sackpëkEnglishnbag, sackEteh to kon o pëk peöʼ?Who took my bag?
sacredkamëëtoadjholy, sacredA taateʼ kamëëto va po vaen to paraʼ apuh.The sacred custom of marriage is very big (great).vapenpen 3adjholy, sacredBuk vapenpen ivaʼih.This one the holi book.vasioʼadjsacred...eʼ se vanö maʼ a Tuvuh Vasioʼ peʼ manih peöm....he will send his sacred (Holy) Spirit to you(p).
sacrificevakapö 1vsacrifice (to)Vakapö ke na e Sosoenën.Sacrifice to God.
sadvatamak 1adjpitiable, sadManih Remaʼ, no a napan to pënton a vakoei, a napan to pënton o vaokook vatamak.Here in Rama , where the people heard wailing, the people heard sad crying.
SadduceeSëdiusiBiblical ro Sëdiusi to nö maʼ manih peʼ pan eʼ se pupui rapoë, ivëhkëk, ee to hikta soe tavus momoaan a ma hat pee....and some Sadducee's came there to him so that he could baptise them, but, they did not first tell out their sins.
sagoaatonsagoA aato pe papaʼ se eok a iuun peʼ.The father will build his house with sago.
sago palm leaf rib broomsikinsago palm leaf rib broomTeʼ maʼ a siki peöʼ.Bring my sago palm leaf rib broom.
sailhoaʼvdestroy (to), nullify (to), paddle (to), row (to), ruin (to), sail (to), wreck (to)O koaʼ se hoaʼ maʼ po sini.The child will row the canoe.
sailmanëpnsail, salveA manëp in o paröʼ peöʼ to takök.The sail of my ship broke
sail, akantisncanvas, sail (a)Eöm to vavaateʼ vah voh nem a iuun kantis pe napan.You(pl) were carrying around the canvas house of the people.menëpnsail (a)A menëp in o paröʼ peöʼ to takök.The sail of my boat is broken.
sailing, to behohoaʼ 1vdestroy (to continually)[destroying], paddle (to continually)[paddling], row (to continually)[rowing], ruin (to continually)[ruining], sail (to continually)[sailing]E papaʼ to hohoaʼ voh non po sini pemöm.The father kept paddling our canoe.
sailormanënsailorA pah manë to vos maʼ pa vöön pea.One sailor arrived in our village.
SalamisSalamisBiblical SourcePrp.NSalamisEe to vos ee vöön Salamis, pare ho ee pa iuun hinhin soneʼ po Jiuʼ pare vatvus ee pa soe pe Sosoenën.They arrived at the village of Salamis, and they went into the small prayer house (synagogue) of the Jews and they revealed the talk of God.
salaryvoen 2nfee, pay, payment, price, prize, reward, salaryA voen in e kuʼ tovih?What is the price of the pig?
SalemSalëmPrp.NSalemIvëh ke Mëlkisëtëk, eʼ a teʼ sunön va vöön Salëm.Therefore, then Melchizedek he was the headman person of the village of Salem.
SalimSalimBiblical SourcePrp.NSalimE Jon to pupui non a napan pa ö neʼ to teʼ non pa vöön va Aënon a vöön pamëh to teʼ vatët non pa teʼ vöön va Salim.John continually washed (baptized) the people when he stayed in the village of Aenon that village is close to the village of Salim.
SalmonSalmonBiblical SourcePrp.NSalmonKe Salmon e taman e Boas.And Salmon was the father of Boaz.
SalmoneSalmoneBiblical SourcePrp.NSalmone...ko paröʼ nö vame manih pa To Krit vatët non manih Salmone to vame këh a then the ship went to the back of Crete Island near Salmone in back of (to hide from) the wind (storm).
SalomeSalomeʼ Mariaʼ e sinan e Jëmis, e kea soneʼ pe Jeosëp, pen Salomeʼ....and Mary the mother of James, the little brother of Joseph, and Salome.
saltaave 2nhollow bamboo (filled with ashes and left for some months so that sodium chloride can form), saltA aave to ninin vih.Salt tastes good.sönsaltA sö to vatetehean non a taëën.Salt is the thing that salts food.
saltvateteheanvsalt (to)Vatetehean a nöh pöʼ pea.Salt our clay pot of edible greens.
saltypais 2adjbitter, salty, strongE kuma pais hikta to ninin vih.The salty kaukau do not taste good.
salty, to bepais 1vbitter (to be), salty (to be), strong (to be)O vurus to pais.The tobacco is bitter.teteheanvdelicious (to be), salty (to be), sweet (to (taste))A nöh pöʼ to tetehean en.The cooked greens taste delicious.
salutevaëovsalute (to)Vaëo i na teʼ apuh peöm.Salute our big man (chief).
salvagekokoanvretrieve (to), salvage (to), scavenge (to)Eën kokoan hah nom a ma ö tah to hat to?Why (did) you(sg) retrieve all those no good things?