KeekeoKeekeoPrp.NKeekeoMe ra napan va pa vöön Keekeo.And the people of the village of Keekeo.
keep backkoekvkeep back (to), reserve (to)Eöm se nat nem koek nem to ötop, keʼ teʼ non.You(p) should not keep back any debt, then it remains.
keep busyototvkeep busy (to)E voe to otot rakah en pa kiu.The man keeps very busy with work.
keep fromrëhtöönvhold (to), keep from (to)Ea se koe a ma taateʼ hat tomeʼ rëhtöön a ra pa tavus manuh pe Sosoenën.We(incl) must give up all the bad customs they might hold us(incl) from arriving with God.
keep it to yourselfvatöönvbother (to), delay (to), keep it to yourself (to)...eën se nat vatöön varoe nom po kokoman pën! must keep it only to yourself in your(s) thoughts!
keeping it, to beötötönvable to save (to continually)[able to be saving] , keep it (to continually)[keeping]Eöʼ to ötötön hah këk noʼ a ma meh moniʼ peʼ keʼ pet vavih non.I am just able to be saving again his other money and it remains good.
kepak treevakokonnkepak treeE köövo se nok a piroʼ po vakokon.The woman will make a pillow from the kepak tree.
KeriothKariotBiblical SourcePrp.NKerioth, placeKe Jiutas Iskariot, to taneʼ maʼ Kariot, eʼ a teʼ pamëh se vikuh e Ieesuʼ manuh pa koreera napan varih to hat ov e ne poë.And this Judas of Iskeriot, who would betray Jesus like this into the hands of these people who would kill him.
kerosenekerosinEnglishnkeroseneE köövo to teʼ maʼ a kerosin.The woman brought the kerosene.
keykiʼEnglishnkeyA kiʼ pemöm heh?Where is our key?
kickkikEnglishvkick (to)E koaʼ to kik maʼ a ba.The child kicked the ball.
kicking, to bekikikTok Pisinvkick (to continually)[kicking]O koaʼ to kikik ne pa pa.The children are kicking the ball.
KidronKidronBiblical SourcePrp.NKidron, placeE Ieesuʼ to nok vahik en pa hin peʼ. Pareʼ pahan en pa siʼ ruen soneʼ nee to popokaʼ ne a Kidron, eʼ me ra ma vamomhë peʼ.Jesus completely made his prayer. And he crossed a small river which they continually called Kidron, he and all his disciples.
KietaKiatTok PisinPrp.NKieta, placeA napan to vos ee Kiat.The people arrived at Kieta.
killipvbeat up (to), blow (to), hit (to), kill (to)E voe to ip a maniʼ.The man killed the opossum.vamët 1vkill (to)...e Hëërot to vavaiu vah non e koaʼ pan eʼ se ip vamët poan....Herod is searching around for the child in order to kill it.vamëtmëtvkill (to)E voe se keh kaak a ëtoʼ, eʼ se to vamëtmët en.If a man drinks bush drug, he will be killed.
kill by stoningtösvösvkill by stoning (to)Ee to rëh tavus këh poë a vöön, pare tösvös in poë (Stivin).They pulled him out of the village (city) and they killed him by stoning him.
killeripip 2adjkiller, murdererE Pöl a teʼ ipip teʼ.Paul is a murderer.
killing by stoning, to betöstösvösvkill by stoning (continually)[killing by stoning]Jerusalëm, Jerusalëm, eöm a ma nap susunön to töstösvös nem sih a ma teʼ vanënën soe ne Sosoenën to vanö nös manih peöm.Jerusalem, Jerusalem you(p) are the important people who had continually killed the proclaiming talk people (prophets), and these people whom God had later sent to you(p).
killing, to beipip 1vblow (to continually)blowing], hit (to continually)[hitting], kill (to continually)[killing]E voe ipip e kuʼ.The man is killing the pig.
kilogramkilogramEnglishnkilogramKa punis in o vanom pamëh to oah non o 30 kilogram.And the weight of that perfume was over 30 kilograms.
kilometerkiromitaʼTok Pisinnkilometer...eën se teʼ a ma tah peʼ poa kiromitaʼ should carry his things two kilometers.
kinakinaʼTok PisinnkinaEe to ëh o voen in a ma kiuntön poë varih, keʼ oah non a paeh milion kinaʼ.They added the prices of all these writing books, and it was more than one million kina.
kindkaënEnglishnkindA iuun ivëh, eʼ a mëh kaën iuun.This house, it is another kind of house.moeh 3adjkindA teʼ ivëh eʼ a moeh teʼ.This man is a kind 2adjkindO vu motoka ivëh va kasipunun rakah.This kind of truck is a model of long ago.
kingkingEnglishnkinA soe vih pamëh to vahutët suk non e Sunaiʼeah vëh to tavus teʼ voh manih po vuteʼ pe King Devit.That good talk (good news) talks about his son. That child had become a person (born) in the clan of King David.sunön 1nchief, headman, king, lord, masterE sunön va vöön to mët en.The chief of the village died.
KingSunönPrp.NKing, Lord, nameKeʼ eöʼ a teʼ Sunön...Yes, I am the Lord...