Inöʼ 3dial. var.neoʼrel.prnINöʼ to hikta siku varö ko vapus pah apuh vörep en.I did not go to school a long time and the war was very big.
I cansöʼpotntl.prnI can, I must, I shall, I should, I will, IRR I...köʼ hikta taëën söʼ makën eah....and I have no food which I can feed him.
I do not want toisEnglishvbreed (to), coition (to have), I do not want toIs, eöʼ to rës e noʼ pa nö taun.No, I do not want to go to town.
I mustsöʼpotntl.prnI can, I must, I shall, I should, I will, IRR I...köʼ hikta taëën söʼ makën eah....and I have no food which I can feed him.
I shallsöʼpotntl.prnI can, I must, I shall, I should, I will, IRR I...köʼ hikta taëën söʼ makën eah....and I have no food which I can feed him.
I shouldröʼpotntl.prnI should...peöʼ to hikta nat noʼ ta tah se röʼ vahoʼ suk eah po vahutët....I do not know why I should put him in court.söʼpotntl.prnI can, I must, I shall, I should, I will, IRR I...köʼ hikta taëën söʼ makën eah....and I have no food which I can feed him.
I willsöʼpotntl.prnI can, I must, I shall, I should, I will, IRR I...köʼ hikta taëën söʼ makën eah....and I have no food which I can feed him.
iceaësEnglishniceA aës to vaʼeh a ma ö kuʼ.The ice makes the pig meat strong.
IconiumAëkoniamBiblical SourcePrp.NIconium, placePare këh ee pa vöön pamëh, ko nö pet ee manuh vöön Aëkoniam.And they left that village and continued going there to the village of Iconium.
ideakokoman 2nidea, plan, thoughtsKea, o kokoman pën to vih rakah.Brother, your thoughts are good indeed.
identical, to bevatoe 1vequal (to be), identical (to be), match (to), measure (to), same as (to be), similiar (to be)Eën se kon a sök parën nö manuh pa pirakpot ko vatoe.You should get the chalk and you(s) go to the blackboard and match the two things.
idlekarauh 2adjidle, lazyA teʼ karauh ivëh, e Ouriam.The lazy man here is Ouriam.
idolsitonnidolKa taateʼ va pa ëën a vönaʼ, nee to heʼ na manuh pa oraʼ siton,...And the custom of eating the meat they offer to stone spirits (idols),...
IdumeaItumiaʼBiblical ra napan va pa muhin va Itumiaʼ,......and the people of the bush area of Idumea,...
ifkeh 2conjifEën se keh ep in eah, soe ka neoʼ.If you see him, tell me.pan 5conjif, so, that, whetherEe to soe pan e to taneʼ maʼ ruen.They said that they came from the river.
ignitehiupvignite (to), set fire (to), shine (to), singe hair (to)E voe to hiup in a iuun peʼ.The man set fire to his house.vaësvbuild a fire (to), ignite (to), light (to)Vaës a suraʼ ka tao e kuʼ.Light the fire and we will steam the pig in the ground.vëkreavignite (to), light (to)Vëkrea ka möm a suraʼ ka iuun teʼ maaka non kemöm ëën a po pöʼ.Light the fire for us(excl) and the house will be bright and we(excl) (will) eat greens.
iguanatoeereʼniguanaA toeereʼ a tah va muhin.The iguana is a thing of the bush.
illhiinana 2adjfeverish, illEʼ to karë, suk eʼ to nat non pan, eöm to tënan voh em peʼ to haraʼ voh a hiinana apuh.He was worried, because he knew that you(p) had heard that he had felt a big fever.mët 2ndeath, disease (contagious), ill, sicknessA mët pe voe tohat rakah.The man's sickness is very bad.mët 3adjill, sickE voe mët to nö maʼ.The sick man is coming.
ill feeling toward others, to havemökmökvanger (to have), pass by without saying anything (to), ill feeling toward others (to have)E köövo to heve ko keh mökmök ken maʼ pe nesen me e koaʼ.The woman is angry and has ill feelings toward her husband and child.
ill, to behivaʼ 1vdifficult (to be), fever (to have), hot (to be), ill (to be), perspire (to), sick (to be)Pitaʼ to haraʼ a hivaʼ.Peter is feeling sick.mët 1vchew (to), dead (to be), die (to), ill (to be), sick (to be)Ee to teʼ ne nën keʼ antoen po poen ne sunön va Jiutiaʼ e Hëërot to mët.They stayed there until the day when the king of Judea Herod died.
ill, to continually bemëtmëtvdie (to continually)[dying], ill (to continually be)[always ill], sick (to be continually)[always sick]E voe to mëtmët non.The man is continually sick.
illegallyakuk 1advillegally, just, meaningless, nothing, nowhere, that's all, wronglyEöʼ to nönö akuk vah këk e noʼ.I just was going around that's all.
illegitimatenök 2nbastard, illegitimate, orphanEöʼ to hikta onöt noʼ a këh akuk va ka neöm manih po siʼ koaʼ nök.I am not able to just leave you(p) like this little illegitimate child.
illegitimate childpokoʼkoven 2adjillegitimate childA pokoʼkoven hikta papa.The illegitimate child does not have a papa.
illuminateëman 1villuminate (to)A potan se to ëman a popoen.The sun will illuminate the darkness.vamaaka 1vclarify (to), explain (to), expose (to), give an account (to), illuminate (to), make bright (to), make clear (to), shine (to)Ka se poʼ nok ataeah pa vamaaka a ma piuk pee?What will we(in) do then to expose all their lies?... ka se vamaaka manih peʼ a ma tah na to nok voh.... then we(in) must give an account to him all the things which we have done.