Vasui - English



PrisëlaʼBiblical SourcePrisilaPrp.NPriscillaEöm se heʼ a potan vih peöʼ manih pe Prisëlaʼ me Akuilaʼ, ee a poa tom manot to kiu vaʼpeh me a ne neoʼ sih manih pa kiu pe Ieesuʼ Kristo.You(p) must give my good day (greetings) to Priscilla and Aquila, they are the couple who always worked with me in the work of Jesus Christ.
profetBiblical SourceprofetnprophetMoaan vöh o propet to teʼ ne.Previously the prophets lived there.
PrökorasBiblical SourceProkorusPrp.NProchorusPare vateʼ ee pe Stivin, eʼ a teʼ rakah va po vaman no a Tuvuh Vasioʼ to puh non peʼ. Ee to vateʼ me e Filip, ke Prökoras, ke Nikenor, ke Timon, ke Pamenas, me e Nikolas.And they selected Stephen, a man full of faith indeed whom the Sacred Wind (Holy Spirit) filled him. They also selected Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas.
pu1vangry (to be), grow (to), imagine (to), suspect (to)...pare pu ne pan, e Pöl to me ho poan koman Iuun Hinhin Apuh....and they suspected that Paul took him inside the Big Prayer House (Temple).2ncanoe paddle, termiteKon a pu ko hoaʼ o sini.Get the canoe paddle lets row the canoe.3adjgrownO pu vameök to abuh rakah.The grown pawpaw is indeed big.
PuaPrp.NPuah, placeKe sunön va Isip vaoe en na pe Sifra pen e Pua, a poa köövo poë varih to matop ne sih o köövo va Israël, pa tëëm kokon koa'.The king of Egypt called for shiphrah and Puah, the two women here were looking after the women of Israel, during the time of delivery of babies.
puatvleak (to)Iuun peoʼ to puat.My house is leaking.
PubliusBiblical SourcePubliusPrp.NPubliusA ö oeh to teʼ non pa vöön pamëh ne Publius a teʼ apuh va pa to pamëh to vaneah non.A piece of land was in that village which Publius the important man of that island owned.
puh1vfill (to), full (to be)Ko poen nee to ep in a ö no a vesun to teʼ totoopin e non nën, ee to puh rakah ee po vaeö.And the day (time) when they saw that the star halted there, they were full indeed with joy.2nknotA puh to sunpip hah e non pa ö siʼ hop koe.The knot blocks again all the little things from going inside.3adjfullA motoka puh to ahika ta ö sen tok.The full car does not have space for you to get on.
puhioʼvjealous (to be)E Paëlat to soe vamanih, suk eʼ to nat e non pee to puhioʼ ne e Ieesuʼ, ivëh, nee to vahoʼ suk maʼ poë manih pa koreneah.Pilate said like this because he knew the people were jealous of Jesus, because of all the work he had continually done, and they brought him and put him into their hands.
puhmoninal.bdpt.nkneeA puhmon pe voe to sup.The mans knee is swollen.
puhpuh1vdamp (to be), rough (to be)Ka ma ö puhpuh neöm se een variriun.And all the rough surface parts which you(p) must dig make flat.2adjdamp, rough surface, wetO rara peöʼ to puhpuh aoeʼ e non.My waistcloth is still damp.
puhuhbite off (to)E këh pah kot puhuh en na pa apineah.The dog indeed bit off his tail.
puhuknsummit (of mountain)A puhuk tope vëh nemöm to peah voh em na.The summit of this mountain that we(excl) had gone up long ago.
puincaterpillar, cocoon, termiteO pui to pah miröʼ rakah e po naon.The termite truly indeed ruined the tree.
puitvpull out (to), uproot (to)Puit hah a ma pös kuʼ.Pull out again the pig post.
pukEnglishbuknbookO puk vëh eʼ o puk va pa kiun me a inan.This book here is a book to write in and to read.
pukisEnglishbokisnbox, wooden chestA pukis naon pe voe kekeraʼ to ës pa suraʼ.The wooden chest belonging to the red skin man was burned by fire.
pukninnpimpleEën to teʼ me non o puknin peo vi.You(s) have very many pimples.
pukpukTok Pisinpukpuknalligator, crocodileA ma pukpuk to koroh non po kosan.All the crocodiles are sleeping on the sand.
pun1vapply (to), decorate (to), paint (to), smear (to)Pun a iuun pën po pen ereraʼ.Paint your(s) house with red paint.2nbeard, decorationO pun vih rakah maneon nen to kaun.The decoration is very good that you decorated.
punaʼntwinsA poa koaʼ punaʼ.The two children are twins.
punis1ndifficult, problem, punishment, troubleA punis peʼ to apuh rakah.His problem is indeed big.2advheavyO naon punis ivëh.This tree is heavy.
PunonPrp.NPunon, placeEe to këh a Salmonaʼ ko uʼuu tanu ee Punon.
punöʼ1vattempt (to), test (to), try (to)Eöʼ se punöʼ a nö sinup pa pöstakah.I will try to go tomorrow morning.2ntemptationParën nat nom vaonöt a punöʼ, keʼ tavus manih pemöm.And you(s) do not allow this temptation, then it comes like this upon us.
punpunnbody hair, hairy, whiskersE voe punpun sionin rakah ivëh, e Michael Heleʼsi.The man with very hairy skin here is Michael Helesi.