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oʔo³³🔊n.goose; swan/é/O mel bbaer ardoxr lesel, nael bir bbaer leil vaer leixl. 鹅有点像鸭子,但是比鸭子大。The goose is a bit like the duck, but (it) is bigger than the duck.Compare 另见gorlorgiellaelo ʔo³³
oʔo³³🔊v.winnow/yáng/Yar omo sser a, ko ddei gga paer mel, o pixl gger. 他用簸箕,把大米里的堪扬掉。S/he uses the "omo" basket to winnow away the chaff from the rice.The grain is winnowed using a flat basket called and 'omo'. When the grain is thrown up in the air so the wind can blow the chaff away, the verb used is /o/. When the grain is simply dropped to the ground so the wind can blow the chaff away, the verb used is /he/.谷粒在一种平浅的篮子(叫做 /omo/)被簸扬。当谷粒被簸扬在空中,所用的动词是 /o/。当谷粒被洒在地上,所用的动词是 /he/。Compare 另见heo ʔo³³
oʔo³³🔊v.yoke架(牛)/jià (niú)/Mi mor a mel, hoba niur nrnel leil o du lei nia. 犁田先要把两头牛架起来。When going to plow the field, first two oxen need to be yoked.lorleix dexl ɮo²¹ɮe̠⁴⁴ tə̠⁶⁶
ode ʔo³³tə³³n.ceramic pot without a top罐子/guànzi/Compare 另见olbbexrsir'odeodu ʔo³³tɤ³³
olʔo⁵⁵🔊INTERJDeixrgoxr halbbu leil capor armel "ol" doxr dae a. 对面有一些男人在叫“ol”。On the facing side (of the mountain) some men are calling out "ol" over and over again.wul wɤ⁵⁵
olbil ʔo⁵⁵pi⁵⁵n.comb梳子/shūzi/Yar olce ddei yarzi seir a, olbil vaervaer ar baxr sser nia. 他的头发很长,要用一把很大的梳子。Her hair is very long, a very big comb needs to be used (to comb her hair).1. The word /seir/ in this context means 'long' not 'good'; it means long when it is modifying long, thin hair-shaped things. To say the hair is good the word /naxrcixl/ is used. /seir/ 这个字用于 /olce/ 的上下文或语境;意思是‘长’而非‘好’;是用来描述细长形状的东西。描述‘头发好’要用 /naxrcil/ 这个字。They use the same word for brush or comb but they often use combs in the village. The verb to brush or to comb one's hair is /bil/.Compare 另见bilolceolbel ʔo⁵⁵pɯ⁵⁵
olbbexrʔo⁵⁵bɯ̠ʔ²¹🔊n.ceramic jar with a top罐子/guànzi/Loxrlapor mel olbbexr gga var puxr ji. 彝族人在坛子里腌腌菜。The Central Yi people pickle vegetables in ceramic pots.The word /puxr/ 'pickle' is a Mandarin Chinese loanword./puxr/ 'pickle 泡菜;腌菜' 这字是来自汉语的借词。Compare 另见odesir'odesir'olbbexr
olbbexr ʔo⁵⁵bɯ̠ʔ²¹
olceʔo⁵⁵tsʰə³³🔊n.hair头发/tóufā/Yar olcer ddei yarzi seir, yarzi igax zae. 她的头发很长,很好看。Her hair is very long, very pretty.1. The word /seir/ in this context means 'long' not 'good'; it means long when it is modifying long, thin hair-shaped things. To say the hair is good the word /naxrcixl/ is used./seir/ 这个字用于 /olce/ 的上下文或语境;意思是‘长’而非‘好’;是用来描述细长形状的东西。描述‘头发好’要用 /naxrcil/ 这个字。olce ~ elce.Compare 另见elcememekorolbilseirolcu ʔo⁵⁵tsʰɥ³³
oldde ʔo⁵⁵də³³1n.head/tóu/Yar mel zoxlzoxl a oldde no. 她经常头疼。S/he often has a headache.2boss老板/lǎobǎn/Yaa oldde ddei zoxlzoxl a yaa leil worper lei nr gger. 他们的老板经常不给他们工资。Their boss often did not give them (their) wages.3peak; tip/dǐng/Worga oldde leil mel mu a, yel mersi yarzi vaer. 山顶上高,所以风很大。The peak on the mountain is very high, so the wind is very strong.Ngo pia naexr a leixrni oldde ddei leil naexr gex dae a, yarzi no. 我缝衣服缝在手指头上太疼了。(When) I was sewing clothes, I sewed over the tip of my finger, (it) was very painful.oldde ~ eldde.Compare 另见elddeolddetexlolddu ʔo⁵⁵dɤ³³
olddetexl ʔo⁵⁵də³³-tʰə̠⁶⁶v.bow; kowtow磕头/kētóu/Niul neir leil olddetexl nr ddo; Arbosobo niul leil guaxr dae var! 我们不能给鬼磕头;上帝会管着我们!We must not kowtow to demons; God will take care of us!This is when the person is on his/her knees and bows the head down to the earth and up again repeatedly. It is not just nodding the head.olddetexl ~ texl.Compare 另见golgolmerolddeolmerolzzirtexlolddetexl ʔo⁵⁵də³³-tʰə̠⁶⁶
olddirʔo⁵⁵di²¹🔊n.fox狐狸/húlí/Olddir mel mel maeldae sisimo, halae yix ker lel he. 狐狸是尾巴长长的,还喜欢偷鸡吃。Foxes have long tails, and they like to steal chickens to eat.olddir ʔo⁵⁵di²¹
olgaʔo⁵⁵ka³³🔊n.life生命/shēngmìng/Ca mel arseir lei olga zza; olga nr zza arddeirnga mel dder si ho a! 每个人都有生命;如果没有生命的话就死了!Everyone has life; if they don't have life they have died!The word /olga/ 'life' means to be alive; not dead. The word /nixixl/ 'life' is talking about the experience of living life from day to day./olga/ '生命' 此字的意思是‘活’而不是‘死’。/nixixl/ '生活, 日子' 是指日常生活一天一天的经历。Compare 另见nixixlolga ʔo⁵⁵ka³³
olga leixrga zi ʔo⁵⁵ka³³ le̠²¹ka³³ tsɿ³³adv.dangerously; dangerous situation危险的情况/wéixiǎn de qíngkuàng/Ssormaer mel ssormine hier car, olga leixrga zi hier dae. 女人生孩子的时候,是在很危险情况生的。When a lady gives birth to a child, (she) is in danger giving birth.It was reported that this word is not used in ZhangJia village.据说张家村那里不用此字。
olggarʔo⁵⁵ga²¹🔊n.skull髑髅/dúlóu/Compare 另见olggargexolggar ʔo⁵⁵ga²¹
olggargexʔo⁵⁵ga²¹-kɯ⁴⁴🔊n.skull髑髅/dúlóu/Niur sima hal ddei halmaex hormo nixixl dol a, olggargex lei hie jjia a. 那个死牛放在那里很长时间,连髑髅也干了。That dead cow body has been there for a long time, and it's skull has completely dried out.olggargex ~ olggar.Compare 另见cizixlgexhherggargexleixrzixlgexleixrzixlpaeolggarolggargex ʔo⁵⁵ga²¹-kɯ⁴⁴
olggeʔo⁵⁵gɯ³³🔊v.droop; hang down/chuí/Nol mel nr yoxr zza. Cirmelmel, olgge nr var; cirmelmel nael, olgge var. 小玉米有两种。有一些,头不会弯下来;有一些会弯下来。There are two types of the "nol" plant. Some of them can not (produce a head of grain that will) droop down and some can (produce a head of grain that will) droop down..Cixlni mel almer lei doxr a, ngua ddei cei mel ol-nr-gge. 今年一直的下雨,(所以)我家的谷子不会饱满了。This year it continually rained, (so) our grain did not (produce a head of grain that will) droop down.This is talking about when grain has a full head of seed and it droops down because it is heavy.olgge ʔo⁵⁵gɯ³³
olggerddar ʔo⁵⁵gɯ²¹da²¹n.pillow枕头/zhěntóu/Aniux mel halae ye seir a, olggerddar yixr nr var. 孩子还小的时候,不用睡枕头。When a child is still small, (s/he) doesn't need a pillow to sleep.olggerddar ~ elggerddar.Compare 另见elggerddarolddergge ʔo⁵⁵də²¹gɯ³³
olleʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³🔊LOC SPATIAL方位highest; top最顶部/zuì dǐng bù/Xi vae a mel, olle zzir hal cexr leil vae nr ddo, almer ssu var. 买房子不能买最顶上的那一层,会漏雨。When buying a house (an apartment) don't buy the top floor, it may leak when it rains.To have this meaning, the /olle/ has to be followed by /zzir/ 'most'. For the ZhangJia dialect the /ollele/ is used in place of the /olle zzir/. 要有‘最顶部’ 的意义,/olle/ 要有 /zzir/ 紧跟着。张家村彝族语方言用 /ollele/ 代替 /olle zzir/。Compare 另见olleleolle ʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³
olleleʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³ɮə³³🔊1LOC SPATIAL方位highest; top最顶部/zuì dǐng bù/Sixzzei eil zzei ollele mel ngax ar ddei nor deix dae. 这棵树的顶部停着一只鸟。A bird landed on top of this tree.For plants /ollele/ or /olniuxniux/ can be used to indicate the top. The plants don't have to be tall trees, a person can point at the top of a small potted plant and use the word /ollele/ or /olniuxniux/. For other items, like the top of a building or something like that, only /ollele/ can be used.植物可以用 /ollele/ 或 /olniuxniux/ 来表示顶部。一般的植物(不必是高的)的顶部都可以用 /ollele/ 或 /olniuxniux/ 来表示。其他有如建筑物的顶部,只能用 /ollele/。2first最前边/zuì qiánbian/Ngua worga maex ssi a, ngo nimar ollele ssi dae. 我们去爬山的时候,我弟弟在最前边走着。(When) we climbed the mountain, my younger brother went first.This term can also be used for a sentence like: "The first will be last and the last will be first."3furthest; innermost; inside最里面/zuì lǐmian/Ni cuaho ddei dax ollele nal piar a gga cux. 你坐窗户最里面那边。Sit on that side furthest inside from the window.This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeir leilyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarollele ʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³ɮə³³
ollertaexl ʔo⁵⁵lə²¹tæ̠⁶⁶n.bald head光头/guāngtóu/Aniuxssor hal ddox yarma yar leil ollertaexl ar taex cox gger dae. 那个小孩子的妈妈给他剃了一个光头。That small.child's mother shaved him/her (a shave and s/he was) bald.Compare 另见ddoboollertaexl ʔo⁵⁵lə²¹tæ̠⁶⁶
olma-olpiu ʔo⁵⁵ma³³-ʔo⁵⁵pʰʲʲo²¹idiom习语white-haired elderly person白发苍苍/bái fà cāng cāng/Camar hal ddox olma-olpiu ar ddox loxr a. 那个老人变成了白发苍苍的老人。That old person has become a white-haired elderly person.olma-olpyu ʔo⁵⁵ma³³-ʔo⁵⁵pʰy³³
olmer ʔo⁵⁵mɯ²¹v.bend over/wān/Alddur peixl ddei ardoxr miax, yel ngo olmer dae a ddir saelnga. 门有点矮,所以我只能弯着进去。The door jam is a bit low, so I have to bend in order to enter.1. This is only for bending the body at the waist. This is not for bending something and it isn't bowing the head; that word is /olzzir/. olmer ~ golmer.Compare 另见golgolmerolddetexlolzzirolmer ʔo⁵⁵mɯ²¹
olmiʔo⁵⁵mi³³🔊adj.dizzy/hūn/Merni taex yarzisael lexl, yel eilni ngo oldde lei lexl olmi a. 太阳很晒,所以我今天头都昏了。The sun is very bright, so today the sunshine made my head dizzy.Compare 另见olmi-maelbaolme ʔo⁵⁵mɯ³³
olmi-maelbaʔo⁵⁵mi³³-mæ⁵⁵pa³³🔊idiom习语dizzy/hūn/Arni yar zzibbaer ddayixr a, eilni halae olmi-maelbamo. 昨天他喝醉了,今天还昏昏的。Yesterday s/he got drunk, (and) today (s/he) is still dizzy.This means the same as /olmi/ 'dizzy' but the /-maelba/ emphasizes the /olmi-/.Compare 另见olmiolme-maelba ʔo⁵⁵mɯ³³-mæ⁵⁵pa³³
olnaer ʔo⁵⁵næ²¹INTERJ(Interjection used when plowing with water buffalo.)(叹--对牛说)(duì niú shuō)Mi mor su mel mi mor a, niur mel leil "olnaer" eine bbeix a, za xixl lei lol a. 犁田的人对牛说 “olnaer” 让它转回来。Those plowing the fields, when plowing, call out to the oxen saying "olnaer", to cause (them) to turn around. 1. This word is not used in the village of ZhangJia because that village is located on the side of the mountain and the fields are not plowed by water buffalo. /alnaer/ 此字不用于张家村,因为这村子处于山的边缘上,他们犁田的方式,不同于拥有大片平坦田地的马游村。 alnaer ~ olnaer.Compare 另见alnaer

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