GabbathaGabataʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGabbatha, placeManih pa ö pamëh, nee to pokaʼ neʼ pan, "a moeh vösvös", po to po Jiuʼ o ëhnan pamëh to teʼ va non manih Gabataʼ.Here at this place which they called like this (the stony place) in the language of the Jews that name is like this Gabbatha.
GabrielGebriëlBiblical SourcePrp.NGabriel, name“Eöʼ e Gebriël, to sun noʼ sih pa matan e Sosoenën.I am Gabriel, who always stands in the eyes (presence) of God.
GadarenesGadaraBiblical SourcePrp.NGadarenes, placeE Ieesuʼ to pahan pet en manuh pa pap tonon vëh pareʼ takin en pa muhin pa napan va Gadara.Jesus continued to go across to that other side of lake there and he went ashore at the bush (land) of the people of Gadarenes.
GaiusGaëusBiblical SourcePrp.NGaius, name...e Gaëus, pen Aristakus, a poa teʼ va Mësadoniaʼ to nönö vaköp vah me ne e Pöl,...Gaius and Aristarchus, two men from Macedonia who continually went around together with Paul,...
GalatiaGalesiaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGalatia, placeEe to koe ee manih pa topnin a muhin va Frigiaʼ me Galesiaʼ,...They went through here the middle of the bush (country) of Phrygia and Galatia,...
GalileeGaliliʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGalilee, placeIvëhkëk, e Sunön to tavus hahah kov en peʼ po tatarep, pareʼ soe ke poan a ö neʼ se nö hah en manuh pa muhin va Galiliʼ.But the Lord appeared again to him in a dream, and he told him that he must go there to the bush (province) of Galilee.
GallioGalioʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGallio, nameO poen ne Galioʼ to teʼ non a teʼ sunön va pa muhin va Grik,...The day Gallio was an important person of the bush (country) of Greece,...
GamalielGamelielBiblical SourcePrp.NGamaliel, nameIvëhkëk, a paeh va pee, a to Parësiʼ a ëhnaneah Gameliel,...But, one of them, a Pharisee his name was Gamaliel,...
gametoh 2ngameEa se nö ee pa toh.We will go to the game.
garbage pilenoʼ 2nbush, garbage pile, refuse (the), rubbish, trash, vineO noʼ to paraʼ ep vahat.The garbage pile looks very bad.
gardenkarenEnglishngardenEöʼ se nö pa karen peöʼ.I will go to my garden.kiu 2nduty, garden, occupation, workA kiu vëh to hikta hik avoeʼ non.This work is not finished yet.rak 2ndry, gardenA rak peöʼ to pisiʼ hah en.My garden sprouted again.taëënnfood, gardenEʼ to ëën a taëën peʼ.He ate his food.
gasolinepensinEnglishngasoline, petrolMaʼ, teʼ maʼ ta ö pensin.Come, bring the gasoline.
gasp, to (for breath)oahanvgasp (to) (for breath)Eöʼ se keh ëp ma pa tope eöʼ to oahan en.If I should go up the mountain I will gasp for breath.
gasping for breath, to beoahaneahvgasping for breath (to be)E voe to ëp pa tobe eʼ oahaneah en.The man goes up the mountain gasping for breath.
gatewayhopaʼndoor, doorway, gatewayMe eöm se keh tekteok o hopaʼ, ke Sosoenën se peret ken peöm.Also you(p) must knock on the door, and God will open (the door) for you(p).
gathertönun 1vassemble (to), gather (to), meet together (to)Manih Kapaneam e Ieesuʼ to ep a napan to parin a peo vörep to tönun töön ne poë...He in Capernaum Jesus saw that the people were indeed plenty too many who were surrounding him...unununvaccumulate (to), assemble (to), collect (to), gather (to), heap up (to), pack (to), round up (to), unite (to)Pitaʼ, ununun a ma puk manih.Peter, collect the books here.vatönun 1vgather (to), unite (to)...o poen neöm to vatönun pa vasunön e Sosoenën, a taateʼ vakum peöm to vöknah a ma upöm peöm, ko hikta vaʼaus vavih raoe....whenever you(p) gather to lift up (honour) the name of God, your(p) custom of sitting together puts down others of yours(p) and does not help them well.
gather togethernununvgather together (to)Nö ko nunun a ma voe.Go and gather together with the man.
gatheringvakum 2ncommunity, gathering, groupO vakum napan vëh rës peo.This group of people are very many.
gathering, to betötönunvgather (to continually)[gathering], meet together (to continually)[gathering together]Manih pa ö poanheh no a tah koa to pët non, manih pa ö pamëh a ma növan ënëën tah koa to tötönun ne sih nën.In whatever place where something rotten remains, in that place where all the birds that continually eat rotten things always continually gather there.
GazaGasaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGaza, place“Vamatop ah, parën nö ke pa hanan to teʼ non pa papmatö pa hanan to vakëh ke non a vöön Jerusalëm, pareʼ kunah non vöön Gasaʼ.”"You(s) get ready and you(s) go south to the road leaving the village (town) of Jerusalem and it goes down to the village (town) of Gaza."
gears don't meshvakirunvcrooked (to be), gears don't meshA naon manuh hanan to vakirun.The tree by the road is crooked.
geckotakuisngeckoA takuis to ënëën non a nön.The gecko is eating the fly.
generationpau 2ngenerationTaneo non pe Abraham pareʼ nö ko öök non pe Devit, a pau pa napan va Israël to antoen ne o pöh havun me ro taanaʼ manih pa kën sipuiire.Starting with Abraham and it continued and reached until David, the generations of the people of Israel were up to (and including) one ten and four (fourteen) of their ancestors.
GenesisJenësisBiblical SourcePrp.NGenesisSoe vih piu to teʼ non koman a buk Jenësis.Much good talk is in the book of Genesis.
GennesaretGënesaretBiblical SourcePrp.NGennesaret, place...pare takin ee pa ö muhin va Gënesaret....and they went ashore in the part bush (district) of Gennesaret.