dig make flat.
dancepinoʼ 1vdance (to)E Seon se pinoʼ en pen Mataʼ.John will dance with Martha.
dance, apinoʼ 2ndance (a)Napan va vöön to öt ne a kaënkaën pinoʼ.The village people have different kinds of dances.
dancingno 2ndancing, mosquitoA no to kot e koaʼ.The mosquito bit the child.
dancing, to bepipinoʼvdance (to continually)[dancing]... me a ö nee to pipinoʼ vovoh nö ne.... and that they go before and are dancing and go.vasusurapvbuck (to continually)[bucking], caper (to continually)[caper], dance (to continually)[dancing], leap (to continually) [leaping]O moto to vasusurap non pa ma ta supa.The motorboat is continually bucking in the waves.
DanielDëniëlBiblical SourcePrp.NDaniel, name”Eöm se ep rakah em pa Tah A Pah Hat Rakah no a teʼ vanënën soe vëh e Dëniël to sosoe suk voh non...."You(p) will see a Bad Thing Indeed that this proclaiming talk person (prophet) Daniel was continually talking about....
darkpoen 4adjchildless, dark, fat, greasyE kuʼ poen hikta ta se nö non.The fat pig is not able to walk.popoen 2adjblack, darkA koman a vë to parin popoen vörep.Inside the cave it is indeed very dark.
dark, to bekukuitvblack (to be), dark (to be), pitch dark (to be)A vë vëh rës kukuit suntan.The cave here truly is very dark.
darkened, to becomevapopoenvdarkened (to become)...e Sosoenën to vapopoen e non pa matëëre pa inan poë.God darkened their eyes (prevented them) from recognizing him.
darkening to bemamatanpoenvdarkening (to continually be)[darkening]A muhin to mamatanpoen en.The jungle is darkening (getting dark).
darknesspopoen 1nnight, darknessO popoen to tovuh en manuh tope.The night is cold there on the mountain.popoen 3advdarknessA napan poë varih to teʼ ne sih pa popoen, ee se ep ee po maaka apuh.Those people who always stayed (lived) in darkness, they will see the great light.
dates, to makevatönvdissuade (to), hinder (to), dates (to make)E koaʼ oeteʼ pen e koaʼ mon to vatön.The boy child and the girl child made dates.
daughtersemoninal.kin.ndaughterE semon e voe to siku non maʼ Talena High Siku.The mans daughter is going to school at Talena High School.