jacinthhaëasinEnglishnjacinthKa vahavun me a paeh, eʼ a vös haëasin ...And the eleventh, it is a jacinth stone ...
JacobJekopBiblical SourcePrp.NJacob, nameKe Aësak e taman e Jekop;And Isaac was the father of Jacob.
jailnohnoh 1varrest (to), imprison (to), jail (to), take away (to)E Ieesuʼ to pënton en pa soe va pa ö nee to vahoʼ ee pe Jon pa nohnoh,...Jesus heard the talk that they put John in jail,
jail, anohnoh 2njail (a)E voe vëh to teʼ noʼ pa nohnoh.This man is staying in the jail.
JairusJaërusBiblical SourcePrp.NJairus, nameKa pah teʼ nö maʼ, a ëhnaneah e Jaërus. Eʼ a teʼ to susun non pa iuun hinhin soneʼ.And one person came his name was Jairus. He was a person who was overseer in the small prayer house (synagogue).
JambresJëmprësPrp.NJambres, nameSuk a taateʼ vëh nee to nok to vatoe me e non pa taateʼ pe Jënës pen e Jemprës.Because this custom which they do is the same as the custom of Jannes and Jambres.
JamesJëmisBiblical SourcePrp.NJames, nameEʼ to hë en pa meh siʼ ö, pareʼ taum en pa meh poa tom kea, e Jëmis pen kea peʼ Jon a poa koaʼ oeteʼ pe Sëbëdiʼ,...He went alongside a bit more and he found another two brothers, James and his brother John, they were the two sons of Zebedee,...
JannaiJanaëʼBiblical SourcePrp.NJannai, name...ke Mëlki e koaʼ pe Janaëʼ,......and Melki was the child (son) of Jannai,...
JannesJënësBiblical SourcePrp.NJannes, nameSuk a taateʼ vëh nee to nok to vatoe me e non pa taateʼ pe Jënës pen e Jemprës.Because this custom which they do is the same as the custom of Jannes and Jambres.
JaredJërëtBiblical SourcePrp.NJared, name...ke Jërët e koaʼ pe Mahalalel,......and Jared was the child (son) of Mahalalel,...
JasonJesonBiblical SourcePrp.NJason, name...ko Jiuʼ vaoe ununun a nap pepeat to teʼ ne pa vöön pamëh, kee nö pa miröʼ a iuun pe Jeson to vaiu ne e Pöl pen Saëlas to me pa matëëra napan....the Jews called together the no good people (trouble makers) who were in that village and they went to damage Jason's house to search for Paul and Silas in order to take them to the eyes of (before) the people.
jasperjaspanjasperA teʼ pamëh to ihoʼ non to ëman va non manih pa poa vös voen vapeah varih nee to popokaʼ ne a jaspa me konilian,...That person who sat there illuminated like these two stones whose price is high (expensive) which they call jasper and carnelian,..saspaʼEnglishnjasperO ëman peʼ to ep vamanin rakah e non, vamanih pa vös saspaʼ to paraʼ maaka vörep vamanih po siroak.It's light indeed looks beautiful, like a jasper stone which is really very much bright like glass.
jawahenncheek, chin, jawA ahen pe voe to pö.The chin of the man is dirty.
jawboneketaʼnjawboneO ketaʼ kuʼ to pet non po ö.The pigs jawbone is still in the ashes.
jealous, to bemaninvcovet (to), desire strongly (to), jealous (to be), want (to), yearn for (to)Eën to manin a tah peoʼ ko ip akuk eom peöʼ.You(s) covet all my things and you(s) (will) meaninglessly kill me.puhioʼvjealous (to be)E Paëlat to soe vamanih, suk eʼ to nat e non pee to puhioʼ ne e Ieesuʼ, ivëh, nee to vahoʼ suk maʼ poë manih pa koreneah.Pilate said like this because he knew the people were jealous of Jesus, because of all the work he had continually done, and they brought him and put him into their hands.
jealous, to continually bemamaninvcovet (to continually)[coveting], desire strongly (to continually)[desiring], jealous (to.be.continually), want (to continually)[wanting], yearn.for (to continually)[yearning for]A tah pamëh to tavus vavoh manih po vëknöm pan, ea se ep ko nat no mamanin no a ma moeh tah hat vamanih, pa ö no a napan poë varih to teʼ moaan vavoh ne.Thus that thing had happened like a sign so that we(incl) would see and know and not desire strongly the kind of bad things (sins) the way those people had been doing long ago.
jealous, to makevapuhioʼvjealous (to make)Eöʼ se kon o vuteʼ to hikta teʼ me ne to ëhnan, marën a vapuhioʼ a neöm,I will get the clan which do not have a name, in order to make you(p) jealous,...
JehoiachinJehoiakinBiblical SourcePrp.NJehoiachin, nameKe Josaëaʼ voh e sipun ere Jehoiakin me ra ma vu kea peʼ.And Josiah was the grandfather of Jehoiachin and his group of brothers.
JehoramJehoramBiblical SourcePrp.NJehoram, nameKe Jehoram voh e taman Usaëaʼ.And Jehoram was the father of Uzziah.
JehoshaphatJehosafatBiblical SourcePrp.NJehoshaphat, nameKe Esaʼ voh e taman e Jehosafat.And Asa was the father of Jehoshaphat.
JephthahJëptaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NJephthah, nameEöʼ to hikta teʼ me noʼ ta tëëm, nöʼ se vahutët suk pet noʼ na a ma teʼ varih to vaman voh ne e Sosoenën, e Gideon, me Barak, me Samson, me Jëptaʼ,...I also do not have the time that I will tell about these people who had believed in God, Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jephthah,...
JeremiahJeremaëaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NJeremiah, nameA tah pamëh to vapuh non a soe ne Sosoenën to soe ke voh a teʼ vanënën soe peʼ vëh e Jeremaëaʼ.This thing (incident) fulfilled the talk which God had told his talk foreteller person (prophet) this one Jeremiah.
JerichoJerikoʼBiblical SourcePrp.NJericho, placeE Ieesuʼ me ra ma vamomhë peʼ to këh ee pa vöön va Jerikoʼ ka nap peo rakah suk ee maʼ peʼ.Jesus and all his disciples left the village of Jericho and plenty of people indeed followed him.
JerusalemJerusalëmBiblical SourcePrp.NJerusalm, place...pare vos ee Jerusalëm, ko hi ee pa napan pan,...and they arrived at Jerusalem, and asked the people like this,
JesseJësiʼBiblical SourcePrp.NJesse, nameE sunön voon se taneʼ maʼ po vuteʼ pe Jësiʼ."A new king will come from the clan of Jesse.