cabbagekëpisEnglishncabbageO këpis to koa.The cabbage is rotten.
cabinettoroncabinet, cupboardA toro to takök.The cupoard is broke.
cableuaiaʼEnglishncable, wireA uaiaʼ vëh to kekenan.This wire is crooked.
CaesarSisaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NCaesarSoe ka möm ah, eʼ vih kës e non pea pa heʼ a takis manih pe Sisaʼ, keʼ a hik?Tell us huh, is is good then that we give taxes there to Caesar, or not?
CaesareaSisariaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NCaesareaE Ieesuʼ to nö en manuh pa vöön va Sisariaʼ Filipae.Jesus went there to the village of Caesarea Philippi.
cageeeanncage, fence, wallE kuʼ to kök a eean in a kiu pe Seon.The pig broke the fence to John's garden.
CaiaphasKaëfasBiblical SourcePrp.NCaiaphasManih po poen pamëh no teʼ susunön ësës heʼ, me o teʼ apaʼpuh po Jiuʼ to tönun manih pa iuun pe Teʼ Susun po Teʼ Ësës Heʼ, a ëhnaneah e Kaëfas.On this day the Jewish chief priests and the important people (elders) of the Jews had come together in the High Priest's house, his name was Caiaphas.
CainKeenBiblical SourcePrp.NCainE Ebel to vaman voh a soe vaman pe Sosoenën, ivëh, keʼ heʼ o heʼ va pa vönaʼ manuh pe Sosoenën to vih oah e non po teʼ heʼ pe kea peʼ Keen.Abel had believed the true talk (promise) of God, therefore, then he gave gifts of animals to God that were better than the gift of his brother Cain.
CainanKaënanBiblical Kaënan e koaʼ pe Apaksat,......and Cainan was the child (son) of Arphaxad,...
cakekekEnglishncakeA kek to makah en.The cake is cooked.
calendarkarantaʼEnglishncalendarO karantaʼ va pa sivö vëh to hik en.The calendar of this month here is finished.
callku 1vbark (to) (dog), call (to)E këh to ku maʼ.The dog barked.pokaʼvannounce (to), blame (to), call (to), call a name (to)Pokaʼ a ëhnaneah.Call his name.vakokovcall (to) susun po ankeroʼ se vakoko maʼ, ka suvin pe Sosoenën tanih en maʼ,...and the chief of the angels (archangel) will call, and God's conch shell will sound,vaoevcall (to), invite (to), salute (to)Vaoe na a Seon keʼ nö maʼ ka nö ee.Call John then he comes and we will go.vavoevcall (to), whistle (to), windy sound (to make a)Eöʼ to vavoe na e köövo keʼ pënton pareʼ nö en maʼ.I will whistle and the woman hears and she will come.
call a namepokaʼvannounce (to), blame (to), call (to), call a name (to)Pokaʼ a ëhnaneah.Call his name.
calling, to bepopokaʼvcall (to continually)[calling], enumerate (to continually)[enumerating]Popokaʼ a ma ehnëëre.Continually calling their names.vavaoevcall (to)[calling]Eöʼ to vuʼ po oeh, paröʼ pënton a to, to vavaoe non pan, ‘Söl, Söl, suk ataeah kën mimiröʼ a nom neoʼ?’I fell to the ground, and I heard a talk which said like this, 'Saul, Saul, why and you(sg) are spoiling (persecuting) me?’
callous aeh 2ncallous (a), powerA eh pe voe to kikis.The power of the man is strong.
callous, to beeh 1vactive (to be), callous (to be), ridgid (to be), set like cement (to be), strong (to be)A panis vëh a pah eh rakah.This bandage is indeed very strong.
calm downvavaatövcalm down (to continually)[calming down], illustrate (to continually)[illustrating], lessen (to continually)[lessening], patient (to be) Sosoenën to vavaatö këh e non sih pea,......that God is always lessening away from us(ex).
calm downvatövcalm down (to), illustrate (to), lessen (to), patient (to be)...a taateʼ haraʼ vatö, me a taateʼ kamöʼ. A ma vu taateʼ poë varih to vih oah rakah ne po epep pe Sosoenën....the custom of feeling gentle, and the custom of loving. Those kinds of customs are surely more good (better) in the sight of God.vatöötövcalm down (to)E Ieesuʼ to vatöötö a tuvuh.Jesus calmed down the wind.
calm, to bemoovivcalm (to be)E Ieesuʼ to soe ka tuvuh keʼ moovi.Jesus orders the wind and it calms.
camelkëmolEnglishncamel...eʼ to teʼ tö rakah ke non pa këmol pa hop koe manih pa töhkoʼ vëh to teʼ non pa ni is easy indeed for a carmel to go through the hole of a sewing needle.
camerakameraʼEnglishncameraO kameraʼ peöʼ to hat en.My camera is bad.
canantoen 1vable (to be), ample (to be), are about, can, continue (to), enough (to be), inclusive (to be), necessary, sufficient (to be), upE Sosoenën to antoen e non pa heʼ oah a neöm a ma vu tah peo vihvih to antoen ne a vaʼaus a ihoʼ peöm.God is able to give more to you(p) many kinds of very good things which are able to help your(p) sitting down your(p) lives).spotntl.moodcan, could, must, shall, should, so, will, wouldKe eöm se öt rakah eah.And you will indeed hold 1potntl.moodcan, could, got to, might, shall, should, would, will, TAMO kën tom sinan se nö po toaan.The mother and her children will go to the market.sih 3potntl.moodcan, could, shall, should, will, wouldE voe sih vanö a motoka.The man shall drive the car.
can heseʼ 1potntl.prncan (he), could (he), might (he), shall (he), should (he), will (he), would (he), can (she), could (she), might (she), shall (she), should (she), will (she), would (she), can (it), could (it), might (it), shall (it), should (it), will (it), would (it)A teʼ to hikta onöt non a ö seʼ kon a ta rara voon marën a kun pip a töhkoʼ vëh to teʼ non pa rara vamoaan.A person is not able that he should get a new piece of cloth in order to sew up this hole that is in an old cloth.
can itseʼ 1potntl.prncan (he), could (he), might (he), shall (he), should (he), will (he), would (he), can (she), could (she), might (she), shall (she), should (she), will (she), would (she), can (it), could (it), might (it), shall (it), should (it), will (it), would (it)A teʼ to hikta onöt non a ö seʼ kon a ta rara voon marën a kun pip a töhkoʼ vëh to teʼ non pa rara vamoaan.A person is not able that he should get a new piece of cloth in order to sew up this hole that is in an old cloth.
can sheseʼ 1potntl.prncan (he), could (he), might (he), shall (he), should (he), will (he), would (he), can (she), could (she), might (she), shall (she), should (she), will (she), would (she), can (it), could (it), might (it), shall (it), should (it), will (it), would (it)A teʼ to hikta onöt non a ö seʼ kon a ta rara voon marën a kun pip a töhkoʼ vëh to teʼ non pa rara vamoaan.A person is not able that he should get a new piece of cloth in order to sew up this hole that is in an old cloth.