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TabithaTabitaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NTabithaManih vöön Jopaʼ, a pah köövo va po vaman to teʼ non a ëhnaneah e Tabitaʼ.In the village of Jopa. a believing woman lived her name was Tabitha.
tablepoknaltar, shelf, tableA pok peöʼ to takök.My table is broken.tevoEnglishntableKa manih pa matop vih peöʼ, eöm se ëën, paröm kaak em manih pa tevo,...And here in my good reign (kingdom), you(p) will eat, and you(p) will drink at the table,...vonbench, deck, floor, platform, tableMe eën se nok a kukön vo komön o paröʼ, a paeh a vo se teʼ non maʼ kin, ka vapöök se teʼ non topnin, ka vakön se teʼ non maʼ paan,And then you will make three floors inside the ship, one will stay above, the two (second) will in the middle, and the three (third) will at the bottom,
taboouhuhvforbid (to)(by placing a thorny branch), rub (to continually)[rubbing], taboo (to)Ka ma kakoʼ nee to vavoen voh ne ivarih, sinamon, töʼtöʼ ënëën, a ma tah ësës ovoavuh vih, a tah uhuh ovoavuh vih,...And the cargoes which they had been buying, these ones, cinnamon, ginger (spice) for eating, good smelling things for burning (incense), good smelling grease for rubbing the body,...
taboo marksupon 2ntaboo markEe to vahoʼ ee po supon manih pa vös vëh to sunpip non a matan a koveʼ, ...They put a taboo mark on this stone which blocked the eye (entrance) of the hole, ...
taboo, to (an area from pigs)oro 1vtaboo to (an area from pigs)Ka nö ko oro a kiu peöʼ.Lets go and taboo my garden.
Tahitian chestnutskaruʼnTahitian chestnutsA napan to hikta osoes ne sih o voaʼ pöpöʼraʼ manih po karuʼ.People do not always harvest continually the fruit of the wild tahitian chestnut on the Tahitian chestnut tree.uhitnTahitian chestnutsKa nö e pa oes uhit.Then we go to harvest Tahitian chestnuts.
tailapinntailApin a iian to paraʼ vih.The fishes tail is very good.
tails theirapiireinal.bdpt.ntails (their)A ma apiire to teʼ me non o kikis marën a vakmis a ma napan koman a tönim sivö.Their tails had power in order to cause pain to the people during five moons (five months).
takekonvaccept (to), beget (to), catch (to), choose(to), earn (to), get (to), have (to), peal (to), receive (to), select (to), take (to), thunderclap (to) [thundering]E koaʼ to kon a uhin pa poen.The child caught a cold in the 1vbring (to), had, has, have, marry (to), take (to)Ta pah teʼ se keh mët akuk eʼ hikta vatvus ta pah koaʼ manih pe köövo peʼ, ke kea peʼ me hah e köövo amop peʼ, pareʼ vatvus a koaʼ se kon a ëhnan e kea peʼ.If one person should die nothing and he did not beget one child of his wife, then his brother marries again his widow wife, and he begets a child who will get the name of his brother.ötvaccept (to), arrest (to), catch (to), grab (to), hold (to), obey (to), obtain (to), own (to), possess (to), receive (to), take (to), welcome (to)Pirisman to öt e Pitaʼ nopoen.The policeman arrested Peter yesterday.
take acrossvaphanvtake across (to)...pareʼ me tavus këh a möm a muhin va Isip me eʼ to vaphan a möm pa Tahiʼ Ereraʼ,......and he brought us out (rescued us) from the bush (land) of Egypt, also he took us across the Red Sea,...
take apartruvgo down (to), pour out (to), sprinkle (to), submerge (to), take apart (to)Siunsi to ru a taknin in a iuun peʼ.Siunsi took apart the bamboo wall of his house.
take awaynohnoh 1varrest (to), imprison (to), jail (to), take away (to)E Ieesuʼ to pënton en pa soe va pa ö nee to vahoʼ ee pe Jon pa nohnoh,...Jesus heard the talk that they put John in jail,
take care ofmatop 1vbeware (to), care for ship (to), careful (to be), control (to) ; govern (to), look after (to), look out for (to), protect (to), reign (to), rule (to), take care of (to)E voe to matop non e koaʼ pe.The man looks after his child.
take downherepvbring down (to), take down (to)Herep ka maʼ neoʼ a vameök maneom.Bring down to me that papaya.
take husk off of coconutho 1vgo in (to), take husk off of coconut (to)E voe se ho non a oe.The man will take the husk off the coconut.
take offihanvrelease (to), take off (to), untie (to),Ihan ohop pën.Take off your clothes.rupusvtake off (to), untie (to)E voe se rupus a sterenk.The man will untie the string.
take overoah 1vcontinue (to), go past (to), omit (to), pass by (to), take over (to)Emöm se oah em pa Rauaʼ ruen.We(excl) will go past the Rawa water (river).
take so longvapiʼ 1vlate (, take so long (to)E voe to vapiʼ vatëh.The man is always late.
take toteʼ 1vam, are, to be, been, belong (to), bring (to), but, carry (to), do (to), have (to), is, last (to), live (to), remain (to), stay (to), take (to), was, wereRoman to teʼ a siaʼ.Roman is carrying a chair.E voe to teʼ non iuun.The man is in the house.
take up an important positiontapaoʼvtake up an important position (to)E Seos se tapaoʼ e Seon eʼ to mët en.George will take up John's important position when he dies.
taking away from, to behehevrescue (to continually)[rescuing], take away from (to continually)[taking away from]Eöm se hehe ka mon pa pukpuk.You(p) will be rescuing the crocodile package.
taking down, to beheherepvtake down (to continually)[taking down], unhook (to continually)[unhooking]Heherep ka maʼ neoʼ a vameök maneom.Keep throwing down to me that papaya.
taking off, to beihihanvrelease (to continually)[releasing], take off (to continually)[taking off], untie (to continually)[untying]Ihihan hah a nohnoh vëh nën to noh vu.Untying again the tied up bundle here that you tied up recently.
taking, to bememevbring (to continually)[bringing], inlist new members (to continually)[inlisting new members], marry (to continually)[marrying], recruit (to continually)[recruiting], take (to continually)[taking]E voe to meme maʼ a ipoaʼ peʼ.The man is bringing his ax.meemedial. var.memevbring (to continually)[bringing], inlist new members (to continually)[inlisting new members], marry (to continually)[marrying], recruit (to continually)[recruiting], take (to continually)[taking]E voe to meeme maʼ a ipoaʼ peʼ.The man is bringing his ax.
TakunTakunPrp.NTakunA Takun a ëhnan a ruen.Takun is the name of a river.