n.mrkre 2n.mrkrn mrkrE Sosoenën se vaato en po teʼ.God will talk to the man.
NaggaiNagaëʼBiblical SourcePrp.NNaggai...ke Esli e koaʼ pe Nagaëʼ,...Esli the son of Naggai,
NahorNehöʼBiblical SourcePrp.NNahor, name...ke Tëraʼ e koaʼ pe Nehöʼ,...and Terah was the child (son) of Nahor,
NahshonNasonBiblical SourcePrp.NNahshon, naameKe Aminadëp e taman e Nason.And Amminadap was the father of Nahshon.
NahumNahumBiblical SourcePrp.NNahum...ke Amos e koaʼ be Nahum,......and Amos was the child (son) of Nahum,...
nailni 2nnail, needleEʼ to teʼ tö rakah ke non pa këmol pa hop koe manih pa töhkoʼ in a ni kunkun.A camel finds it difficult indeed to go inside through the hole of the sewing needle.
nailni 1vnail (to)Pare ni ee peöʼ pa kuruse.And they will nail me on the cross.
nail ontaptönvnail on (to), stab on (to)E napan to taptön e Ieesuʼ pa kuruse.The people nailed Jesus to the cross.
NainNaënBiblical SourcePrp.NNain...ke Ieesuʼ nö en pa vöön vëh ëhananeah a Naën....and Jesus went to the village it's name was Nain.
NamatoaNamatoaʼPrp.NNamatoaA vöön va Namatoaʼ to teʼ ke non maʼ manuh Tinputz.The village of Namatoa is there at Tinputz.
namevëhnanvname (to)Vëhnan e koaʼ pën.Give your child a name.vëvëhnanvname (to)E Sosoenën, eʼ e Tamaara napan va vöön va kin me manih po oeh, ke eʼ koman to vëvëhnan voh en pa ma vu tom taman kurus.God he is the Father of the people from heaven and here on earth, and he himself had named all the families.
nameëhnannnameO ëhnan apuh ivëh e Kumis.The name of the chief here is Kumis.
name her his it'sëhnaneahinal.kin.nname (her), name (his), name (it's)Eʼ to kiun voh en pa ëhnaneah manuh vöön vakin.He had written his name there in heaven.
name myëhnaneoʼinal.kin.nname (my)Eʼ to kiun voh en pa ëhnaneoʼ manuh vöön va kin.He had written my name there in heaven.
name of fishruruen 2nname of fishËhnan a iian ivëh, ruruen.The name of this fish is, ruruen.
name of tree that bark used for pain medicinerameannname of tree that bark used for pain medicineËhnan a naon vëh e ramean.The name of this tree is ramean.
name your sëhnöömahinal.kin.nname (your) (s)Eën varoe kuru to teʼ vih rakah nom sih, ka napan kurus se vaeö ka nom oah, pare kë ne a ëhnöömah,Only just you(s) are always good/perfect indeed, and all the people will be happy because of you(s), then they will lift up (praise) your name,
names ofëhnëëroinal.kin.nnames ofA ëhnëëro teʼ peo to hikta teʼ ne po ilektro buk.Names of many people are not in the electrol roll.
names of allëhnaarainal.kin.nnames (of all)Paröm ta rakah nem a ëhnaara ma meoh teʼ peöm, ka ëhnëëre se apuh oah non a ma ëhnëëneöm.And you(p) must indeed respect the names (honour) of other people of yours(p) (each other) and their names will be greater then your(p) names.ëhnëërainal.kin.nnames (of all)Ivaʼih a ëhnëëra ma aposol pe Ieesuʼ.These here are the names of all the apostles of Jesus.
names theirëhnëëreinal.kin.nnames (their)Ee a pap teʼ pikpiuk möhmöh poë varih to iu ne pan a napan se kë ne a ma ëhnëëre.They are these types of show off lying people who are wanting that people should lift up their names (honor them).
names your pëhnaneöminal.kin.nnames (your) (p)Eʼ to kiun voh en pa ëhnaneöm manuh vöön va kin.He has written your(p) names there in heaven.ëhnëëneöminal.kin.nnames (your) (p)...e Sosoenën to kiun voh en pa ëhnëëneöm pa teʼ vaʼpeh tamoaan me eah manuh pa vöön va kin....God has written your(p) names and the people together forever there in heaven.
NaptaliNaptaliʼBiblical SourcePrp.NNaptali... ko meoh 12,000 po vuteʼ pe Naptaliʼ,......and another 12,000 from the clan of Naphtali,...
NarcissusNarsisusBiblical SourcePrp.NNarcissusParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pa kën tom sinan pe Narsisus, varih to teʼ ne po kum pe Sunön.And you(p) also give my good day (greetings) to the family of Narcissus these ones who are in the Lord's group (they believe in the Lord).
nardnaatBiblical Sourcennard, nut (on a bolt)Eöʼ to puit taneʼ a naat pa tarak.I pulled out the naat from the tractor.
narrowkapiadjnarrowA hanan va Sisikoʼ to paraʼ kapi.The Tsisiko road is really narrow.kereadjthin, narrow, small piecesA siʼ ö kere ne to heʼ maʼ.The little area they gave us is narrow .kopihadjnarrowIvëhkëk, a teʼ hanan vëh to koe ke non manih pa vöön va po toʼtoʼ tamoaan, to parin soneʼ pareʼ kopih.But this other road that goes (leads) like this to the village of everlasting life (heaven), is really small and it is narrow.