RabbiRabaëʼBiblical SourcePrp.NRabbi“Rabaëʼ, eën teʼ nom pa iuun poanheh?”“Rabbi, which house do you(s) live in?”
rabbitkuvirituʼnrabbitA kuvirituʼ to surap non.The rabbit jumps.
RabboniRabonaëʼBiblical SourcePrp.NRabboniKe Mariaʼ tarih, pareʼ soe vamanih po to va Hibru. “Rabonaë”, ka soe pamëh to soe va non manih pan, “Tövavaasis”.And Mary turned, and she said like this in the language of Hebrews. "Rabboni", and that talk says like this, "Teacher."
raceresisncontest, raceO resis opöh apuh po Tinputz.The contests at Tinputz are very big.
race, avavaveo 2nrace (a)Ivëh, ka teʼ vavaveo to vavaeo non po vavaveo, eʼ se vavatet vavih kurus non a ma taateʼ va po vavaeo.Therefore, then a person running (athlete) is running in a race, he should be following well all the laws for running.
RachelReselBiblical SourcePrp.NRachelE Resel to okook non o pus koaʼ peʼ, ka napan hikta onöt ne a vatö o kokoman peʼ.Rachel is crying for all her children, and the people can not reduce (calm) her thinking.
racing, to bevaononoahvrace, (to continually) [racing]Eöm to hikta nat pöʼ nem pan, a nap peo rakah to vavaveo ne sih po vaononoah, ivëhkëk, a paeh ro rakah pee se kon voen.Perhaps you(p) do not know that, indeed many people are always running/racing, however, indeed only one (person) will get the reward.
radiorëteoEnglishnradioA rëteo peöʼ to takök en.My radio is broken.
rafters (of a house)öhnsmoke, rafters (of a house)A ma öh va pa iuun pemöm to pah takök vahik rakah e.The rafters of our house truly broke finish indeed.Öh tavus taneʼ maʼ nih?Where is the smoke coming from?
ragrara 2ncloth, clothes, waistcloth, rag, apparelO rara ereraʼ to han non po uris.The red waistcloth is hanging on the rope.
rageheve 1nanger, rage, temper...me a taateʼ heve ov in a meh teʼ,......and the custom of anger towards another person,...
RahabRehapBiblical SourcePrp.NRahabKe Salmon e taman e Boas. Ke sinan voh eah ivëh e Rehap.And Salmon was the father of Boaz. And his mother was Rahap.
raidköktönvraid (to)A napan to nö maʼ pa köktön a ra pa vöön.The people came and raided us(incl) in the village.
rainuhönnrainA uhön to hik en.The rain is finished.
rain simultaneously with sunshinesivahvrain simultaneously with sunshine (to)A muhin to sivah en.A area is sunshining and raining simultaneously.
rainbowputoEnglishnbottle, rainbowEöʼ to ep i noʼ na pa puto.I see the rainbow there.
raincoatrenkotEnglishnraincoatO renkot peöʼ to kurus.My raincoat is torn.
raining, to benusnusvdrizzle (to continually)[drizzling], fall (to continually)[falling], rain (to continually)[raining], squeeze (to continually)[squeezing]A uhön to nusnus aoeʼ e non.The rain is still falling.
raisekë 1vcommend (to), hoist (to) ; honour (to), lift up (to), pick up (to), raise (to), scratch (to)Kë peah a koreomah.Raise up your hands.vasu 1vappoint (to), assign (to), elect (to), join (to), make stand up (to), put (to), raise (to), stand up (to)Vasu öm a teʼ keʼ kansor non.You appoint the man and he will be the council.vasun 1dial. var.vasuvappoint (to), assign (to), elect (to), join (to), make stand up (to), put (to), raise (to), stand up (to)Vasun öm a teʼ keʼ kansor non.You appoint the man and he will be the council.vatamaʼvfoster (to), raise (to), rear (to)Eöʼ to vatamaʼ in e koaʼ pe meh köövo.I raised the child of another woman.
raise upkuinvinitiate (to), raise up (to), start (to), urge (to), wake up (to)Ka Tuvuh Vasioʼ kuin en po kokoman pe Simeon, keʼ ho en manuh pa Iuun Hinhin Apuh.And the Holy Spirit started the thoughts of Simeon and he went there into the Big Prayer House (Temple).
raising up, to bekunkuinvinitiate (to continually)[initiating], raise up (to continually)[raising], start (to continually)[starting], urge (to continually)[urging], wake up (to continually)[waking up]Ivëh, köʼ iu kunkiun a no neöm pa ep vavih a taateʼ peöʼ, köm se vavatet nem.Therefore, then I want to be urging you(pl) to see well my custom and you(pl) should be following it.
rakerek 1Englishvrake (to)Eën se rek a supui vëh.You(s) should rake this tall grass.
rake, arek 2Englishnrake (a)Kon maʼ a rek peöʼ maneom.Get and bring my rake there.
RamRëmBiblical SourcePrp.NRam, nameKe Rëm voh e taman e Aminadëp.And Ram was the father of Amminadap.
RamahRemaʼ1Biblical SourcePrp.NRamahManih Remaʼ, no a napan to pënton a vakoei, a napan to pënton o vaokook vatamak.Here in Rama , where the people heard wailing, the people heard sad crying.