


eilzzu ʔe⁵⁵ dzʮ³³1DEM ADJ指示形容词these这些/zhè xiē/Eilmaex zzaegu eilzzu arseir ddei a? 这里的这些东西是谁的?Who's are the things here?2DEM PRON指示代词Pia halzzu nael, ngo ddei; eilzzu nael, ni ddei a. 那些衣服,是我的,这些是你的。As for the clothes, those are mine; these are yours.The /zzu/ PL, is normally for animals or things but can be used for people--but often with negative connotation. The /mel/ PL, is the most polite and most common way to pluralize people but the /mel/ is sometimes used for animals and things as well./zzu/ 是用在动物或东西,但也可以用于人,不过用於人的时候,通常有负面的意思。/mel/ 是比较礼貌上或正常的人的复数的用法。但 /mel/ 有时也可以用在动物身上。Compare 另见armelil zzi ʔi⁵⁵ dzɿ³³
eineʔe³³nə³³🔊1adv.like this; this way这样/zhèyàng/Eil ddei ngo eine bei a, hoxr hoxr? 这个我这样做对吗?(When) I do it this way, am (I doing it) correctly?Eine ar cu ner du lei a, ngo dder ggese zildu a. 长出这样的一棵,我高兴极了。The plant grew up this way, so I am extremely happy.2so much这么/zhème/Ni yar leil eine perniar. Arddolcar a, yar ni leil perniarniar neil? 你这么的关心他。以后他(会)关心你吗?You love him/her so much. Later will s/he love you?eine ~ einei ~ eilne ~ eilnei.Compare 另见eilneeilneieine-eineeineieine leileihaneilnel ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵
eine cirdae ʔe³³nə³³ tsʰɿ²¹tɛ³³adv.from now on从此/cóngcǐ/Ngo faxlguar gga almeixr zzor ssi a xilbe no, yel eine cirdae a ngo faxlguar gga almeixr nr zzor ssi a. 我去饭馆吃饭肚子疼,所以从此以后我不去饭馆吃饭了。When I went to eat in the restaurant my stomach hurt, so from now on I will not go to eat in restaurant(s).eine cirdae ~ eine zzezze.Compare 另见eine zzezzeilboxl zzezze ʔi⁵⁵po̠⁶⁶ dzə³³dzə³³
eine-eine ʔe³³nə³³-e³³nə³³adv.in such and such a way这样这样/zhèyàng zhèyàng/Ni caezi kae a mel, eine-eine kae nia. 你开车,要这样这样开。(我给你看。)When driving a car, (you do it) in such and such a way. (It is done this way.)It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia. 据说张家村那里不用此字。Compare 另见eineilnelvael ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵væ⁵⁵
eineiʔe³³ne³³🔊adv.like this; this way这样/zhèyàng/Compare 另见eineilnel ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵
eine leilei ʔe³³nə³³ le³³le³³adv.as small; as young这样小的/zhèyàng xiǎo de/Ngo ni eine leilei halleix, eilmerxixl ha du lei a nixngaxddux nr ssa. 我有你这样小的时候,晚上不用起床方便。When I was as small as you, I didn't need to get up and use the bathroom (deficate) at night.Compare 另见arsae-leilei loxreineleilei zzailnel leilei ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵ le³³le³³
eine nga aʔe³³nə³³ ŋa³³ a³³🔊conj.being this way; even so; in that case这样的话/zhèyàng de huà/Ni capor zo a, yarzi seir ar ddei zo nia; eine nga a mel, ni dder yarzi goxrseir. 你要找一个很好的丈夫,这样的话你就会很幸福。When you look for a husband, look for a very good one; in this way, you will live very well.This is usually accompanied by rising intonation. 通常带有音调的上升。hanga xa³³ŋa³³
einezeixlʔe³³nə³³-tse̠⁶⁶🔊adv.so这么/zhème/Eilni ni arsaenga a einezeixl sirzzi? 今天你为什么这么生气呢?Why are you so angry today?Vixlux eil pex giel, arsae einezeixl igax zae leir! 这朵花怎么这么好看!This flower is so pretty!1. The /eine/ can be used without the /-zeixl/ in this context with the same meaning, but adding the /-zeixl/ strengthens or adds emphasis. 在这里的语境中,/eine/ 可以不用 /-zeixl/ 而带有同样的意思,但加上 /-zeixl/ 则加强了语气。The interjection /giel/ is often used in combination with the /einezeixl/感叹语 /giel/ 常与 /einezeixl/ 合并而用。einezeixl~ hanazeixl.Compare 另见hanezeixlilnelvael ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵væ⁵⁵
eine zzezzeʔe³³nə³³ dzə³³dzə³³🔊adv.from now on; from this time on从此/cóngcǐ/Eine zzezze, ni ngo ddei gaxggor carbeix nr nga a! 从此你不是我的朋友了。From now on you aren't my friend!eine zzezze ~ eine cirdae.Compare 另见eine cirdaeilboxl zzezze ʔi⁵⁵po̠⁶⁶ dzə³³dzə³³
eir ʔe²¹INTERJhey/ài/Eir, ni azo bei leir? 唉,你在干什么?Hey, what are you doing?
elceʔɯ⁵⁵tsʰə³³🔊n.hair头发/tóufā/Compare 另见olceolcu ʔo⁵⁵tsʰɥ³³
elddeʔɯ⁵⁵də³³🔊n.head/tóu/Compare 另见olddeolddu ʔo⁵⁵dɤ³³
elercirʔɯ³³ɮə²¹tsʰɿ²¹🔊n.owl猫头鹰/māotóuyīng/Elercir ddei meixddur yarzi vaer. 猫头鹰的眼睛很大。The owl's eyes are very big.ulircir ʔɤ³³ɮi²¹tsɿ²¹
elggerddarʔɯ⁵⁵gɯ²¹da²¹🔊n.pillow枕头/zhěntóu/Compare 另见olggerddarolddergge ʔɯ⁵⁵də³³gɯ³³
elleleʔɯ⁵⁵ɮə³³ɮə³³🔊LOC SPATIAL方位furthest inside place/part/section最里面/zuì lǐmiàn/Beizi eil taex mel guixlzir ellele piar gga dol ji nia. 杯子要放在柜子最里面的那边。This cup needs to be put way back in the back of the cupboard.Beizi ellele nal taex ngo leil gger la. 最里面的那个杯子给我。Give me the cup that is furthest back (on the shelf).This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborgiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolleleelleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeir leilyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarollele ʔɯ⁵⁵ɮə³³ɮə³³
eltex ʔə⁵⁵tʰə̠⁴⁴n.hair wrap包头的布/bāotóu de bù/Compare 另见oltexoltux ʔo⁵⁵tʰɤ̠⁴⁴saejimo sæ³³tʃi³³mo³³
er ʔɯ²¹v.speak nonsense乱讲/luàn jiǎng/Ca hal ddei tae a dder zoxlzoxl a, nrbba-nrbba er! 那个人疯了就经常乱讲!That person is insane and always speaks nonsense!This is crazy talk that is used when a demon is invoved, or someone is insane. This word is never used for normal speech.Compare 另见almer'erer ʔɯ²¹
erler-erler ʔə²¹lə²¹-ʔə²¹lə²¹ONOM象声mumble咕哝地/gūnóng de/Yaa nrnel "erler-erler" biar dae. 他们两小声地讲话。Those two are mumbling to each other with an "erler-erler" sound.Compare 另见almer'ererler-erler ʔə²¹lə²¹-ʔə²¹lə²¹

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