Vasui - English



supon1vban (to) ; forbid (to), smoke fish (to)E Adam pen Ev to kök voh a soe supon pe Sosoenën.Adam and Eve broke first the forbidden talk of God.2ntaboo markEe to vahoʼ ee po supon manih pa vös vëh to sunpip non a matan a koveʼ, ...They put a taboo mark on this stone which blocked the eye (entrance) of the hole, ...
supsup1vovercast ( to continually be), swell (to continually) [swelling], swollen (to continually be)A piʼ pe koaʼ to supsup.The child's sore is continually swollen.2nboil (a)Ko ö va po suraʼ pamëh se tarih vamanih po avavoan pareʼ avoes en po oeh va Isip, ka tëëm no ö pamëh se vuʼ manih pa sioniira napan me ro tah mamakën ka ma supsup tavus ko tëtësvak ko piʼ apaʼpuh tavus ee manih pa napan ,me ro tah mamakën manih po oeh avoes.”
suptainnbulge (a)A teʼ suptain vörep to ko.The very bulging man drifted.
supuinovergrown, tall grassA supui to pah miröʼ en pa nepnep pöʼ pemöm.The tall grass indeed destroyed our(excl) planted greens.
supuiirekin.nancesters (their)Manih pa hanan pamëh no a napan va Israel se kon ee pa ma tah vaneah pa ma ken supuiire,
supunmöminal.kin.nancestors (our)(excl)A kën sipunmöm to tötöönun ne sih pa tope vëh, ko vasunön e Sosoenën.Our(excl) ancestors continually gathered on this mountain to lift up the name of the Lord (worship the Lord).
SurPrp.NShur, place
surapvhop (to), jump (to), plunge (to)Ea se surap e na manuh naman.We(incl) will jump over there in the lake.
suraʼnfire, firewoodE koaʼ to ës a koreneah po suraʼ.The child burned her finger with fire.
SusBiblical SourceSusPrp.NZeus nameEe to vëhnan e Banabas e Sus, ke Pöl nee to vëhnan poë e Hëmis.They named Barnabas Zeus, and Paul they named him Hermes.
sus1vbruise (to), chip stone (to), flatten bamboo (to), smash (to)A kën köövo to sus ee maʼ pa koop nopoen.The group of women flattened the bamboo yesterday.2nlava flowRuen Oneʼ to teʼ me non a sus.The One river has lava flow.
SusanaʼPrp.NSusanna...Susanaʼ, me a ma meh upöm köövo me, nee to pët nö vaʼpeh....Susanna, and other women too, they also journeyed together.
SusaʼPrp.NSusa, place
susoʼnhornbillA növan vëh a susoʼ.This bird is a hornbill.
susun1varise (to continually)[arising], stand (to continually)[standing]A potan susun pa ma pöstakah.The sun is continually rising every morning.2nboss, captain, chief, masterSusun pën to karauh.Your boss is lazy.3adjoverseerE voe susun to teʼ me ne koman a iuun.The man overseer is in the house.
susunëvweak (to continuously be)... o sionin to susunë e non pa vatet.... the body is weak continuously to follow the good customs.
susunönadjchief people, important people, lord peopleKo teʼ susunön ësës heʼ me ro teʼ vavaasis to nat ne o Vavaasis pe Mosës me ro teʼ sunön va vöön,Then the chief men who burn gifts (offer sacrifices) (chief priests) and the teaching people who know the Teaching of Moses (Law) (scribes) and the chief people of the village,
susunpipvblock (to continually)[blocking]Paröm pikpiuk, eöm rakah ko varih to susunpip nem a napan pa nö manuh pa Matop Vih va pa Vöön va Kin.And you(p) are liars, you(p) indeed are these ones continually blocking the people from going to the Good Reign of Heaven.
susunuhvrub off dirt (to continually)[rubbing], shake off (to continually)[shaking], wipe off dirt (to continually)[wiping]...këh maʼ a iuun me a vöön pamëh paröm susunuh o kusan vëh to teʼ non pa ma moeeneöm....leave that house and that village and you(p) dust off the dirt that is on your feet.
susupavthrash (to continually)[thrashing]Manih pa ma muhin kurus a napan se karë, pare naöp pa ö no a tahiʼ to susupa va non.In every country the people will worry and they will be afraid of the way that the sea continually thrashes.
susupatönvthrash (to continually)[thrashing]Ka supa susupatön e non maʼ peʼ keʼ tatakök en.And the waves continually thrashed it and it was broken.
susurapvjump (to continually)[jumping]Ka ivat ip maʼ, ka supa susurap hop e non manih po komön o paröʼ.And a storm hit (blew) and the waves were jumping (rolling) inside here on the ship.
susvennbutterflyA susven vëh to parin matan vavih.This butterfly really looks beautiful.
sutramEnglishsutlamnflashlight, torchKon maʼ sutram peöʼ.Bring my flashlight.
suvinnconch shellE voe to pipiu a suvin.The man is blowing the conch shell.