Browse English



umbrellaampraraʼEnglishnparachute, umbrellaE pairet to nö non po ampraraʼ.The pilot went with an umbrella.
unable, to bepop 1vabide (to), unable (to be)Ea to pop i no a taëën koʼ teʼ toʼtoʼ no.We live by food then we stay alive.
unblind, to beopoepvopen eye and see (to), unblind (to be)O teʼ kekehoʼ to opoep hah ee.The blind men can see again.
uncle mysoaneöʼinal.kin.nuncle (my)E voe soaneöʼ e Tömas Tömasun.The man my uncle is Thomas Tomasun.
uncle, yoursömahinal.kin.naunt (your), uncle (your)Sömah teʼ non nih?Where is your uncle?
uncomplete jobromadvhalf done, not quit, uncomplete jobEa to sosoe no pan, ee to teʼ vaeö e ne, suk ee to hikta koe rom voh.We(incl) are saying that, they are happy, because they have not quit (give up).
unconscious, to betöspanvfaint (to), unconscious (to be)E voe to töspan ko pus koaʼ peʼ pah va okook ee.The man fainted and his group of children indeed continually cried.tötöspanvfaint (to continually)[fainting], unconscious (to continually be)Ee tomeʼ tötöspan rakah ee po maë, ko sunë këh ee pa nö hah manuh hanan.They might continually faint on the road because of being hungry and they will be too weak to go on the road.
uncountableususoannthousands upon thousands, uncountableEp öm e Sunön to nönö non maʼ me a ma ususoan ankeroʼ vivihan peʼYou(p) look the Lord is coming with his thousands upon thousands of holy angels
undecided, to beponkiʼvdoubt (to), undecided (to be), unsettled (to be), unsure (to be)Ke Ieesuʼ soe ke raoe pan, “Suk ataeah, köm töhkak ka komëneöm ponkiʼ?Then Jesus said to them like this, “Why for what reason then are you(p) surprised and your(p) thoughts unsure?
underpan 4prepunder, whichA motoka to teʼ pan iuun.The car is under the house.
underneathpaan 1nbottom, underneathSeon se puit a sap e na motoka, ko pan na paan.John will take the axle off the car, so that he can go underneath.paan 2advunderneathE këh to koroh non paan o naon.The dog is sleeping underneath the tree.vapaan 2advbeneath, underneathO köövo hikta se vovoh ne pa ma tah. Ee se vapaan ne pa soepip vëh pa ö no o Vavaasis pe Mosës to soe va non.They must be underneath this warning on the part that the Teachings of God Which He had Given First to Moses (Mosaic Law) says like.
understandinanvread (to), recognise (to), understand (to)Buk vapa inan me a kiun.The book for reading and writing.nat 1vable (to be), acquainted with (to be), do not, educated (to be), know (to), knowledgeable (to be), understand (to), wise (to be)Eöʼ to nat noʼ peʼ.I know him.
understand tomaaka 1vbright (to be), clean (to be), clear (to be), give account (to), know (to), light (to be), understand (to)...pan eöʼ se vataare a napan va Israël kee ep pare maaka poʼ e Ieesuʼ eteh....then I will show the people of Israel and they see and then know who Jesus is.
understanding, to beiniinan 1vrecognize (to continually)[recognizing], understand (to continually)[understanding]...ivëh, köm se iniinan vavih voh manih pa koman a rak....therefore, then you(p) must be looking closely here inside the garden.
unevenkekenanadjcrooked, not straight, round, unevenA tanaon to kekenan.The stick is crooked.
unexpectantlyvöhnun 2advunexpectantlyE köövo to vos vöhnun en maʼ.The woman arrived unexpectantly.
unexplainable, to bevatokseanvinexplicable (to be), unexplainable (to be)E Ieesuʼ to nok a ma tah vakoksean poë varih,...Jesus did all these unexplainable things,...
unfortunatetahatadjexile, miserable, needy, outcast, pitiable, poor, unfortunateTahat varenan to këh en pea.The poor pitiable (fellow) left us.
unhooking, to beheherepvtake down (to continually)[taking down], unhook (to continually)[unhooking]Heherep ka maʼ neoʼ a vameök maneom.Keep throwing down to me that papaya.
unimportantsiʼadjinsignificant, little, unimportantA siʼ voe to kunah këh en pa tevan peʼ.The little man got down off of his bed.
unimportant, to bevaörakukvdespise (to), disregard (to), unimportant (to be)...eöm se soe em pan, eʼ se vaörakuk en pa soe man peʼ....that he should disregard his strong talk true (oath).
uninhabited areamoehoetndesert, uninhabited area, wildernessA ma moehoet manuh rës apuh.The desert there is very big.oetndesert, wilderness, uninhabited areaO oet manuh Afrikaʼ to apuh.The desert there in Africa is big.
uniteunununvaccumulate (to), assemble (to), collect (to), gather (to), heap up (to), pack (to), round up (to), unite (to)Pitaʼ, ununun a ma puk manih.Peter, collect the books here.vatönun 1vgather (to), unite (to)...o poen neöm to vatönun pa vasunön e Sosoenën, a taateʼ vakum peöm to vöknah a ma upöm peöm, ko hikta vaʼaus vavih raoe....whenever you(p) gather to lift up (honour) the name of God, your(p) custom of sitting together puts down others of yours(p) and does not help them well.
unloadvöknah 1vagainst (to be), disparage (to), drop (to), humble (to be), humilate (to), let down (to), malign (to), oppose (to), put down (to), unload (to)Vöknah a kaakoʼ manuh.Unload the cargo there.
unlocktakapvopened (to be), stay open (to), unlock (to)A matan a teʼ to takap e non.The man's eyes are opened.
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