Vasui - English



solnsaltA sö to vatetehean non a taëën.Salt is the thing that salts food.
SödomBiblical SourceSodomPrp.NSodomManih po poen ne Sosoenën se kiiki a taateʼ hat pa napan varih po oeh, a napan va pa poa vöön varih Södom me Gomoraʼ neʼ se vakmis vasoneʼ pee.Here on the day that God will judge the bad way of life of the people of this ground, he will give the people of the two towns here Sodom and Gomorrah lesser pain.
söëvstrong (to be)E Sosoenën a teʼ söë vörep rakah.God is indeed very strong.
sökEnglishsoknchalkE tisaʼ to kinkiun non pa ta sök.The teacher continually writes with chalk.
sökoretEnglishchocolatenchocolateA sökoret a tah ne to nonok nee maʼ pa kakau.Chocolate is the thing they continually make from cocoa.
SölBiblical SourceSolPrp.NSaulManih pa poen pamëh a Söl to kiu vakis rakah en pa vakmis o teʼ va po vaman, me a ma vamomhë pe Ieesuʼ, pan eʼ se ip vamët raoe.During those days Saul worked hard indeed to hurt the people who believed, and the disciples of Jesus, so that he could kill them.
sölpansulfur... o vös sölpaʼ to hikta ip vamët, eʼe to hikta panih a ma taateʼ hat pee....sulpur stones did not hit fatally (kill) they did not change their bad customs.
sömpotntl.prnyou must(p), you will(p), you shall(p), you should(p), you can(p), TAM you(p)A napan o pöh peo to vamatop ne a vaman a neoʼ pa ö söm vaʼaus raoe.There are very many people to care for their faith and you(p) must help them.
sömahinal.kin.naunt (your), uncle (your)Sömah teʼ non nih?Where is your uncle?
sösöëvstrong (to continually be)E Sosoenën a teʼ sösöë vörep rakah.God is continually indeed very strong.
SöstënesBiblical SourceSostenesPrp.NSosthenesEöʼ, me e kea pea vaʼih e Söstënes, to kiun o kiun vëh manih peöm o kum teʼ to vaman nem e Sosoenën,I, and our brother here Sosthenes, wrote this writing to you the group there that believe God,
söʼpotntl.prnI can, I must, I shall, I should, I will, IRR I...köʼ hikta taëën söʼ makën eah....and I have no food which I can feed him.
SpenPrp.NSpain...eöm se vaʼaus a neoʼ pa vavih peöʼ manuh will help me with my visit to Spain.
StakisPrp.NStachysParöm heʼ pet na a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Stakis, eʼ e vamomhë vih peöʼ.And you also give my good day there to Stachys, he is my good partner.
StepanasPrp.NStepanasKën kea, eöm to nat e nem po pus koaʼ pe Stepanas.Group of brothers, you know all the children of Stepanas.
sterenkEnglishstringnstringTeʼ maʼ a sterenk, eöʼ se nohtöön a kes.Bring the string and I will tie up the carton.
StivinBiblical SourceStivenPrp.NStephenPare vateʼ ee pe Stivin, eʼ a teʼ rakah va po vaman no a Tuvuh Vasioʼ to puh non peʼ.And they appointed Stephen, he indeed is a man of belief and the Holy Spirit filled him.
StoikBiblical SourceStoikPrp.NStoicA ma pah teʼ nat nee to pokaʼ ne o Epikurian, me o Stoik ee to vavatet ne o vavaasis vamoaan.One educated man and they called him Epicurean, and Stoic previously followed the teaching.
SuakuʼBiblical SourceSuakuPrp.NSuakuSuakuʼ a ëhnan a vöön.Suaku is the name of the village.
SuaʼPrp.NShua, nameManuh Adulam, ne Judaʼ to ep a pah koaʼ mon eʼ e koaʼ pa teʼ va Kenan. A ëhnaneah Suaʼ pareʼ me en peʼ. Ko teʼ me e non peʼ.
suinflat land, plainIvaʼih a moeh sui.This here is flat land.
suipnbud, new leafO suip oe to teʼ me non a ruen.The new coconut leaves are remaining in the water.
suisnearthwormA suis a siʼ tah to teʼ non koman oeh.The earthworm is a little thing that lives in the ground.
suk1vadhere (to), follow (to)Ko soe em, “Se suk atan poanhe?Then we said, "Which trail should we(excl) follow?2nshellA ma suk peöʼ noʼ to kon maʼ manuh tahiʼ.My shell that I got there in the ocean.3conjabout, after, around, because ; for, in, reason (the)...suk eöʼ to teʼ vaʼpeh me e noʼ pën....because I stay with you.4advconcerning, for what reason, on, on behalf of, on account of, since, so that, the reasonEën ip eah suk ataeah?For what reason did you hit him.E Mosës to vaonöt suk voh ka neöm a taateʼ pamëh, ...The reason Moses allowed for you(p) that custom (law), ...
sukaʼ1vshort tempered (to be)E koaʼ to sukaʼ vatëh.The child always is short tempered.2nsugarE voe to iu a sukaʼ koman a tiʼ pe.The man likes sugar in his tea.3adjangryA teʼ sukaʼ to koroh non.The angry man is sleeping.