Vasui - English



pon1dual.prnboth, them twoKe Judaʼ e taman voh Perës; pen Sëra. Ke sinëëre pon ivëh e Temaʼ.And Judah was the father of Perez, and Zerah. And the two of them's (their) mother was Tamar.2vcrack (to), disturb (to), find (to), split (to)E voe to pon a kuma.The man split the sweet potatoe.
ponkiʼvdoubt (to), undecided (to be), unsettled (to be), unsure (to be)Ke Ieesuʼ soe ke raoe pan, “Suk ataeah, köm töhkak ka komëneöm ponkiʼ?Then Jesus said to them like this, “Why for what reason then are you(p) surprised and your(p) thoughts unsure?
ponotadjhuge, thickA teʼ ponot ivëh.The huge man here.
PonponPrp.NPonponA siʼ ö hat rakah köʼ vaen voh eoʼ pa vöön va Ponpon.I almost indeed got married long ago in the village of Ponpon.
PonsiusBiblical SourcePontiusPrp.NPontiusE Ieesuʼ to nö, pareʼ sun en pa matan e susun pa kaman vëh, e Ponsius Paëlat.Jesus went, and he stood in the eyes of (before) the boss man of this government, Pontius Pilate.
PontiusBiblical SourcePontiusPrp.NPontiusO man rakah, e Pontius Paëlat pen e Hëërot me a ma teʼ va Israël to vatönun manih Jerusalëm marën a vöknah e Kristo, a teʼ kikiu vivihan pën nën to vateʼ voh.Truly indeed, Pontius Pilate and Herod and the people of Israel got together here in Jerusalem in order to put down Christ, your holy servant whom you(s) appointed in the past.
PontusPrp.NPontusEa a ma teʼ va Patiaʼ, me Midiaʼ, me Ilam, me to taneʼ maʼ Mësopotemiaʼ, me manih Jiutiaʼ, me Kapadosiaʼ, me manih Pontus, me Esiaʼ.We are all the people from Parthia and Media and Elam, and from Mesopotamia and here in Judea and Cappadocia and here in Pontus and Asia.
ponumnrhinocerous beetleA ponum to paraʼ söë.The rhinocerous beetle is very strong.
pop1vabide (to), unable (to be)Ea to pop i no a taëën koʼ teʼ toʼtoʼ no.We live by food then we stay alive.2nearthly life, popeVasuksuk neʼ to vasun a ma teʼ susunön to matop me a kiiki a pop pa napan va Israël.After this he elected all the important persons (judges) to care for and to judge the earthly life of the people of Israel.3adjable ; earthly life ; standard of livingA pop pea manih to paraʼ hat.Our(incl) standard of living here is very bad.
popoen1nnight, darknessO popoen to tovuh en manuh tope.The night is cold there on the mountain.2adjblack, darkA koman a vë to parin popoen vörep.Inside the cave it is indeed very dark.3advdarknessA napan poë varih to teʼ ne sih pa popoen, ee se ep ee po maaka apuh.Those people who always stayed (lived) in darkness, they will see the great light.
popokaʼvcall (to continually)[calling], enumerate (to continually)[enumerating]Popokaʼ a ma ehnëëre.Continually calling their names.
popokoʼnseedling (tree)Pareʼ kon o eraʼ pa meemeʼ me a purmakaöʼ sekaʼ, ko hovën pa ruen, pareʼ tai maʼ a popokoʼ naon,Then he took the blood of a goat and a young cow, and mixed with water, then he pulled out the tree seedlings,
popot1vdecorate hair with flowers (to)E köövo to popot e koaʼ.The woman is decorating the childs hair with flowers2ndecorationsO popot pe köövo peöʼ to para matan vavih.My wifes decorations look very good.
porahvopen (to) (bag, book)Porah o pëk pën.Open your(s) bag.
PorataʼPrp.NPoratha, name
poreʼvopen (to), shatter (to)O karas kakaak peöʼ ne koaʼ to poreʼ.My drinking glass was broken by the child.
porisTok Pisinpolismvpolish (to)Ea se poris a iuun pea.We(incl) will polish our(incl) house.
PorsiusBiblical SourcePorsiusPrp.NPorciusO pöök kirismas to oah ee, ke Porsius Festus kon en pa tasun pe Feliks vamanih pa teʼ susun pa kaman pa muhin va Jiutiaʼ.Two years passed, and Porcius Festus got the position of Felix like this the boss man of the government of the bush (province) of Judea.
posvblock (to)A eean to pos hah en a hanan.The fence is blocking the road.
poseanvbusy (to be), held back (to be)Ee to posean voh ne pa ma taateʼ varih, pare hikta nat ne pataeah se tavus manih pee.They were busy before with all of these behaviours, and they did not know what would happen to them.
poskruTok Pisinboskruncrew (of ship)O poskru va po paröʼ to takin maʼ Rauaʼ.The crew of the ship went ashore at Raua.
pospipvclog (to)O karöʼ to pospip keʼ sup.The arteries are clogged then it (will) swell.
posposvblock (to continually)[blocking]A eean to pospos hah en ko kuʼ hikta se tavus hah ne.The fence is blocking the road again and the pig will not get out again.
potEnglishbotnboatE voe to peah en po pöh pot to nö en vöön.The man got into the one boat and went to the village.
potannday, sunPotan to papa non.The sun is shining.